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PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 10:22 am 
With the Fires, mudslides, rain, earthquakes, and Thanksgiving less than two weeks away, this might be a good time to start "Reflecting" on What we have to be Thankful for this Thanksgiving Season. With the Holidays approaching, and things tight, Tell everyone what you have to be thankful for this year.

I for one am Thankful to be back in Southern California, and that my health is holding ok right now. I am thankful to be able to be with my 80 year old mom this year since her health is failing and this will probably be her last Thanksgiving or holidays. I am thankful for the many friends I have made over the years, sharing all the good times as well as some of the bad, but we are still friends. I am thankful for a "Strong" Karaoke Community that stands together during the worst and best of times, United, and dedicated to the Belief that Karaoke Stands for Something, that we are all bound together with one common goal, Karaoke Is 'America's Favorite Pastime" and that it will be here for generations to come, I am thankful for Karaoke Scene, and its paper and web page dedicated to promoting and standing strong with those who believe in our Karaoke Family.

What are you Thankful for this Year?? What are you thankful for this Holiday season? How will you be spending Thanksgiving??
Happy Holidays everyone :D

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 10:59 am 
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This year I'm thankful for being in good health, still enjoying life and all it has to offer. Still KJ'ing and having a lot of fun in general. Also thankful for the health of the rest of my family. Became a Grandpa again a few days ago and all are healthy. Also, got both of my sons back from combat in the middle east in good shape. That's a lot to be thankful of :!:

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 11:11 am 
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Great Message Michael! I'm really going to have to head up to L.A. sometime and meet you.

First and foremost I am thankful for a God that protects and watches over me day after day. Second, I am extremely thankful for a wife that has stood by me even through my c**p eras, hahaha. It will be 30 years this coming Monday the 17th of November that we got hitched. :lol:

I am thankful for three awesome Kids. And the fact that even though they are 28 (Aaron), 25 (Amber) and 21 (Ian), they still greet Pops with a love kiss, (the people at our show think it's so heart warming).

I am really thankful to God in the fact that He showed me it was ok to become a K-Host even despite the hypocrites around me. And as long as I keep my heart in the right place, with His guidance things will work out just fine.

I too, am thankful for Karaoke Scene (as well as other online communities). They have helped in not only teaching me a lot about the business, but has also enabled me to meet up with people I might have never met otherwise, (Hello Jerry and Kathy wherever you are!)

Oh Michael, there is so much I could write a book. There's my cat, the town I live in is awesome, family, friends. Oh and a running vehicle that gets me to the show on time. Geesh, basically ALL the little things (let's not forget the PC I'm using at the moment)! :lol:

I better just shut up for now and give others some space.......


"Sing 'Til Ya Puke!"

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 11:42 am 

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I don't think it's too early to cover this...

I'm thankful that God helped my wife through the discovery and treatment of breast cancer, for my kids (Scott and Holly - who just announced her engagement), for the good memories with my Dad as he slips into dementia, for the laughter shared with good friends and family, for finding a job I enjoy after getting caught in the economic downturn of 2000-2001, my adopted grand children (my stepson's girlfriends daughters), for a lack of inhibition that allows me to get up on stage and sing my heart out, and for many more things that keep me grounded, safe, healthy, and happy.

Happy holidays everybody!

survivin' and smilin'

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 11:56 pm 
smithfield_bob wrote:
I don't think it's too early to cover this...

My thoughts exactly!

I'm very thankful for all the blessings this year, both with a new set of business partners and a new recording label. I'm also very thankful for some of the great people here on KS. Bless 'em ALL!

In 2004 I wish the best to all, and hope that everybody has an excellent year! :D

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 9:41 am 
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We don't do Thanksgiving over here but, if we did, I just say a prayer of thanks for another year in the business I love, a happy family around me and the new friends I've met on here and Karaoke Info in the UK.
Love to you all and I hope you have a great holiday!



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PostPosted: Sun Nov 16, 2003 10:12 pm 
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What Am I Thankful for this year....well to start with, I'm still breathing. That God in his grace and mercy allows me yet another day. That he provided me a loving wife that I would gladly lay down my life for. For my wonderful kids and 3 grand kids even at my youn age and one more on the way. That I will finally get to see my nephews after several years and one I havnt met yet. So many things to be thankful for. I thank God for giving me a voice to sing and for humbling me so I don't get a Big head.
If we sit down like this and ponder exactly what we can be thankful for it can actually blow your mind. You may find yourself weeping for joy at all the things you can truly be thankful for. maybe we should ponder this at least once a day. Think about how our lives would change if we did.
For those in America lets give thanks for our troops who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom and for the safety of the world. let us be thankful for our founding fathers in America who gave all they had so that we could be free!
in the immortal words of Sir William Wallace
And of course Patrick Henry "Give me Liberty or Give me death!"
God to you I give all thanks honor and praise for my freedom and for all the things you have blessed me with and for the ones you saw fit to not bless me with. you alone are worthy.

Peace Out fellow Karoake Brothers and Sisters

moses_kneel_praising_God_lg_clr.gif [ 44.05 KiB | Viewed 24679 times ]
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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.....and sometimes the beholder is definitely blind as a bat!

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 7:32 am 
Just wanted to Wish all of you here on K-Scene, and Phil and of course Peter Parker, a Safe and wonderful Thanksgiving. With all that is going on in the World today, I would like to think that we are growing so much as a Nation, and as a Karaoke People. I enjoy all of you on this site, and wish you all a Happy and Content, Thanksgiving.(Gobble Gobble....) :D

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 4:24 am 
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Again, being from the UK, we don't have Thanksgiving. But if we did:-

- My Family (Parents & Brother)
They are my history and my foundation. I include my father amongst them although it's been many years since he walked amongst fellow man.

- My Family (Husband and cat)
The family I got to choose. They are my homestone and my sanctuary from, an often, seemingly wicked world. It would get too sloppy to even begin to say more. :?

- Health
I did not realise it's importance until I lost it for a while. I try not to take it for granted.

- My work
I am thankful that I love what I do and have, again, found my niche. I am thankful that I get to interact with wonderful and interesting people.

- Music
Whenever I have considered "a world without.....", Music has always been at the top of my list of things I wouldn't want to be without or never have known.

- Friendship
I am thankful for the balance and completeness that friendships bring to my life. They are those with whom I share laughter, tears, success and failure, hopes and dreams, possibilities and improbabilities, support and challenge, approval and censure.

Some words need no additional explanation. These are all things that complete my little world and I am thankful such things exist as, for me, the world would be an empty place without them:-

Peace, Honour, Valour, Hope, Kindness, Empathy, Loyalty.

Whoever you are and wherever you are, here's to a wonderful Thanksgiving. I'll be raising a glass to us all.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 8:16 am 
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Well said, Lisa. Bravo!


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PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 10:29 am 
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Well .. I'm thankful for so many things ... mostly my Mom, who survived emergency heart surgery just a couple of months ago and is doing great now! We will be traveling up north tomorrow to spend Thanksgiving with both my parents ... who are getting up in years, so I feel very fortunate to still have them in my life! I guess when it comes right down to it ... the family and friends, love and laughter we share, are the most important things in life! I'm thankful for a wonderful husband and daughter ... and for all the great friends who are like family to me!

I would like to wish all of you here a GREAT holiday weekend! I hope you are sharing it with the people you love! For those of you who do not celebrate this holiday ... have a awesome weekend!

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 7:24 pm 
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nawwww, that's terrific about your mom, Sher! Tell her from all of us we hope she's feeling her usuual spry self soon! :P

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 11:49 pm 
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Thanks Matt! Hope you have a happy healthy holiday!! :D

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 Post subject: Thankfull for......
PostPosted: Fri Dec 05, 2003 4:04 am 
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I'm thankful for your last article in KS. I'm thankful to God for finally making my true love ask me to marry him. Also Thankful for my talented daughter who is going into recording studio and making her 1st album at age 9 and who gets me through life. I'd really be thankful if I had more gigs this year...it is slow for Christmas time and Daughter won't understand if I can't afford anything and her b day is also Dec 24th. If God decides to return I'd be fine with that too. :cry: :D

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