I went to see the Eagles Farewell tour 1 in 2003....I knew the "farewell" part was a joke....
But come on guys, Walsh may be a great song writer and a good guitarist, but Sharky wipes the floor with him as far as an instrumentalist goes
I never knew that he had a 50 mil lawsuit against the Eagles. But you could feel the tension in the Hell Freezes over DVD. I never kept up with the Eagles breakup even though they were my favorite all time band.
One can see exactly what transpired just by watching that DVD...
Sharky wrote the musical part of Hotel Kali and had it laying around for years. Henley and Frey were having a power struggle with the other members of the band and that's why there has been so many faces to the Eagles.
From Henleys point of view, you are not a song writer unless you write the lyrics and melody. Walsh came and took Sharkys spot and got shoved aside.....I can see why Felder got upset, I would have also...they belittled him....and he was a genius....it was not deserved...
The Eagles got alot of fame from that one song Hotel California. That one song is what made the Eagles for me.....I don't know about anyone else...
That song Get Over It was about the Eagles getting over it....but apparently Felder never did....
I still love them though....
I hope they make many more great albums...