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PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 5:38 pm 
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"Talk of secession is an attack on our country. It can be nothing else. It is the ultimate anti-American statement,"

Gov. Rick Perry should step down.

http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090417/ap_ ... _secession

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 12:42 pm 
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couldnt pass this one up !!!! down here in Texas we are all have had it with the gov. and there cheating way's, and crap, and when you talk to people around Texas, they think that we should ,if the us gov. dont get with the program, after all the US need's Texas, we have the bulk of the goodies!!!! some of us have started taking poles on this matter for the last four month's and they run about 62 % for 22% dont know, and the rest are against it !!!! shocking isnt it !!!!!!!!!!! and so far, have found that 80% of the one's we talked to, didnt vote for Obama ( so they said ) and the ones who did, said wished they would have listen to there friends warning ????
dont like the idea ether,but a man 's got a do what a man's got to do !!!! and yes have been doing research on the Texas thing, and have found loop-holes in the signing of the document, looks like Texas can do it !!!
It would be the greatist legal battle in U.S. history !!!!!!
Lets just hope and pray that every thing gets better, and this will go away.......ranger

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 12:49 pm 
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for got to put this in,.........The US Constitution is silent on the issue of secession. There is no provision in the Texas Constitution (current or former) that reserves the right of secession, but it does state that "Texas is a free and independent State, subject only to the Constitution of the United States" ... not to the President of the US or even the Congress of the US.

Both original and current Texas Constitutions state that political power is inherent in the people and (just as the Declaration of Independence declares) "the people have the right to alter their government in such manner as they might think proper."

Texas and Hawaii are two states that were once recognized as independent nations, before choosing to join the Union. Their voluntary decision to join the Union did not come with an explicit agreement that they could never leave.

Some people claim that the Civil War proved that secession is illegal. Whether one was in favor of the North or the South, all that war actually "proved" is that a state or group of states can be militarily forced to continue being a part of a group. Superior strength does not prove morality or legality as any citizen of the former Soviet Union can attest.

Some people are under the mistaken impression that the US Supreme Court decision in Texas v. White "proved" that secession is unconstitutional. Actually, that decision was not based on any precedent or anything in the Constitution and was in direct conflict with the actions of the then-President Grant who had to sign an act to "re-admit" Texas into the Union and allow them to send Representatives back to Congress. If Texas had never left, as the Court declared, it would not have been required to be "re-admitted" and Grant would not have needed to sign the declaration. This is a conflict that has never been fully cleared up.

Bottom line: There is no law forbidding or allowing secession. If Texas or any other state decides to secede, the resulting peaceful separation or war will depend not on law, but on the will of whomever happens to be Commander-in-Chief at the time.

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 2:56 pm 
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I don’t understand why, now that crazy is gone from the White House that people are so angry that they would no longer want to be an American. I would think that American’s would be happy or at least have hope, now that we have leadership with some sense of direction.

I was born and raised in Texas. The most of my people live in Texas and I would love to be with my people. I know a little about Texas and I know the pride of a Texan. But I am a proud patriotic American, first.

The reality of it all is that all the pieces need the rest to make a whole. Talk of secession makes Texas sound like a quitter… and then goes the pride.

Have a good day Ranger :)

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