Steven Kaplan @ Mon Jan 01, 2007 4:58 pm wrote:
Yes. My closest friends are the very ones that often tell me "you really sucked buddy ! Your piano playing sounded so choppy and rusty stick to guitar. EIther that or start working alot harder because few would call what you just did being a pianist"... It's how musicians often interact.. No offense taken either ! MANY out there listening are harsh, MANY ARE SIMON ! I'd rather my friends tell me when there's a problem. I DO NOT want to hear lies encouraging me via white lies to make a fool of myself.
Alot are excellent vocalists too. Too bad the rank and critique stuff exists at all. It'd be so much nicer IMO if it could just be kept light and friendly without anybody feeling they need to "rank". When you make something into a competition, it kills the fun in this setting.
Quote was snipped due to too many letters....Letter Limit. :shock:
I understand where your coming from, and I agree with most of what you say.
As for me....I think of SS as just another karaoke bar where there are people who can sing like a Pro, and there are those who are good, and there are those who are just starting out.....and those who simply cannot sing due to being tone deaf of just not knowing how to sing.
As far as me giving someone a Rank....This is how I do it:
For a song subbed under C.....
If it sounds as Good as something I have heard on Radio at one time or another... I will give a 10 Rank.....If it is good enough for Radio then it's good enough for me to give a 10 Ranking.
If it is almost as good as something I have heard on Radio but has an obvious glitch such as one word or two being off pitch...I'll give it a 9 Rank because it was less than perfect.
Anything that is worse than the above due to too many places being off pitch....etc...Then I will not even give a Ranking score simply due to the fact that it had too much wrong with it pitch problems or whatever!!!
As far as me trying to help the person by telling them how to improve on those I do not give a Ranking score.....Haha...Like you said...Most can't handle someone trying to help because they either don't hear where they were off.....or...If they do hear where they are off...But then want to say...Who do you think you are telling me how to improve...where is your vocal coach degree.....etc.....Nah...I would rather just not even go there because it is too much trouble.
But those that do deserve a 9 or 10 that I happen to listen to if subbed under C then I will give it to them.
My opinion of what a 10 Rank is exactly what I stated....If it sounds good enough to be on the radio to my ears...Meaning anything from Frank Sinatra to Bob Dylan!! As long as it was a performance that was good enough pitch,timing,emotion,style..blah blah blah..."If it was as Good or better than the original artist"...then I will give a 10 Rank.