Steven Kaplan @ Tue Oct 09, 2007 8:56 pm wrote:
It's no longer the second highest in the world Milo (At least I don't think it is). There's a channel bridge that's now higher.. It's the second highest in the country however, and the highest steel arch span in the world I believe (unless the bridge in S Africa is higher)..
I believe the sign as you cross now reads "The Western Hemisphere's Longest Steel Arch Bridge"
(In my opinion, there are so many qualifications on that statement that it becomes kind of silly - but it's still an impressive bridge)
Steven Kaplan wrote:
and holds base jumping like bridge day at the New River Gorge.. (unless that was banned due to a fatality)..
There have been multiple fatalities during Bridge Day with the BASE jumping (two of which I've witnessed... I haven't gone back since). As far as I know, they still allow it at the NRGB, but then I haven't been to Bridge Day in years.