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 Post subject: Week of July 4th
PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 10:13 am 
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My Thursday and Friday shows this week were probably the busiest they've been in the last four months. Seems like fewer people are going away; my Thurs gig which is only 4 mos old was 50-60 people on the patio for the entire evening (I run from 6 to 10 p.m.) and there were hangers-on even when I was done. 10-12 really, really good singers who kept the non-singers totally entertained. Weather was IDEAL, about 78-82 for most of the time. I love doing outside shows now, totally hooked on it. Only problem is glare on the screen - we're working on ways to reduce it. (Stage back is whitewashed).

Friday show is in a very small town - we were jam packed with people and I ended up going 45 minutes over (don't usually have to do this at this venue). The 4th falling on a Saturday with a lot of people having Friday off really worked well into the Thursday and Friday shows this year.

Just wondering how attendance was at other shows - in the past the 4th has turned most of the towns around here into ghost towns. Not this year. :D

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 Post subject: Re: Week of July 4th
PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 10:27 am 
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Last night's show for me was unusual in the fact that it really is my regular Saturday show, only done last night (Friday 3rd). As far as head count, I had around 70ish, and they stayed all night. However, the rotation was pretty small, only got to 10, and that was right at the end. But overall, I think It was pretty good, even if most people just were pooped out from the hot day. It got to mid 90's yesterday at my venues town. So, I think the heat drained everyones excitement and enthusiasm. I have today off for a change, so i'm gonna be doing a whole lot of nothing,,,whooohooo.

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 Post subject: Re: Week of July 4th
PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 10:47 am 
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Hi Karen

Glad you got some business! My thursday was extremely busy and it usually is. It's at a sports bar and the talent there is simply amazing. Two of our regulars there are trying out for American Idol July 7-9 in Orlando. Anyways we always have at least twenty to twenty five in rotation and it was no different.
My Friday night gig was pretty dead though. Maybe 10-15 in rotation. We just recently got the gig a while back and are still establishing ourselves there. It's at a bowling alley and the bar is HUGE. Big stage, etc. I must say that we had the stage set up awesome with a light show, props, fogger, etc. It was really cool. The people who were there had a blast. Patience is a virtue.... right????

HAPPY 4TH!!!!!!!

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 Post subject: Re: Week of July 4th
PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 11:10 am 
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Thursday was maybe the busiest night I've ever had doing karaoke. We only did three rounds between 9 and 2:15. You couldn't move. Both inside and outside.

As a consolation to my regular bunch, who really make it all happen, I did a very rare Friday show last night in my home room. I usually keep Fridays open for outside gigs. It was perfect. Most rounds were around 12 singers. I'm glad I did it. I had fun and so did they.

Tonight I imagine will not be just slow, but absolutely dead until at least midnight. But I imagine we'll get a few shuffling in after fireworks and home parties.

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 Post subject: Re: Week of July 4th
PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 11:33 am 
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My Thursday show was the busiest yet! First time my rotation was so long, a scroll bar appeared on my compuhost screen. No problems or issues. Unless you count a group of 5 girls that keep turning in duets and tri-uets. I finally asked them nicely to read the guidelines in the book. I don't mind it when it's a slow night but on a hoppin' night, it creates problems.

I was asked out of the blue that night to appear Friday and Saturday. I agreed and last night went a little slower. Never had a full rotation. Then again, no one knew up front about it as it was not advertised.

Tonight I expect a huge crowd even though it wasn't advertised. My venue is 2 blocks from the Mississippi river and a huge fireworks display always leaves a tangled traffic mess afterwards and many people walk over to the bars to quench their thirst.

Lights- if you use them, you owe to yourself to check out the scorpion storm or the amercian dj galaxian http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pz2yBRzKN0c

Sell your old lights and pick this up, it's all you will need. The above video is for the galaxian and is better than videos I have seen for the storm but the storm does the same thing. Galaxian can be found for $300 including shipping. If you buy the one with only the green light, it's $250 including shipping.

KingBing Entertainment C'mon Up! I have a song for you!!! [font=MS Sans Serif][/font]

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 Post subject: Re: Week of July 4th
PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 11:34 am 
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We went to our friend's show Friday night (same venue--we are Sats but they are having a band tonight) and it was MOBBED. They were still going a half hour over time when we left. Had 30 singers in a small bar. There were lots of people from out of town visiting friends plus members of the band that will be singing tonight. Everyone was wild and in a good mood. We met some new people who say they want to come to our show in the future so I guess mingling is a good thing (we weren't trolling, the hosts kept announcing who we were).

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 Post subject: Re: Week of July 4th
PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 1:15 pm 
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Yes Friday was off the hook. The bar was packed upstairs, downstairs and in the patio. The rotation never got above 25, but the face were continuously new with about 10 staying all night.

Good music, good friends, howling good times!

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 Post subject: Re: Week of July 4th
PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 4:27 pm 
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Happy 4th to everyone, I'm off in a bit to start up my system and watch a dead bar for an hour before it gets swamped after the fireworks!

KingBing Entertainment C'mon Up! I have a song for you!!! [font=MS Sans Serif][/font]

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 Post subject: Re: Week of July 4th
PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 4:29 pm 
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One more thing, speaking of fireworks and lights, check out our bridge that goes to Illinois. Only one like it in the world that I know of. Watch the whole video. Colors are capable of changing instantly.


KingBing Entertainment C'mon Up! I have a song for you!!! [font=MS Sans Serif][/font]

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 Post subject: Re: Week of July 4th
PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 8:51 pm 
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If people are going to post videos like that, they should:
1. Never use a cheap cell phone camera
2. Never mic the wind or driving over gravel noise.
3. Never have hip hop music playing in the background.
probably the most painful thing i had to listen to. A word to the wise, mute the sound.

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 Post subject: Re: Week of July 4th
PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 6:13 am 
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There's better ones but I was on my way out the door. Thought it went with the theme of the thread being the 4th of July.

KingBing Entertainment C'mon Up! I have a song for you!!! [font=MS Sans Serif][/font]

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 Post subject: Re: Week of July 4th
PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 8:06 am 
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Saturday at our venue was not nearly as packed as the night before. The owner brought in a band instead of us but many people were off at special events or doing family things so it wasn't a huge crowd. (Actually it wasn't a band--it was people singing to pre-recorded tracks so it was sort of like karaoke where only 5 people got a turn.) We had a better crowd for karaoke last Sat but we weren't competing against the 4th of July celebrations. I counted only 3 of our regular singers in the crowd with 4 more showing up much later.

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 Post subject: Re: Week of July 4th
PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 10:30 am 
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I guess I'm the odd man out. LMAO

July 3rd, Friday was slow and I had the 4th of July off. It is always a slow weekend at the bar, so I actually don't work the 4th. There are to many things going on in Chicago and the surrounding suburbs. Big name bands at the festivals and the Chicago fire works kill our crowds. It's the only Saturday out of the year I tell the owner I won't be there. He doesn't have a problem with it. In fact he doesn't even book a band because he knows it isn't worth it.

[shadow=pink][glow=deepskyblue]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
[updown]~*~ MONKEY BUSINESS KARAOKE~*~ [/shadow][/updown][/glow]

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 Post subject: Re: Week of July 4th
PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 10:38 am 
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With the exeption of some technical difficulties Friday was alright for a first night at a venue. Saturday on the other hand wasn't as good. I had half the amount of singers although I got to see two people I haven't seen in years. Maybe the fireworks might have had something to do with it.

The Line Array Experiment is over. Nothing to see here. Move along.

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 Post subject: Re: Week of July 4th
PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 12:16 pm 
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Karen K @ Sat Jul 04, 2009 11:13 am wrote:
My Thursday and Friday shows this week were probably the busiest they've been in the last four months. Seems like fewer people are going away; my Thurs gig which is only 4 mos old was 50-60 people on the patio for the entire evening (I run from 6 to 10 p.m.) and there were hangers-on even when I was done. 10-12 really, really good singers who kept the non-singers totally entertained. D

We had a standing room only on Thursday, about 45 or so singers total - lucky to get 2 songs in. Not sure about the weekend, I was off Fri-tonight. I imagine Fri was at least as busy as our normal Fridays are. Sat I am willing to bet was a ghost town until around 11PM!

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 Post subject: Re: Week of July 4th
PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 3:08 pm 
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Ya wanna see a cool bridge....check this out-



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 Post subject: Re: Week of July 4th
PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 6:25 am 
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Saturday was slow as expected. Miraculously each round somehow had at least six singers. I don't know how we did it because the place looked dead until 11:30. But the last two hours did pick up somewhat.

So... anyone out there have a good Fourth turnout?

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 Post subject: Re: Week of July 4th
PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 10:45 am 
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DJMojo @ Sun Jul 05, 2009 5:08 pm wrote:
Ya wanna see a cool bridge....check this out-



That was cool mojo. Our bridge is lit up 365 nights a year.

I played mainly dj music Saturday, crowd wasn't as huge as I thought, but was still good size.

KingBing Entertainment C'mon Up! I have a song for you!!! [font=MS Sans Serif][/font]

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