knightshow @ Thu Apr 26, 2007 wrote:
You might be able to send the disc to a retailer like DOOWOP that has a disc refinishing service... be wary of the disc doctors... they can ruin more discs than they help (personal experience here!) As long as the scratch is on the bottom of the disc, they might be able to get it out by removing and repolishing/refinishing the bottom of the disc. If the scratch is on the foil side, you're S.O.L.!!
He's right about the skip doctor, but keep it in mind for the last resort. Other suggestions.
In my own case, I own a Microboards QuiKdisc freestanding duplicator. The included firmware has correction features which allow it to scan a damaged disc, correct, and copy from the corrected scan. Other software or copiers may offer the same, and there is NOTHING illegal about backing up ANY disc, be it karaoke, music, software, or audiobook- period.
And now, a cheap and easy method by which I've had great success with small problems. There is a product available at stores everywhere called EZ Skip Fixer, made by a company called CRI in Mescula, MT. A squeeze bottle of some sort of
polymer that's ruubbed across the scrarch with a cloth, dried and buffed. It's around two bucks and works on small scratches....