See what happens when you give a dyslexic guy a digital microphone ? He creates a "special" means of interfacing; Even back in the anal log days of technology people like Billy were finding innovating means of using plug & play devices.
If you feel the feedback like that, I'm wondering where the speaker cabinets are :no:
Personally, I find nothing leisurely about where I place my microphone. I only do it to increase bass response, it gives me more fullness and bottom :shock:
(Of course Billy D has the only microphone cable in the lounge with a clamp on the cable)
I've heard about Billy D getting up on stage. His first line is
"Does the ball on this microphone make my a&& look too wide" ? <rimshot>
(I hope it's a condenser btw.. Or nothing larger than an electret)
The KJ asks:
"Where's the A$$ that took my microphone" ?
Billy D exclaims:
"It's my microphone, and patented after me Billy D.
KJ asks:
"You Sure" ?
Billy D states:
"Shure, BDSM 57"