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PostPosted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 5:57 pm 

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I feel that getting fluffed day in & day out cannot help you to do better.

I certainly agree with that and it's too bad that critiques are forced to be fluffed on other sites. As I said, I was willing to take whatever singing/music comments came my way, I never had any issue with any person being honest about performance or quality. I would think if monitors removed negative comments regarding anything else, it may be because it was deemed unnecessary for a song sharing site. I just don't feel I belong on a site where people are counting comments and commenting on such or when or how often someone is doing this or that. And I didn't come here to change anything, it's not my place, but someone wondered what a new person thought of the goings-on earlier and I shared my observations and evidently some people had similar thoughts and this has gone on long before I got here, so it's obviously not a big concern for many who remain. I think it's great that so many people call SS home and have such fun and enjoy so many friends. Not everyone can fit in everywhere.

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 6:43 pm 
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Once in a while here at SS we're gonna get a crack pot that visits this site & tries to make turmoil amongst the people... we had that not too long ago & I think you just happen to come here in the midst of it all... so I'm assuming your experience didn't go that well. Believe me, the crack pots never last here, well maybe some do :lol: but eventually they do go away cause they just can't compete... plus we won't take any of their crap & we make it clear to them that, that kind of behavior is not wanted here.

If your passion is to sing, then just sing & don't concern yourself with the amount of comments a person gets or what they're doing.

My hubby Steven John has the right attitude that's why he's a survivor... he just does his own thing, puts it out there & if people comment, they comment, if they don't, they don't & basically that's the kinda attitude I have. You're never gonna please everybody so just do your own thing. Wherever you go in life, not everybody is gonna like you or your music (I never heard you before so please don't take that personal) it's just a fact of life.

I have learned in my life that if you don't feel you fit in, that should give you more perserverance to strive harder & be the best you can be. I thrive On challenges & SS is a very big challenge & only the strong will survive... the weaker folks will find another place where all is harmonic so it doesn't disturb the world they live in.

I can relate to what you're saying but I personally think you should stay here & sub your songs & just be yourself & don't worry bout all the insignificant stuff that goes On.


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PostPosted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 7:05 pm 
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Oh 1 more thing, in regards to the commenting thing... if I continuely support someone by listening & commenting On their songs & they don't say thank-you and/or reciprocate me, their done in my book. I always say... even if it was Robert Plant himself subbing songs here & he doesn't say thank-you or even give me the time of day, then I feel it's a slap in my face. There are a few folks here like that, that think they're holier (sp) than thow & I will just turn back & ignore them even if their excellent singers, don't matter to me. I wonder if these folks in question where playing out somewhere live and after their set was done & they didn't say thank-you to the crowd that supported them all night, you think they'd go back to see them again... NO, I certainly wouldn't.


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PostPosted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 7:29 pm 
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Hi Nancy, I would encourage you to keep recording and subbing here. There's absolutely no reason why you shouldn't. Over the nearly four years I've been here, I've seen many different levels of participation here and that's okay. Nobody expects that you comment on every person on the site or even that it should become so overwhelming that you lose enjoyment of the site. I tend to spend most of the time I do spend here on those who support me. Some people only comment on the kinds of songs they personally like or singers they particularly enjoy listening to. Everyone has their way of commenting.

What may cause a few people to develop a bit of a negative attitude about a particular person is when that person just subs and runs - never bothering to support anyone at all. They certainly have the right to do whatever they want but they shouldn't cry the blues because nobody is commenting on their songs (which I've seen happen). There are also some who can be visited ten times on ten different songs by the same person commenting yet they'll never reciprocate even once. That just seems rude to me. I just tend to ignore both kinds of people. I don't think most people expect anyone to spend their lives on this site so please don't feel your level of commenting isn't acceptable. From what I've seen in the short time I made your acquaintance, you didn't fall into either category - but I wasn't scrutinizing your movements either so I don't know, LOL. Please stick around and enjoy, Nancy!


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PostPosted: Thu May 28, 2009 11:12 am 
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LMAO- I should have known that nothing would be different if I went away for awhile...and I was right! I stopped subbing because I didn't have time to listen to and comment on other people's subs...plain and simple. I may be the exception- and maybe there was some backbiting goin on behind my back...umm...head scratch....pardon that pun....that I wasn't aware of- but almost all of my critiques- when I chose to give them were received graciously. That is the negatives and the positives. I think the biggest problem many have is when they get a general negative like "That sucked" and nothing else to help them. Who wouldn't be hurt and want to lash back. A better way of saying it is to find a positive like "I thought the song suited you" then tell them HOW it could be better like "but I think it would sound better fi you lowered the key" ...Now Vik we all know you say it like it is...but I don't think you have evr been deliberately malicious. Maybe your bluntness came off sounding alot harsher than you meant...maybe you could have softened what you said with a few positives..but it's all hindsight. Bottom line- it's a singers showcase...singer almost ALL have egos( weather they admit it or not) thus there WILL be times when people get theor feelings hurt. That's life. Why is everyone making such a big deal out of it..lawd SS is Sooooo serious! never seen anything like it! But I'll give ya this- it better than any soap I ever saw! LAMO

That's my 2 cents...how U Durin?


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PostPosted: Thu May 28, 2009 11:28 am 
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YEOUCH...I just finished reading the novel that has successfully been written by Vik and Perry...then all the back lash....HOLY MOLY... :o I guess the motto here is don't say anything you wouldn't say to someones face behind their back...but monitor what you do say to people's faces. Lawd I 'leive I's back in kindegarden! I'm not taking any sides...I like both you- Vik and You-Perry but this should have never hit a public forum post...it should have stayed in private message land. You both need a cyber-spanking...though I''m kinda skeered y'all might enjoy that a bit too much! :argue:


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PostPosted: Thu May 28, 2009 4:35 pm 
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how ya doing Paula :) nice to see you poke your nose back in from time to time

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PostPosted: Thu May 28, 2009 5:37 pm 
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Paula, you're a day late & a dollar short... all this nonsense happened a while ago, no need to rehash the old when we're On with the new... everybody seems to be getting along just peachy :wink:


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PostPosted: Thu May 28, 2009 7:53 pm 
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I'm always in the nick of too late! :roll: But as far as I can tell between now and last time I was on here a few months ago its still just the same sh!t different day..but I'll grant it's never boring! The only surprise to me was that Cappy didnt have his nose all up in this...then again we'd have had like 2o- pages instead of 2 on this topic- ROTFLMFAO!

Vik you crack me up ya feisty kiwi! Hope you're up and about- last time i stuck my npse in- you'd had surgery!


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PostPosted: Thu May 28, 2009 11:21 pm 
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its actually Kappy not cappy. and he has been too busy to spend much time here. As for me...well yanno if ya cared you wouldnt have to ask here :)

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PostPosted: Fri May 29, 2009 9:14 am 
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I guess wherever you go in the real world conflicts are bound to happen... with so many different personalities running around, it can't be avoided. Of course we can all look the other way.. but how boring would that be :lol: The entertainment is the best in town here at the Showcase... ya get a lil' of everything all at once :lol:


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PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 6:40 am 
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oneofakind864 @ Thu 28 May, 2009 wrote:
YEOUCH...I just finished reading the novel that has successfully been written by Vik and Perry...then all the back lash....HOLY MOLY... :o I guess the motto here is don't say anything you wouldn't say to someones face behind their back...but monitor what you do say to people's faces. Lawd I 'leive I's back in kindegarden! I'm not taking any sides...I like both you- Vik and You-Perry but this should have never hit a public forum post...it should have stayed in private message land. You both need a cyber-spanking...though I''m kinda skeered y'all might enjoy that a bit too much! :argue:

That's no joke Paula. I think the biggest problem could be using the pm function in KS. It's just too easy to let our guards down and speak too freely on a subject or person or whatever? Then the wheels start turning. It's hard to tell when we're stepping in the doodoo. I guess the best thing is to never reveal any feelings about anything to anyone....ever.
Then there's the ocassional inquiring mind pm later on from an unsuspected player that just fuels the fire or cinches the deal that makes things worse. lol
I'm not a willing player any longer. Didn't think I ever was, but yes, it's all in print.
My advice to anyone now is.....there is no place to hide. Your words will eventually surface, you will have to answer for it, there is no safe refuge.
And it doesn't really mean that anyone's character or integrity is questionable....we're all human, and can only react when the voices in our heads tell us to? LMAO
There is no real feud between myself and Vicki....it's all a bunch of nonsense that's better swept under the rug. I think people just get bored sometimes and need some kind of........spanking??? :mrgreen:

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 2:13 pm 
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PCornell @ Tue 23 Jun, 2009 6:40 am wrote:
I think people just get bored sometimes and need some kind of........spanking??? :mrgreen:


Are you admitting to the need?

Because if Paula is not willing... I'll fill in for her. Just sayin'. :D

♥ Laugh your heart out, dance in the rain. Cherish the memories, ignore the pain. Love and learn, forget and forgive. Because you only have one life to live. ♥

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 5:10 pm 
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Hi Perry! :wave: Yeah Charm packs a mean right hand spank and I've got a good
left hand one, so you're covered! :wink:

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 5:45 pm 
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BlueStainedShoes @ June 23rd 2009, 16:13 wrote:
PCornell @ Tue 23 Jun, 2009 6:40 am wrote:
I think people just get bored sometimes and need some kind of........spanking??? :mrgreen:


Are you admitting to the need?

Because if Paula is not willing... I'll fill in for her. Just sayin'. :D

Can I watch?? :o

I think I may be a little too tempted to join in though. :twisted:

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 7:42 pm 
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I have been thinking the past few days.. :roll: :shock: do you think the dynamics would be any different say, in an alternate universe, if somehow we members knew each other in an offline setting, that had nothing to do with music, for example, neighbors, co-workers, etc?.. who might be on the same or different wavelength from another??? :angel:

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 11:04 pm 
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it would be nice to think so Joyce...but looking at my husbands corporate world, and my entertainment one...and remembering when I waited tables...and before that college...it just seems to be human nature to want to open up...just as it's human nature to be competitive...and human nature to take sides...and unfortunately human nature to sometimes hurt each other.

I don't think God intended us to be this way...but that;s what happens when we exercise "free will" I see the same sniping, gossip, yada yada in almost every situation I've ever been exposed to...even church! So I don't think it would change if we all were face to face...it might temper how we interact with a little real friendship and affection if we were all in those everyday situations - but the same old would probably still be there. To be honest- working through bad times similar to what Vik and Perry had going here- has more often than not- cemented a pretty darn good foundation for a real "friendship" ...even with my husband- working through the crap has made us stronger. i think the term "fairweather friend" got it's start in something like this. It's easy to be friends and supportive as long as times are great and everyone agrees...but when 2 people can work through a disagreement- and either "agree to disagree" or acknowledge that both sides are valid...THAT is what REAL friendship is all about.

By that same token- (IMHO) It's also why there is so much fluffin in the SS- it takes 10 times more effort to be honest and critical in a constructive way than it does to fluff. People who take time to actually listen and give in depth "constructive" critiques deserve an extra pat on the back for their efforts. Think about how hard it is to tell someone that you "didn't like" something they sung...but do it in a way that makes them want to improve instead of lashing back...it's HARD. I've seen you do it though...isn't it much more time consuming than just fluffin? I'd like to think Vik and perry were just "being honest with each other" and calling it like they saw it...doesn't make either one more right than the other...just "differing in their views" Nuttin wrong with that...it DID make for some interesting reading though didin't it? (wink wink)

Perry- glad to hear you and Vik stopped the feud...now about that spankin (evil grin and menacing cackle) :twisted:


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PostPosted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 6:18 am 
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oneofakind864 @ Tue Jun 23, 2009 wrote:
it would be nice to think so Joyce...but looking at my husbands corporate world, and my entertainment one...and remembering when I waited tables...and before that college...it just seems to be human nature to want to open up...just as it's human nature to be competitive...and human nature to take sides...and unfortunately human nature to sometimes hurt each other.

I don't think God intended us to be this way...but that;s what happens when we exercise "free will" I see the same sniping, gossip, yada yada in almost every situation I've ever been exposed to...even church! So I don't think it would change if we all were face to face...it might temper how we interact with a little real friendship and affection if we were all in those everyday situations - but the same old would probably still be there. To be honest- working through bad times similar to what Vik and Perry had going here- has more often than not- cemented a pretty darn good foundation for a real "friendship" ...even with my husband- working through the crap has made us stronger. i think the term "fairweather friend" got it's start in something like this. It's easy to be friends and supportive as long as times are great and everyone agrees...but when 2 people can work through a disagreement- and either "agree to disagree" or acknowledge that both sides are valid...THAT is what REAL friendship is all about.

By that same token- (IMHO) It's also why there is so much fluffin in the SS- it takes 10 times more effort to be honest and critical in a constructive way than it does to fluff. People who take time to actually listen and give in depth "constructive" critiques deserve an extra pat on the back for their efforts. Think about how hard it is to tell someone that you "didn't like" something they sung...but do it in a way that makes them want to improve instead of lashing back...it's HARD. I've seen you do it though...isn't it much more time consuming than just fluffin? I'd like to think Vik and perry were just "being honest with each other" and calling it like they saw it...doesn't make either one more right than the other...just "differing in their views" Nuttin wrong with that...it DID make for some interesting reading though didin't it? (wink wink)

Perry- glad to hear you and Vik stopped the feud...now about that spankin (evil grin and menacing cackle) :twisted:

It's definitely more time consuming Paula; but for me, my genuine lifelong interest in music and caring about commincation with people makes it worthwhile. I thank you for the pat on the back, I really do.. as I have had people in the past tell me that they didn't even want my comments with substance; they just want to be told they are 'awesome' and that's it. Let me clarify that: When I say 'comment with substance' I am NOT talking about critique ( necessarily like suggestions on how to improve) I mean pointing out parts of the song I especially like; Here I spend the time to give non-superficial support and they could care less; To me listening, requires listening! :angel:

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 11:21 am 
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the moral to that story is don't give unappreciative losers like that your valuable time. There are way too many people out there that VALUE your honest comments to waste time on those that don't! :hug:


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PostPosted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 9:51 pm 
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If Paula is not willing... I'll fill in for her. Just sayin'.

Yeah Charm packs a mean right hand spank and I've got a good
left hand one, so you're covered!

Can I watch??
I think I may be a little too tempted to join in though.

I'm thinkin' we scared him off.

Dammit, it happens every time;)

♥ Laugh your heart out, dance in the rain. Cherish the memories, ignore the pain. Love and learn, forget and forgive. Because you only have one life to live. ♥

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