Recently I received a few emails regarding the server being down or site offline.
Actually - it wasn't either. However apparently there were something amiss.
I sent an email to those that had inquired. To those that didn't here is what I said:
I am uncertain of the glitch last night/early this morning - however I checked the system today and everything appears to be functioning. Normally when the site goes offline or server is down I receive an email & text message from the monitoring company. None received which leads me to believe that there may have been a network that was down.
I will see if I can locate any network issues from last night.
Thank you for advising me.
Happy New Year!
Here is what I have discovered...
Apparently there are serveral items:
1) there is a script that is caught in a loop. I will need to restart the server.
2) there has been a high access by webots/spiders from search engines that are updating and therefore doing a deep web search. This has slowed down the system.
3) I discovered a SPAMbot accessing the server attempting to use our mail server to send out well, SPAM...
It is currently 11:26 AM Eastern I will be restrating the server at 11:30 It may be offline for no more than 30 minutes - hopefully just a few minutes.
Thank you and again to everyone
[glow=coral]HAPPY NEW YEAR![/glow]