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 Post subject: What song should I sing?
PostPosted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 2:11 pm 
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Hi All,

I'm new to Karaoke. Actually I mostly just listen to my husband. I did try a couple of times in the past but was not very good. I would like to try again. I found a topic about how people learn new songs. It was very helpful. It also asked what everyone found to be their easiest to learn song and their hardest, but not many people responded to that particular question. So, here are a few questions:

(1) What was your easiest to learn song (and why, if you know)?
(2) What was your hardest to learn song (and why, if you know)?
(3) What song sounds really good for a new singer (lots of backround instruments and singers)?

I am trying to figure out what I want to sing. These are 3 songs I am considering:

>The Rose by Bette Middler. It might be too intimidating to start out with since the beginning does not have a lot of back up. In case I am not too good, I would like to have lots of instruments and back-up singers to pick up the slack.
>Kiss Me by New Found Glory. I heard someone sing it before and she was very mediocre, but all the back up singers and the upbeat happiness of the tune made her sound much better than she really was (that plus she had lots of stage presence).
>I've Got a Brand New Pair of Roller Skates (you've got a brand new key) by Melanie Safka. Someone did this the other night and it was great. She was a very god singer though. I am a soprano so it could work for me.

I do tend to gravitate toward love songs and slower songs (My first stab at Karaoke was End of The World by Skeeter Davis); however, I think that the more upbeat tunes tend to get a better response, especially for a not so great singer.

So what do you think? What should I sing?

Thanks folks!

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 7:51 pm 
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The songs that have simple melodies with a basic verse and chorus in one key are always easy. Almost all the oldies..motown, doo wop, classic rock etc follow this format. The first song I learned was "White christmas"

Some of the big band/jazz standards are the most complicated songs..."the nearness of you", "The best is yet to some" and "tenderly" are 3 that come to mind- they aren't difficult because they have a huge range...they just have some complicated chord progressions.

For a new singer...songs that have catchy hooks, and "not alot of range" would probably be safe bets..Gwen Stephanie, Britney Spears...also maybe some of the "girl groups" that have the background singers featured prominently...like TLC, spice girls, pussycat dolls, destiny's child etc...anything that's danceable will go over with the crowd. The groups I just mentioned have the background singers in there with you to help you keep time...and none of those are really challenging "vocally" so they are a good way for a karaoke "baby" to drink "Milk"..you get the experience of being in front of crowds, learn how to use the monitors,,,and get used to the timing...once you are comfortable with these things...move on to some songs that have more range ...you'll graduate from milk to the beefy stuff( wink) I know you're drawn to ballads...but with most ballads you as a singer are MUCH more prominent in the song which it sounds like you might not be comfortable with. I'd stick with the up tempo stuff until you get a feel for it. You'll get a much better response from the crowd...but the bottom line...a crowd is going to love anyone that is having fun. if you just get up there and have a great time(without giving a rats azz for what anyone thinks) I assure you- the crowd will love it. Remember that movie with Cameron Diaz(the one where her best male friend was getting married and she decided to try to stop it?) ...she was completely terrible doing karaoke- but because she was having fun with it...the crowd was eating it up. And seriously- THAT is what karaoke is all about. Some people think it's a buncha great singers showing their chops...but it's really a group of people having a good time. If you sing "whatever" with conviction and have fun yourself...the crowd will love it!

Have fun and let us know how it goes! I'l be interested in seeing what you decide!


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PostPosted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 1:05 am 
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Hi there. :D I definitely don't have terrific chops, but let's see if I can be of some help. Actually, how much help I can be is very debatable because EVERY TIME I go sing, I make sure I do at least one song I've never done before. The songs I've tried are either songs I personally have at home already or have heard frequently enough over the years that I know I can at least BS confidently. :wink:

The songs I've done that were the easiest for me to pick up are funk/R&B records. Two of the songs I do the most often are "Da' Butt" by E.U. and "Flash Light" by P-Funk. These have been among my favorite songs for many years, and even before I started with karaoke I had listened to them enough times that I knew them like the back of my hand.

The hardest songs for me to learn, among those I've done, are 3 songs I love but unfortunately have varying degrees of success with -- "Don't You Worry 'Bout A Thing" by Stevie Wonder, and both "Year Of The Cat" and "Time Passages" by Al Stewart. Those songs have VERY full and rich instrumental arrangements but have HUGE swings in pitch from one lyrical line to the next. "Don't You Worry 'Bout A Thing" is a song I have literally never heard anyone other than Stevie himself do well, including me. :oops: The Al Stewart songs are, fortunately, songs that I do well, but it's VERY easy to screw them up if I'm not careful.

"Waterfalls" by TLC would be a great song to work with at first. It'll definitely get people moving, it's old enough by now to not be overdone, and it's not too challenging vocally -- to the point where I, a blond, blue-eyed white guy, sometimes do it. :mrgreen:

It really is about showmanship and entertainment value more than anything else. One of the best-liked singers where I usually go is an older fellow who actually can't sing worth a damn if you judge by a strict technical standpoint. However, he usually shows up in costume (a hideously loud plaid suit or a tuxedo) and tap-dances to many of his songs. People go wild for him. :) Good luck!

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 1:17 pm 
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Paula made a good suggestion about picking non-rangy stuff... also, find a song that makes you feel good to sing. That's where "stage presence" mostly comes from.... the ability to convince people you really love the song you're singing. Also, figure out where your range lies... if you have trouble reaching for higher notes don't go trying high stuff just yet, same for lower. Stick to things well within your range til you get used to singing in front of people. Try singing each of the songs you are considering with a karaoke backing... then decide which one you feel more comfy with.

I am not a professional by a LONG shot... but I only stared singing in public in 2005 so I remember well what the nerves are like. Most of all.... have FUN. That's what karaoke is supposed to be about! :)

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