Received the new cdg form ZOOM of the Eagles as I only had the BS Eagles disc. Which I never tghought was THAT BAD ( Still would love to hear the Sound Choice).
MY first impressions with the ZOOM disc is its very good, Music seems crisp and on key. One of the songs had some background vocals on it that threw me for a momement but I'll have to try it again and see what happens. They also have 2 Eagles medley songs on it which I thought was a GREAT IDEA...until I heard them

I wasn't too happy with the way they transfered from one song to another no MIX or FLOW one just stopped DEAD and the next songe took off ..I don't know if you had
a chance to listen to this disc yet.. OVERALL A PRETTY GOOD DISC better than the BS ....Can't compare it with the SC ..But Im sure someone can !!