OK now some of you are a little bit more flexible with midi.
The way karaoke is going with P2P downloads and loaded hard drives,
combined with the wages a musician requires is inferring some rather
financial consequences.
Does the manu's accountant say I don’t care what it costs
I want real musicians... Would his boss not fire him fast?
Or does the manu's accountant say don’t let anyone know
we are only using one musician. They would not buy our tracks.
Would the manu not rather pay one musician working from home
Who simply emails the midi track along with the list of samples used.
Bank transfer, enormous saving, stay in business.
It’s just no use saying no-one can play like this or like that guy.
They have been doing it for a long time.
They don’t even have to get it right the first time...
They can edit the piece till it’s even better than the original.
You don’t have a clue which of your favourite CDG's were made
using a midi track with vocals put on top.
Guys... midi has been taking over our music industry for years.
Don’t necessarily mean it’s a bad thing although there are some implications.
Also this information has always been available. Never has it been a secret.
If you haven’t read the following link posted earlier, please do…
Please ask yourself this.
Imagine you worked in industry with a product.
You tested it, you compared it to other products and really got to know it well.
Then one day in a forum you ask how everyone feels about it,
and replies you get back are crap, crap and crap.