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Should The Prison At Guantánamo Bay Be Closed?
Yes 30%  30%  [ 7 ]
No 70%  70%  [ 16 ]
Total votes : 23
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 9:07 pm 
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President Obama has decided to close the Prison at Guantánamo Bay. The Base itself will not be closing. Should this be done? What will happen to the 240 some odd prisoners there? What states would take the prisoners? Will their trials be dismissed due to not having a speedy trial due to the delays? Your comments.

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 9:24 pm 
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As school children U.S.A.ians, we were always told that the beauty of our country was that we couldn't be held without a trial, etc. It may have been more idealistic than actual truth but it always made me feel safer. Now, not only has it been an embarrasment that we are not that kind of country, it makes me feel less secure myself that our laws could be so bent. If we are at war and they are POWs, then they should have Geneva Convention protections and then be sent back to their countries when the war is declared over (I am told no one wants them?). If they are not POWS then they should be tried for their crimes and then either imprisoned or set free.

I beleive that part of "Freedom isn't free" involves knowing that some people will take advantage of our free society and we have to have the guts to take that risk if we want to remain free ourselves. I also believe that we would be more successful in promoting our way of life by setting an example and staying true to our values rather than by trying to implement them through force.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 8:56 am 
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Well Texas will NOT be one of the states taking them in.
Senator Cornyn said no way.

Personally I think that if they were put in a U.S. prison in general population that they wouldn't last very long.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 12:13 pm 
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I have been to Gitmo several times. They dont even want escape into Cuba.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 2:17 pm 
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no real thoughts on the closing of the prison... just as long as they treat these terrorists AS terrorists. If they have to segregate the population, hey more power to them.

I will say I'm not particularily pleased with all the P.C. exposure to the news about detainees not getting treated with accordance of full religious respect (i.e. handling their Koran with the left hand only, etc...). Frankly, I could give two craps about that. These people were caught TRYING TO KILL US.

They're NOT human beings as far as I'm concerned.

Oh, and I fell that way about ANY violent prisoner. They disrespected human rights... so why should they get any themselves?

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 8:00 pm 
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I am curious about how that some here that would buy a hard drive with 50 k is scum and needs to be prosecuted is worse than a rat who would strap enough explosives to a mentally sick woman and have her walk to the middle of your block and kill all your kids and neighbors has any rights whatsoever..

If I did go over to ft collins and run into a demonstration that supported Hammas I would forget about all the restraint I had for nam demonstators and start kicking (@$%&#!).

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 9:07 pm 
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How are you positive you got the right rat? If a person is suspected of being a murderer do we form a mob and tear him/her to pieces because murderer's don't deserve rights?

To me this is not an argument about treating terrorists well so much as not becoming animals ourselves.

Don't most higher-ups in the armed forces say that mistreating prisoners only gives the enemy more reason to want to mistreat our own troops if they are captured?

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 4:56 am 
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A number of these people are being held without trial. This means that they MAY or MAYBE NOT terrorists.

A number of these people have confirmed that torture tactics are in use.

This place is breaking international law. As such, should be closed.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 6:02 am 
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as someone that fought (and killed) for my country, and for the freedoms of all free-thinking individuals, I have no problems with the fact that al-Queada hates the infidel. I have no problem with their preaching along with the Koran that the infidel must die. I don't LIKE it, but they're free to practice their religion...

until they ACT on it and become extremists. Religious zealots are nothing new, but when they shout Allah is Good while slowly slicing off the head of a young man that wanted nothing else but to help his fellow human beings, I don't have a problem with some extreme measures used against those who wish hateful harm against our fighting heroes, and those that are on peacekeeping missions.

After all the beheadings, and roadside bombs, and 09/11/01, no I'm forced to admit I have ZERO problems with torture to get to the information they need.

This is nothing new. It happend in World War 1, it happened in WW2, Korea, Vietnam, and Saddam certainly wasn't a saint. Since the time man first hated another, violence and yes torture have been the sad issues of war. It may be distasteful, but it's NOT the same level that they themselves dish out against us.

And if they do the same thing against the Triads, or the Mafia, or the Crips... to me, it is a tool to be used to fight those who would wage war against us.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 7:45 am 
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I am with you all the way knightshow! There is no way that I can begin to have any feelings for terrorists. I have no problem using any means necessary to get information we need to stop them from doing any more damage than they have already done. I have said this before, I have studied Mid-Eastern Politics on the graduate level. It was taught be an Iranian professor who had been an ambassador to England in the 70's under the leadership of the Shaw of Iran. He left Iran to save his life and the lives of his family. The textbook for the class was the Koran. I can tell you after attending that class and studying in depth about what makes the Muslims tick in Mid-East countries, the only thing they do understand is violence, torture, and death. The things that have happened at that prision are nothing new to them. It is a way of life to them. They are playing on the sympathy and ignorance of the American public to gain their freedom to go back to Iraq or Iran, join back up with their people and try to kill Americans again. Jihad is a way of life for them and it is an honor for them to fight what they see as their holy war. We should keep those people locked up! Just my feelings and only worth something to me! Thanks for letting me vent my frustrations about the matter!--Mike

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 8:28 am 
Matt, Ollie and Mike...I couldn't agree more with what you said here, and I cast my vote.
I am amazed at the concern for human rights with regards to those people. Anyone can think what they will about America, but I believe our intelligence has good reason to have them there.
I will reverse my vote if they can be put in the general population of a max security prison. Let the other inmates be jury, judge and executioner.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 9:05 am 
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We should understand that war is not humanitarian. If it was, no country could send troops to die on the battlefield. War does reduce human life to being expendable commodities that are used to win. That is not a pretty idea, nor is it a pretty picture, never the less it has to be the truth. We need to remember these prisioners are there because of either their direct involvement in 9 - 11 or other activity where American lives were taken, or they are suspected to be involved in these situations. They are a source of information that needs to be tapped for the good of our troops and our country. Sometimes that means in a rather harsh manner, but this is about war and the security of our nation. Take away their color tv, heck dont even let them have a black and white. Take their mattress and given them the cold hard floor and a blanket, feed them to keep them alive for quesitoning, that should be our concern for these prisioners. Again, that is just my take on the situation. I dont believe in being nice to any of them.--Mike

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 9:06 am 
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We should understand that war is not humanitarian. If it was, no country could send troops to die on the battlefield. War does reduce human life to being expendable commodities that are used to win. That is not a pretty idea, nor is it a pretty picture, never the less it has to be the truth. We need to remember these prisioners are there because of either their direct involvement in 9 - 11 or other activity where American lives were taken, or they are suspected to be involved in these situations. They are a source of information that needs to be tapped for the good of our troops and our country. Sometimes that means in a rather harsh manner, but this is about war and the security of our nation. Take away their color tv, heck dont even let them have a black and white. Take their mattress and given them the cold hard floor and a blanket, feed them to keep them alive for quesitoning, that should be our concern for these prisioners. Again, that is just my take on the situation. I dont believe in being nice to any of them.--Mike

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 9:06 am 
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We should understand that war is not humanitarian. If it was, no country could send troops to die on the battlefield. War does reduce human life to being expendable commodities that are used to win. That is not a pretty idea, nor is it a pretty picture, never the less it has to be the truth. We need to remember these prisioners are there because of either their direct involvement in 9 - 11 or other activity where American lives were taken, or they are suspected to be involved in these situations. They are a source of information that needs to be tapped for the good of our troops and our country. Sometimes that means in a rather harsh manner, but this is about war and the security of our nation. Take away their color tv, heck dont even let them have a black and white. Take their mattress and given them the cold hard floor and a blanket, feed them to keep them alive for quesitoning, that should be our concern for these prisioners. Again, that is just my take on the situation. I dont believe in being nice to any of them.--Mike

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 9:58 am 
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Now that Bush is gone & the the liberal press elected Obama....................Gitmo?????????

I would strongly suggest forming opinions from real life or at the very least spend more time on the BBC site and less on CNN.....

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 10:04 am 
karyoker @ Wed Jan 28, 2009 12:58 pm wrote:
Now that Bush is gone & the the liberal press elected Obama....................Gitmo?????????

I would strongly suggest forming opinions from real life or at the very least spend more time on the BBC site and less on CNN.....

How about the "fair and balanced" n..........well nevermind, lol

PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 10:40 am 
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Before you lable everyone in there a terrorist, where is your proof. See, the US government STILL fails to produce proof on a number of them...

I detest terrorism, and those who are found to be terrorist - then yeah, whatever goes to get more info and save lives.

But what if you're torturing the wrong person?

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 1:21 pm 
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karyoker @ Tue Jan 27, 2009 2:13 pm wrote:

I have been to Gitmo several times. They dont even want escape into Cuba.

What was ya in for, Ollie?..... :lol: (imagine Stan's(Laurel) voice)... :)

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 2:09 pm 
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What was ya in for, Ollie?..... Laughing (imagine Stan's(Laurel) voice)... Smile

ROFL Gitmo is a small base and often had short stopovers there on Carribean cruises It had a small beer club to have a few hours of R&R.

One thing that struck me about those Islands they had the same sage brush that you see here and in Wyoming. Groves of pines with deer. We never roamed the base but I dont remember a prison there.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 6:49 pm 
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My boyfriend's son was in Afghanistan in the army last year and he said he was not risking his life so that we could suspend the Constitution, wire tap our own people or become torturers ourselves.

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