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PostPosted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 11:01 pm 
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No problem for backing up someone who knows much more about this process than I ever will. :mrgreen: I actually wasn't sitting there for all that long -- it was a regional in a sparsely-populated area and I had a good time with it. There were a couple of contestants out of the 25 or so that I recall listening to that I wanted to listen to for longer. And yes, I did appreciate those folks. Then again, I have a lot of appreciation for anyone who has the balls to get on a stage and do this. It's harder than many of us realize.

IIRC, the one contestant I gave the highest marks to was a fellow in his mid-50s with a tie-dyed T-shirt on who likes metal records (exactly the sort of records I know I can't sing effectively). I definitely wanted to hear more from him.

I'm a big Eric Clapton fan (among lots of other musicians), and I sang "SWLABR (She Walks Like A Bearded Rainbow)" by Cream the same night as the competition, after it was finished, not knowing that he was still in the room -- I have a Cream greatest-hits album or two. He and his wife both walked up to me afterward and said something like "WOW! I haven't heard that since I was in high school 40 years ago!" My parents were in college in 1967 when Cream's Disraeli Gears album was out, and my mom still has it, so she laughed like hell when I told her about that. :lol:

Turi, I'm not as stringent as most judges are about length of song -- hell, many, if not most, of the songs I like most to do are 5 minutes long and up -- but that's definitely something most judges are watching for. I hope you can shy away from that. Leaving the judges longing is DEFINITELY preferable to overexposure.

-- Mike, who went out singing tonight and only had 1 song out of the 4 he did that wasn't a request from someone else in the place -- I'm fortunate that people here like me! :oops:

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 5:36 pm 
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Well my net is cut off so I have to use internet cafe, since the library is always full of nerds at my TAFE so I can never get online there.

I will do "Unchained Melody" and I don't need to get it on CD since I sing it my own way (I do the Righteous Brothers version though) but the version that the competition has is the exact same one that the host has where I go to karaoke - they are supplied by the same company, so I know it's the exact same CD.

I've done it a fair few times and well I did it last night and everyone went crazy so I guess that's what I'll do.

I've been told heaps in the last few days that "The Prayer" is really overdone at this stage of the competition - like it's been done year after year since the competition started - nobody has done the version I do (Anthony Callea) but still, everyone tells me "Unchained Melody" is never done at this stage for some reason?
I guess not everyone can sing it up to par for the competition, or it just skips peoples minds since it seems like it would be such an overdone song (which it IS, just not at this competition).

So at least I've kinda got my song chosen - but I got a bigger reaction for "These Kids" by Joel Turner, check it out, there's a really fast rap part that goes for a while that I can nail - everyone cheers way before the rap ends and I got a few free drinks last night for that and "Unchained Melody".

But I have been told this competition loves ballads for some reason, so "Unchained Melody" is my best bet - now I just gotta hope no one has already registered it or I'm stuck with "The Prayer"!

Oh and I got through "These Kids" without looking at the screen, since I know the song and I have previously been raped by doing a rap song where the lyrics on the screen were WRONG, so I knew better than to look at the screen (reading the wrong lyrics when you do a rap song throws you off and you mess it up), so I just didn't look at the screen at all and owned the song haha..
I'd love to do it for the comp, but they love ballads so I'm gonna go with "Unchained Melody" since everyone knows and loves the song.

I've only got like 1 more karaoke left before the competition, vocally I am up to par and I know I will score maximum points for that, I'm worried about the points for clothes and stage presence though, but since it's a ballad, I'm assuming some sort of suit will do, and as long as I get into the song and don't look at the screen I don't see how I could go wrong, hopefully. :/

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 10:12 am 
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I agree with what you're saying! ...best of luck...let us know how it comes out!


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PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 9:54 pm 
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Okay well it's this weekend (not last weekend as I previously thought), but they changed the one song thing to doing your song, then if you make it into top 10, you do another song to try win the state finals (both of these rounds occur at the same time so it's not like the top 10 come back some other day)..

Well I registered "Unchained Melody" as my first choice, and then I registered "The Prayer" for the top 10 choice (if I get that far), I also got a e-mail from them with some information and stuff, but lucky for me it has what the scoring system is, which is this:

Vocal Ability - 30pts - the quality and individual characteristics of the voice in relation to the music
Vocal Expression - 20pts - How well the performer is able to express the meaning and mood of the song
Presentation - 20pts - How well the performer has dressed to suit their performance
Stage Presence (Charisma) - 20pts - The physical expression of the song in terms of the overall visual presentation of the performance on stage
Entertainment Value - 10pt - Overall reaction to the performance

Vocally I know I will get top marks since I KNOW I can nail the songs, expressing both the songs I chose comes naturally since I can get into them a fair bit, presentation means I should wear a suit or something?
I don't feel comfortable wearing suits, they don't suit me.. I planned on rocking up in a hoodie and cargo pants ._.
But since 20/100 points is presentation, I guess I'll need a suit - both my songs would fit wearing a suit quite well.
20 points being on stage presence ISN'T COOL with me. I lack stage presence, but since I chose ballads I guess I just need to not look at the screen and express what I'm singing to get through this "stage presence" thing?
I don't know, not much else I can do, I'll lose some serious points here.
Entertaintment value I'm assuming is like an audience reaction, and I get big cheers everytime I do both Unchained Melody and The Prayer.

So really, it's kinda looking good for me except for stage presence, I'm guessing I'll be able to get roughly 80 out of 100 points, maybe..

Since I can't possibly have 0 stage presence, but I don't think I'll get max points for presentation.. I think I'll get ontp a couple of my friends and see what they think I look good in and is suited for a ballad.
My gut tells me to wear a suit, but I only have pants for a suit, my suit jacket looks weird.. but who knows, I might be able to pull it off.

Only one more karaoke night before Sunday, and I'm very nervous!

But I'm happy they e-mailed me the scoring criteria now someone can review them and maybe give me some pointers in regards to each one specifically, I don't have the net at home, but I'll be sure to check in each day 'til then, so if I don't reply for a bit it's 'cuz I haven't seen your post, wish me luck fellas!

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 8:53 am 
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Presentation - 20pts - How well the performer has dressed to suit their performance

Is says to suit their performance. This doesn't necessarily mean wear a suit. :D

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 7:22 pm 
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Yeah but both my songs are slow ones which would be more suited to a suit.

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 4:37 am 
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I personally think upbeat songs get the crowd more into it and thats' what a lot of judges look at crowd reaction. Unchain My Heart by Joe Cocker has always been a favorite of mine.

for females I like to suggest a country rock song like I Feel Lucky by Mary chapin Carpenter , or Dreamlover by Mariah Carey

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 6:47 pm 
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I know, I prefer to sing upbeat songs but it's too late to change it now and no one dances at these competitions so I don't see the point in really doing a upbeat song.

I would have liked to but if there's a room full of people and nobodys gonna dance, just sit there staring at me, well might as well do a ballad or something to take advantage of that haha.

Last night was my last chance to practice I got through most of the stuff I did without looking at the screen, I really am getting better at that, I feel I'm ready for Sunday but I guess now I just gotta wait and see.

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 4:31 pm 
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I didn't even make it into the top 10. ._.

Not sooking or anything, but I was easily the best singer there and I didn't look at the screen once.. all that got into the top 10 was basically hot chicks and a old dude who everyone felt sorry for.

The chick who actually won done some cabaret thing that sucked and everytime she looked away from the screen she screwed the words up.

I don't understand how these competitions work.

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 5:20 pm 
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Sorry to hear that but That is Karaoke contests for you. I have yet to see a fair contest and the sad thing is there are a couple of reasons not to do contests that bar owners don't get.
1) while the contest might increase the attendance for the time the contest is going but once it is over the people who came for the contest leave and never come back unless another contest comes along.
2)on finals night the regulars don't get to sing their normal songs so they get upset and leave for a bar that won't do contests.
Those two reasons are why I will NEVER run a contest based on actual performance ability.

The Line Array Experiment is over. Nothing to see here. Move along.

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 6:10 pm 
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King Turi @ July 5th 2009, 7:31 pm wrote:

I didn't even make it into the top 10. ._.

Not sooking or anything, but I was easily the best singer there and I didn't look at the screen once.. all that got into the top 10 was basically hot chicks and a old dude who everyone felt sorry for.

The chick who actually won done some cabaret thing that sucked and everytime she looked away from the screen she screwed the words up.

I don't understand how these competitions work.

There are many singers who believe that they are better than they really are. It's hard for me to evaluate without hearing an example of your singing. Maybe you're just not as good as you think you are? Could you possibly record yourself singing and put an MP3 up on the singers showcase? There are literally thousands of people who try out for American Idol EVERY year who think that they sing well and are shocked when SIMON tells them the truth....possibly for the first time in their lives. If you really want an honest opinion of your singing, I will be totally honest with you. There are many good singers who get screwed over at karaoke contests but there are even more lousy singers who believe that they got screwed over at a karaoke contest when they just weren't good enough and no one had the courage to tell them.

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 9:27 pm 
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Nah I know what I'm doin', I have been singing for ages, only been doing karaoke for like a year or two, but I started recording myself and showing people when I was like 15, I'm 21 now, honestly I was horrible when I started but I'm actually good now.

I'll record myself sometime, I don't have a computer microphone so I can't, but I'll be sure to do something soon since I want to put some stuff up on youtube, do you want an acappella? Something with a backing track?
Or like an acoustic song?

I understand why the chick who got through got through, she did something different - though she sucked, it was different to what other people were doing.

I know for next time to do something unexpected, not just something I think will impress the audience, since I impressed the audience.

I have to impress the judges and well I guess they'd hear Unchained Melody every few weeks at karaokes right?

Next year I'll probably do "These Kids" by Joel Turner, it's never done at karaokes, and nobody does anything like it at these competitions.

So at least I walked away with a little knowledge about what sort of stuff to steer clear of for next time.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 8:46 pm 
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King Turi @ July 6th 2009, 12:27 am wrote:
Nah I know what I'm doin', I have been singing for ages, only been doing karaoke for like a year or two, but I started recording myself and showing people when I was like 15, I'm 21 now, honestly I was horrible when I started but I'm actually good now.

I'll record myself sometime, I don't have a computer microphone so I can't, but I'll be sure to do something soon since I want to put some stuff up on youtube, do you want an acappella? Something with a backing track?
Or like an acoustic song?

I understand why the chick who got through got through, she did something different - though she sucked, it was different to what other people were doing.

I know for next time to do something unexpected, not just something I think will impress the audience, since I impressed the audience.

I have to impress the judges and well I guess they'd hear Unchained Melody every few weeks at karaokes right?

Next year I'll probably do "These Kids" by Joel Turner, it's never done at karaokes, and nobody does anything like it at these competitions.

So at least I walked away with a little knowledge about what sort of stuff to steer clear of for next time.

Put up anything that you can manage to record. I will give you an honest opinion. To see what I'm talking about, you should check out the singer's showcase. There are a few people that sub songs there on a regular basis that cannot carry a tune in a bucket but plenty of people tell them what a great job they did singing any song they butcher. I will give you my honest opinion of your singing in a private message because if I happen to think that you are not a very good singer and I post it in the open forum, it will probably get deleted and I will get a warning about it.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 9:59 pm 
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I can take all criticism, I'll try upload something sometime soon, I don't have the net on at home so I'm not sure how to do it, might have to borrow someones USB or something, and get a mic for the computer..

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 3:07 pm 
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you should check out the singer's showcase. There are a few people that sub songs there on a regular basis that cannot carry a tune in a bucket but plenty of people tell them what a great job they did singing any song they butcher.)

bruce i'm shocked that you would talk about me in that way....you have no heart, no compassion.....lolll...by the way, i just bought a bigger bucket.....tc

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 3:28 pm 
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ok What Now @ July 7th 2009, 6:07 pm wrote:
you should check out the singer's showcase. There are a few people that sub songs there on a regular basis that cannot carry a tune in a bucket but plenty of people tell them what a great job they did singing any song they butcher.)

bruce i'm shocked that you would talk about me in that way....you have no heart, no compassion.....lolll...by the way, i just bought a bigger bucket.....tc

If the shoe fits.... :D

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 2:03 pm 
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so now your gonna talk about my big feet? do you have no shame? :wink:

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 12:36 pm 
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LMFAO! seriously PMSL! Bruce- have I told you how much I adore you?(eyelashes batting) You nailed it!

Turi- now that the contest is over-I'm not being mean when I say it turned out pretty much like I expected. There's a big difference between "confidence" & "conceit" You really need someone to give you a wake up call because, based on your earlier posts you have those 2 things confused. I have 2 things to say:one you DON'T take criticism or suggestions very well unless it's already what you were "thinking". We were trying to tell you-REPEATEDLY- what you'd be up against & you blew it off. You also need to take note that when people "clap" for you at a karaoke show- you're being compared to many people who flat out CAN'T Sing AT ALL! Make no bones about it-enthusiastic applause is a "thank you" for "Not sucking". When you get into a contest however- you're saying "I am GOOD" So you're being COMPARED to people who ARE good-if not the other contestants-MOST ASSUREDLY to the original artists. I was pretty taken aback when you said you were better than the righteous brothers :shock: I told you that you were being lazy in your preparation. Even if you have the voice to back up what you were saying-without preparation to frame that raw talent- you didn't stand a chance. In most contests someone lacking stage presence but with a truly great voice- will at least make the top 10. That's why I was in total agreement with BruceFan.I have a strong suspicion that you're one of those people who thinks they're alot better than they actually are. yeah I know you probably hate me right now cuz what I'm saying HURTS. But you SERIOUSLY need a wake up call!

If you want to win a karaoke contest- you need to look at the top 10.I guarantee those girls were more than "hot chicks" Thats a "cop out" on your part soyou don't have to face that you have lots of room for improvement. If you were as good as you say you are-EVEN without ANY stage presence- you would have been in the top 10. And that was just a "regional" You truly don't have a clue as to what you'd be facing at an international level. When you said that you "could blow the previous winners out of the water" I had a feeling your head was kind of in the clouds but decided to wait to see what the outcome of the contest was.

I was 6 when I started singing,17 when I started competing, & when I was 21- I won almost every contest I entered. When I didn't I just KNEW that there was something fishy about the outcome(this sounding familiar?). AT 23 when I went professional. My ego took a serious spanking about everything from my "style" to my "phrasing"to my "upstaging other musicians" I even got hell when my runs were weak, laughed at if I couldn't nail a note the way I needed to. What I'm trying to say- is- "it's about alot MORE than hitting the notes" it's about HOW you hit them & the way you string them together to make a cohesive performance. Now that I'm 43 - I listen to the clips of songs that WON those contests for me and scratch my head about how anyone even CLAPPED for me Much less let me WIN. I was GAWDAWFUL! Seriously! I was terrible! Those tapes are just plain BLACKMAIL material and a total embarrassment for me. I have 20 years under my belt as a professional vocalist & have never sounded better BUT I am also PAINFULLY aware that there are PLENTY of singers out there that can whip my butt in a competition. Yeah I'll give them a run for their money- but - I don't win ALL the time. When I don't win- I go back and try to figure out what I can change to be better the next time. I am CONSTANTLY HUMBLED by great vocalists who I could never hope to equal. Acknowledging "talent" in others is crucial for anyone that has a desire to "grow" themselves. I have faced some difficult truths through self examination. The last big contest that I didn't win was in 2005.I went OVER THE TOP with costumes and songs & went in CONVINCED that I'd walk away with not only the prize-but the highest score ever given in the competition.I sang my tail off & couldn't understand how I came in 5th(granted out of a starting point of 80,000 from all over the world-5th isn't bad) but I was still upset. But when I watched the videos back I was horrified at what a cocky BEEYOTCH I looked like. I didn't even LIKE MYSELF when I saw the clips! Had I been a judge- I would have WANTED to see "Me" go down because I had so much attitude. YOU exhibited the same attitude in your earlier posts & it's almost certain it came out in your performance. I also see that arrogance in your evaluation of the outcome of the contest. STOP BEING A VICTIM! Face facts- you got beat. Yeah the outcome could have been different with a different set of judges but if you don't admit that there was a REASON you didn't make top 10 & try to take steps to fix it, YOu will NEVER win a contest where there are actually people with real talent! I don't think your song choice has much bearing on how well you do if you don't come across as "likeable" on stage. Look at American idol this year. Kris Allen had NO business winning against a talent like Adam Lambert & Adam DIDN'T "come across" as cocky! But,everyone just expected him to win. That motivated the people who liked Kris's "humble aw shucks" attitude to get out En masse for him! You need to get the basics & face reality...which is knowing your song by heart, getting comfortable on stage & actually playing to the audience instead of woodenly standing there trying to half-azz sing your way past other people who are giving it their "all". "Giving it your all" is all at the discretion of people watching you. Meaning that YOU may think you ARE giving it your all,but you have to convice THEM that you are. There is a big difference between those 2 things. When you enter a contest- you need to hope & pray that an audience Loves you(including the judges) but don't ever go in there expecting adoration as your due or they will turn on you out of spite. I don't think you gave your all. I think you were very lazy! You refused to practice at home.You wouldn't sub a song so that we could honestly help you get better & you even told us you were "the best singer" at every show you go to. How can we(or anyone) give honest advice to a person who is basically saying they don't need it? I know that this sounds harsh but you need someone to wake you up. And I'm only saying what everyone else is thinking but is too polite to say.

Stage presence is all a part of "likeability" if you're so busy patting yourself on the back that no one else can get a hand in there to do it for you,you're never gonna be likeable. You can have all the sour grapes you want but you need to put the work in- if you want to win. Get your song and performance down pat! That means buying the song so you can practice at home! It also means performing in a mirror to perfect selling of the song. It means going into the contest with a respect and appreciation for the talents the other contestants have. I'm not saying to be afraid of them but there is never a need to belittle them- even if only in your mind. Contests are about more than winning. They are about the lessons you can learn to improve yourself. Many of those lessons won't have anything to do with actually singing-they'll only help you to be a better person.I firmly believe that the "better person" you are the better performer you will be. I am NOT saying you aren't a nice person.I am saying you have your head buried in the sand about your abilities vs the abilities of others. Stop being so cocky or you will never be better than you are right now. I would be literally HALF the person I am had I kept the attitude I had when I was your age. And even now I have infinite ROOM for improvement! Plus those people you were blowing off as "hot chicks"(even AFTER the contest) kicked your tail! NINE of them..oh-plus "an old man "they put in there because they felt sorry for him" WHAT does this say about YOUR singing? Do you honestly believe that 10 people placed above you because they looked better- or were more pathetic? That's what you infer in your comments. THAT is TRULY "saaaaaad" Don't you think they they just might be worthy of a little more respect that calling them "hot chicks" and " a pitiful old man" even if to prevent yourself from looking pretty bad? I'd much rather be able to say " yeah I got beat-but OMG you should have seen them- they were GREAT! it's always better to be topped by someone who is "good" rather than to admit that "unworthy" talent beat you out. Think about it.

BTW- "Cabaret"when done well...is extremely HARD to beat! Any song written with the express intention of being done "on stage" like Cabaret, broadwayetc... already has an inherent edge over songs that were just meant to be heard- not seen. One of the winningest songs I've seen repeatedly knocked out of the Ball park is "When you're good to mama" from the show "Chicago" Another 2 hard to beat if done well- "I am changing" & " And I am telling you" from "dreamgirls". For men "bring him home" from "les Mis" & "this is the moment" from "jeckyl and hyde" are tough contenders when done well! The last 2 were suggested to you when you asked our opinions on songs- but you didn't feel like learning them....So don't knock "cabaret" it seriously deserves respect. It did WIN after all!

I'm genuinely sorry if this makes you mad.


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PostPosted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 5:37 pm 
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OMGGGGGGG i went out to karaoke lastnight and they just loveddddddd me...i'm guessing there still clapping for me....i even got 4 room keys...hmmmmm yes they were guys but what the heck........j/kkkkk i didn't go out and they didn't love me.. :( ..and i don't need any room keys....anywho....

my lord gurl how do you really feel? loll....

personally i have no problem with others being better then i am, but do they allll have to live in my home town?

i think everything u said was pretty spot on, i read the same thing you were saying when he was talking about himself....yes i'm bored....

i really don't have the voice for a major contest...there looking for you to show off ur range and most of them never think of the low notes as range, unless there extremly low, i have a decent range but it starts low and goes up...most songs r out of my range, personally i think they write songs just so i CAN'T sing um....

i've had songs where just 1 word r note was to high for me.....i think ONLY SIXTEEN
by Doc. Hook....that whole song is perfect for me except at the very end where he says...to KNOWWWW....I can't hit the KNOW....sucks but such is life....

the song by Bobby Vinton...(I love how you love me), was to high so i just changed the whole song to fit me, turned out pretty good i think...very different but it worked...i hope....i'm at the stage where i love making things different if i can....i learn alot that way....good r bad its fun...i really don't care if someone doesn't care for my singing to much, hopefully there's someone that does...it all equals out...so i just relax and sing no pressure...

when i first started karaoke which wasn't really that long ago,i think i was under a rock... i walked in and they were just picking songs any songs for you to sing...well they picked a womans song for me, i had no clue what it was r how it went...so i just did what i could, heck that was the best time i ever had...yea i'm sure it sucked but it was still fun...
i try not to get to serous when singing, at this point its all in fun, nothing more....
hmmmmmm, having said that i rarely will get up and sing a song that i don't know that well, the song i mentioned before i wasn't expected to know but to get up and screw up a song, i don't like that....but i'm guessing no one does....altho i see friends of mine and others say...oh i think i'll sing this song i have never sung it before.....lolll.....helloooooo....but to each his own i guess....maybe it relaxes them singing a song they don't no so they don't expect to much from themselves.... ok i'm less bored now....

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 6:02 pm 
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It seems like there aren't a lot of songs being produced right now that make use of really low voices. That is too bad, because there were songs in the 70's and 80's that used the bass to good effect, people like Johnny Cash and Waylon (Honky Tonk Heroes). The guy in the Oak Ridge Boys that sings the deep bass really adds to the songs. And what about the Spinners, Games People Play? The part of the song where the guy sings "12:45 Headed for the subway home"--I mean, that sleepy bass makes the song!

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