We are developing something currently that may permit the Singer to reply to a comment made by someone. However, you will only be permitted to make one reply to each comment. This should be a brief statement and all Forum rules apply!
Give us a few days to implement.
Currently, you can click on the commenters name and be taken to their profile then click on the email icon and send them an email (via the Singer's Showcase)
On another note: (note, I made a pun
) We are also, implementing another feature. You may or may not like this but... We are having it so that you cannot delete your submissions until they have been posted for seven days. We have notced that Standard Members are deleting their submissions in order to submit new ones, which is okay but we want to give everyone an opportunity to hear your submission. If for some reason you wish to have an entry deleted prior to the seven days, please send me an email along with a reason for the deletion.
Also, the reason that we have Premium (Paid) memberships is so that we can recoup some of the costs associated with the bandwidth* and storage of your songs. This is why Premium Members are able to upload and store additional songs. For Only $10 a month or $25 per quarter you are able to store up to 25 songs with a Max. file size of 5MB** each or 125MB!
*Bandwidth - a data transmission rate; the maximum amount of information (bits/second) that can be transmitted along a channel.
Source: WordNet ® 1.6, © 1997 Princeton University
**MB - Megabyte (MB, colloquially "meg") 2^20 = 1,048,576 bytes=1024 kilobytes. 1024 megabytes are one gigabyte.
Source: The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing, © 1993-2003 Denis Howe
Example: Each time your song is listened to, there is a transfer of up to 5MB. Let's say 10 peopel listen to your song that's 50MB, then you submit 25 songs each are listened to 10 times that's 1250MB or 1.25 GB! Further, if 10 people do the same that's over 10GB!
Thank you,
WebMaster @
Karaoke Scene