Oh well, This means I will not be able to comment

It used to be ranking requires a submission, however whatever the rules are naturally is fine with me. If I can get dispensation from the pope (or someone) enabling me to participate it'd be sort've nice, but a few of us that don't sing in the showcase I suppose can live with listening without commenting.
Do you suppose this would be something that might go to the Singers Showcase sub'ing parties as a vote lasting two weeks and let the Showcase participants decide ?
Just wondering.
Personally, the bulk of the comments I get elsewhere are "hit and run", and there is a reason for this. The hits usually come out've the blue because the like and know the song, and can offer the most constructive criticism. Not all hit and run posters have a disruptive agenda.. Some are VERY honest.. For those that wish for honesty sometimes the "hit and run" posters are the closest one asking for a critique can get.. I love have hit and runs... Keeps it exciting..
Look at it this way... Showcase is for the world to hear anyway.. In life how many performers get to pick and choose each member of their audience ? One never knows who will boo ! It's life, how stuff should be in performance.. My thoughts are, is this Singers Showcase, or egg-shell showcase ? There's already listen only option and JFF option, when these are infracted upon the perpetrators are weeded out quickly !!