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PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 10:56 am 

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[font=Verdana]Hi -
I posted a msg in the newbie section and mentioned I'd be posting a question, so here goes.  I want to set up a fundraiser for a local charity and my thought was a karaoke/buffet night at a local bar.  There is a decent sized following for the charity, but the problem is all of our events are turning into big ones... like you have to save up to go to them!  So I was thinking as a way to keep the funds coming in to have a smaller scale... like a $15 cover charge and for karaoke, door prizes and a happy hour style buffet.  So anyway, in order to give it a little something other just being a night out, we were thinking of doing a lotto karaoke contest.  I only just heard about lotto karaoke from a friend who did it on vacation, and from what she said: there are about 20 random songs and when you get up to sing, you randomly pick the song.  The person with the highest entertainment value (not nec the best singer) wins.  We can afford to do small cash prizes or we can have the board members each donate the prize money to the organization in the top 3's name.  So this contest wouldn't be for the whole night, it would just be if you felt like entering and the contest part would only run about an hour to make sure the people that wanted to sing normally could.  

So my questions are as follows:
Has anyone heard of lotto karaoke and how does it go over if you have?

Do you think there are KJs that would be amenable to this kind of a karaoke night?  (I'm afraid a professional might bristle at being told how to run a show.)    

Can anyone play Devils Advocate and give me any downsides or flaws that they see in this plan?

I appreciate any and all responses.

Thank you so much!

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 11:06 am 
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I personally am not an advocate of contests.  HOWEVER, it seems this is for charity and that throws it into a whole different concept.  I have never heard of it before but it sounds like it would do well for what the night is intended to do.  Good luck!

Kelly :)

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 11:22 am 
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irishbrat @ Tue Dec 12, 2006 12:56 pm wrote:
So my questions are as follows:
Has anyone heard of lotto karaoke and how does it go over if you have?

Do you think there are KJs that would be amenable to this kind of a karaoke night?  (I'm afraid a professional might bristle at being told how to run a show.)    

Can anyone play Devils Advocate and give me any downsides or flaws that they see in this plan?

I appreciate any and all responses.

Thank you so much!

I LVOE being devils advocate!!!!!

DO NOT have a contents where in any way the contestants are judged on their singing/entertaiment value.  Unless you want to upset about 1/2 the people there casue so and so didn't win, and she is the BEST siner in this town.  Usualy most people are cool with it, but there are always a couple DIVAS that think thay are the next American Idol, and are just waiting for Simon, Puala, and Randy to pull up in a limo and wisk them away to Hollywood.

Again DON'T have a contest where in any way a person is juged on there singing/entertainment ability.  EVERY karaoke contest I have seen has be a complete mess, and pised off more people than it was worth.

some other options for contests.....

1. Secret Song....Pick one song, and of someone sings that song during the night, they get a prize.
2.  Music Triva...Ya can find tons of music trivia on the net, print some out, ask 10 questions, and whoever has the most right wins.
3.  Name That Tune....play snippits of a song, and the first to guess it wins a prize
4. Songs in Reverse....record some songs in REVERSE and play them.  First person to guess the song, wins a prize
5. Singers Drawing for prize....Each time an individual comes up to sing, their name goes in a hat.  Draw out a name at a  pre determined time, and wina a prize.

I have done all of the above, and it usualy goes over great!!!!!

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 12:56 pm 
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Wow Twans you were reading my mind weren't you  LMAO I totally agree about the contest not being about singing ability. I'd make it most entertaining person if anything.

If your goal is making money for the benefit. I have a few other ideas that I've seen. Have people donate items to give away, then sell raffle tickets at the show. Take periodic breaks in between karaoke singers to do drawings. They have to be present to win. It is a nice idea to give a few raffle tickets to people when they pay their cover also, so they feel like they have something invested.

Do a 50/50 drawing. You sell tickets and the pot is split 50/50 between the winner and the benefit. I find to get the pot it's biggest you need to tell the people they do not have to be present to win.

[shadow=pink][glow=deepskyblue]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 11:04 am 

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[font=Verdana]Thank you all so much for your responses.  You're all totally right that a contest can leave people with sore feelings.  I never would have thought of that, so I really appreciate it.  The part about Randy, Simon and Paula cracked me up, but I can totally see it.  I've been confronted by someone who was upset because the song I put in to sing was "her song".  Nothing like that level of nutty.

The raffles and 50/50 - love it, stealing it.  Thank you!!!  I also like the idea of the secret song prize, that's really cute!  There are some songs that you KNOW someone is going to sing at some point in the night (I Will Survive, anyone? lol) that would be easy to pick.  The slips for doorprizes is even more fun than just regular door prizes, because it'll encourage more people to sing.  Love it!  

As far as the lotto karaoke went, my friend said that there was anything from Frank Sinatra to Gwen Stefani to Biz Markie in the mix, but the winner was a guy who just made up words and did random 70's dance moves through the better part of "We Didn't Start the Fire".  Definitely something I'd get a kick out of seeing!

Thank you so much for your feedback, I appreciate it!  Now ( :drunk: poor me) I'll have to spend the next few nights going out to karaoke shows to find a KJ to hire!  

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