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 Post subject: Re: Loaded hard drives
PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 3:01 am 
Get out of the way before I get drunk and hit you with a speeding, really big, illegal rock.... :O  :shock:  :yes:

 Post subject: Re: Loaded hard drives
PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 6:16 am 
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ok What Now @ Tue Nov 28, 2006 9:42 pm wrote:
If they are USING that backup system at any time their main system is being used, then they are a true thief/pirate/scumbag, as they are now making money of of a system they didn't pay for in the first place!  
i think that's a little harsh don't u think?

do u ever speed in ur car/truck? how many people r killed on the highways each year by speeding?  what does that make you?

and think about it....if u don't speed the cops write less tickets, less tickets mean less cops r needed, causing a lay off...which in turn brings the unemployment higher...is there ever an end to this?  

and on the same thought, if u and any other high and mighty's on here see someone speeding do u in turn call the cops on ur cell phones reporting them?

do you personally stop each person who has too much to drink from driving? it is ur show that they're there for and that in turn is causing them to drink, because if they didn't drink then the bar would close, causing even higher unemployment....

no one is lily white, to stand on a soap box and call people those sorts of names is way out of line to me.....next time u speed how would u like for a mother who's son was killed by a speeder to pull u over and give u a good talking to and call u all sorts of names....

nothing against anyone personally but all this lily white crap is bull...

cast the first stone i say.....JMO
No, I don't think it's harsh at all! why are you comparing apples to oranges? If you speed and don't get caught, that's one thing. If you do get caught, there is a system in place to PROSECUTE those folks.

There IS NOT IN KARAOKE! The RIAA is trying. Hell, KAPA and SPIN TRIED, and failed miserably.

We're not talking about some individual users that are doing this to enjoy at a home. We're talking about folks that do this to STEAL livelihoods with a super unfair advantage.

I have over $50,000 invested in my system. over 40K of that is pure music. Any idiot with $400 can buy one of those hard drives and blow my music collection away! Or if they have time, download from some of the online sites that instruct you on how to do it. Either way, the karaoke manufactures can NOT stop these thieves. So what are they doing? Stopping production and quitting, or in the cases of the big boys, severely cutting down on their production.


So take your lily white comments and shove 'em! I don't like your attitude on this at all. Why? Because I'm one of the ones that was SERIOUSLY affected by this!

I couldn't GET decent rates for a gig in Portland. Here in kansas city, piracy is rampant, and the customers DON'T CARE! There are threads on here, this one included, where you'll get your singers that will ONLY frequent those shows as they have so many songs to choose from.

The easy path is not always the best one.

These guys don't care about the future of what we participate in now. To them, it IS a lark, a fad, a mere passing moment. They're in it cheap, even with good sound equipment.

And they're destroying what's known as our universe. By the time the laws DO catch up to all of this, the karaoke industry will be long gone.

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 Post subject: Re: Loaded hard drives
PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 6:27 am 
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ericlater, just curious.  A couple of times you said you would go to a "Cavs" show but not a "laptop."  What's the difference?  They are both "computers."  The only difference in my case is that I own the original music where as the "Cavs" is usually (NOT always) illegal.


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 Post subject: Re: Loaded hard drives
PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 9:13 am 
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knightshow @ Wed Nov 29, 2006 6:16 am wrote:
These guys don't care about the future of what we participate in now. To them, it IS a lark, a fad, a mere passing moment. They're in it cheap, even with good sound equipment.

And by supporting the illegal shows, manufacturers WILL quit making new music (at least the good manufacturers), which will dramatically lessen new music keeping karaoke fresh or allow the illegal MIDI manufacturers that are in place to flourish & create crappy sounding renditions - cheapening the field even further to a point people won't go anymore thus MAKING it a fad~!

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 Post subject: Re: Loaded hard drives
PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 9:14 am 
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Kellyoke @ Wed Nov 29, 2006 6:27 am wrote:
ericlater, just curious.  A couple of times you said you would go to a "Cavs" show but not a "laptop."  What's the difference?  They are both "computers."  The only difference in my case is that I own the original music where as the "Cavs" is usually (NOT always) illegal.


A CAVS unit is a stripped down, "Windows" based PC"!!  Except computers usually swipe better too because they usually have better processors & memory!

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 Post subject: Re: Loaded hard drives
PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 10:27 am 
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Thanks Lonman.  That I uderstood.  I just was very curious from his stand point why karaoke with a Cavs would be MORE desirable to him than a laptop.  Like you said, a "true computer" system along with a good sound system will sound better, IMO more so than a cavs.


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 Post subject: Re: Loaded hard drives
PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 5:19 pm 
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the moment I see a CAV's unit, I'm outta there. Main complaints with them is the slow tracking, and that playing customer discs is usually an issue!

Heck, I'd go to a laptop show four times before I'd go to a known cavs one!

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 Post subject: Re: Loaded hard drives
PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 7:07 pm 
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I have attended both and while I had issues with their pc based setup, I would rather frequent their bar than go to a cavs unit as the two times I have attended a cavs show they had to revert to their disc based system both times as the cavs unit kept crashing on them and when it did work the lyrics were behind the music or the lyric shuddered from side to side. Not saying this is true with every cavs system but it was true with the one that the bar I was visiting both nights.

The Line Array Experiment is over. Nothing to see here. Move along.

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 Post subject: Re: Loaded hard drives
PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 7:19 pm 
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knightshow .....So take your lily white comments and shove 'em! I don't like your attitude on this at all. Why? Because I'm one of the ones that was SERIOUSLY affected by this!

u know ur so sexy when ur angry....
so what ur saying is......that ur mad because there aren't any laws to enforce it? not because its wrong?  i'm getting this from ur comment on ur idea of speeding.....guessing that u speed to....r u saying it's ok if u don't get caught? and would it be ok  to steal cdg's if u didn't get caught?  u make no sense....both r wrong....either ur against both r u just don't care...unlesssss u get caught....

poor little you lost jobs because of all this.....who did u replace when u got ur job?  oh yea...bands....the fact that YOU r willing to work for less then a band would  pretty much put bands completely out of work....ya'll talk about people undercutting ur prices yet u did the same thing....if  there was no karaoke there would be more bands playing today,  but as it is ur under cutting them so u can get their job....let a good band walk in that's willing to play for what ur working for.....(NOT HAPPENING)  u would be gone so fast....then u would say omg they under cut me....took my job away....when the truth is karaoke has pretty much killed live bands,  do you take any blame for that?  of course u don't, ur just filling a need....bull....u seen an opening and you took it....why not it keeps u working....
so i don't wanna hear how others  putting you out of work....how everything an everyone is against you....grow up, deal with it, bands did, u think for 1 sec they liked seeing KJ's walk in and take their jobs away?

you have 1 man bands,  doing all their own music with the help of midi....is that fair?
how many elec. drummers took the place of real drummers?  is that fair? that thing just took a guy's jobs...and on an on an onnnnnn....deal with it....

u say u invested 50, 000 in ur music....bands don't come close to spending that....maybe ur in the wrong business, wait!!! there aren't any more bands....

personally i love karaoke, it's fun to get up there and sing and it's fun listening to others..... but i have been to places where the bar wants YOU to pay 1 dollar to get in so u can sing, r buy 1 drink.....is it not enough that their entertainment is  free,  now they want US to pay for it too....i  can remember when u had to pay a cover charge to  hear the band, but at least we were the ones doing the work we were paid to do, we didn't have to pay the bar to play....

what would happen if each bar owner bought a system and  set it up, the mic sitting in a mic stand, u walked up picked ur song to sing hit a few buttons music plays u sing....u get down... the next one comes up....no K J....if bar owners thought they could make more money doing it they would do it....they don't care how the money's made just so long as they make it....u for sure should no that by now... who took ur job then?

pirates r here to stay so u better get used to it, and so r people that will under cut you to get your job....and they don't care how much you have invested....

and personally i don't like ur attitude either, so grow up and quit whining...

and yes it's that time of the month....lolll....

i think everyone has their point of view, and if it did put ya'll out of work then that would suck, but that's life, ask any band member....

Signed....BAND IN A BOX

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 Post subject: Re: Loaded hard drives
PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 9:36 pm 
I don't believe that I said I would never go to a Laptop show, but I know I made it clear that I don't seek them out if I don't think they are legal.  If a newbie KJ shows up in the area with a laptop, where'd the library come froml??  If an established KJ shows up with a laptop, that's a different story.  There are only two laptop show in my immediate area right now.  One is run by the former; the other by the latter.  I attend neither.

As I already suggested, as far as I know, the CAVS company delivers a legal hard drive.  I have spoken to the owner at Karaokecart.com about that as well as a local bar owner.  I'm most swayed by what the local barkeep tells me because his establishment is devoted to karaoke singers and he is replacing his disk machines with a CAVS unit.  He is my best "expert" because he investigated the legalities of the CAVS systme.  He had to; he is a sitting duck if he breaks the law (he can't move from place to place or blame the owner)!  He has investigated the matter and believes the CAVS product is legal.  He is also inputting his own library of disks into the CAVS.  That is the unit I am considering for when I retire and start doing something with karaoke.

I am sorry that there of those of you who find the CAVS show inferior.  The ones I attend sound good and can accomodate disks.  On the other hand, only two of the shows I regularly attend have CAVS systems.  The other shows I frequent use good, old-fashioned, disk players.  Of course, I look forward to spending even more time at the Karaoke bar than I currently do, once the conversion to the CAVS system is complete.

 Post subject: Re: Loaded hard drives
PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 5:04 am 
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okwhatnow... you're just showing how ignorant you really are, both about my situation, and the points that were made. You didn't address ONE of them... or maybe you did, I can't understand LTTR abbreviations... I take that as a sign of immaturity and laziness.

so you're a band person biyatchin' on a karaoke SITE?? BWAHAHAHAHAHAH

Get a life.

I didn't take over a slot that was originally by bands. My last venue of over three years... they weren't doing ANYTHING on Sat nights. Their bands came in on Thursdays! Only in one place was that even close, and that venue tried everything. Dancing instructions to DJ music, bands, karaoke before AND after me, comedy, etc.

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 Post subject: Re: Loaded hard drives
PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 8:23 am 
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A little off topic here but, I have to agree that karaoke killed live music.  I was working in a live band when karaoke came in and suddenly there were no gigs.  There is about as much equipment and investment in live music as with karaoke and as much set up and tear down.  Plus, you don't have to spend time learning to play the music.  From the bar owner's prespective its spend $250.00 on a good karaoke show or $500.00 on a bad band with about the same draw.   From my experience I make far more with karaoke and expend far less effort in doing it.  Bye Bye live music.

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 Post subject: Re: Loaded hard drives
PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 9:43 am 
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and texas draw poker kills karaoke!

So does the one-man band stuff, and that's been out longer since karaoke was!

ultimately, the venue owners and managers are going to look for what works for them. Karaoke didn't kill bands...

but it doesn't take a genius to figure out that a bar has to pay at bare minimum $50 for each band member, and that's a band that ain't chargin' that much.... VS a karaoke guy that comes in, and provides a PUBLIC entertainment forum.

Bands = a few guys and gals that entertain you

karaoke = one or two people that provide the means for YOU to entertain yourself, and where you can make lots of friends, and enjoy some comraderie.

Oh yeah, karaoke is such an evil source of friggin' entertainment.

What it IS is a solid business, which is why since it's inception, it's been going strong for nearly 20 years!

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 Post subject: Re: Loaded hard drives
PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 9:49 am 
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exweedfarmer @ Thu Nov 30, 2006 8:23 am wrote:
There is about as much equipment and investment in live music as with karaoke and as much set up and tear down.  

Sometimes more if you are a cover band that want great sound.  I've ran sound for bands that have easily $50K+ invested in their sound system.  Cover bands generally carry their own gear - some clubs have house systems, but generally nothing to great.  The bands prefer their own equipment because they know what the end result is going to yield.

Also the band collectively may get more - say $1500 for a Fri-Sat, but break it down per member - say 4 members & and each member usually net close to or MAYBE a little more than what 1 karaoke company can make in 1 night - in this case $187.50 per person.  That is generally a high scale for bands as well - GOOD bands, I HAVE seen bands play for $500 or less for a weekend with more members.  Hell for that matter I have seen bands play for the door take only which can yield next to nothing sometimes.  
You don't play live music for the money - unless you are GOOD & just doing cover work.  You play because you love to play or you are trying to make it & will do anything it takes from eating next to nothing - Top Raumen becomes your best dinner in months, all members living in 1 studio apt to keep costs down, take ANY gig that is thrown at you for exposure while scraping up every bit of cash you can find trying to make that demo recording, finding the time that you all can do your parts, finding more money to have the discs mastered & duplicated through the local disc burned that puts them onto CD rom, then selling your discs at the shows hoping that people will like it enough to starting WANTiNG it, then once people START wanting & buying the discs more then the radios get wind & start playing it in late night rotation while it becomes somewhat popular locally that local labels start to take notice & want to distribute in masses with store ready packaging, etc.....

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 Post subject: Re: Loaded hard drives
PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 9:50 am 
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knightshow @ Thu Nov 30, 2006 9:43 am wrote:
and texas draw poker kills karaoke!!

Boy that is sure true up here, many karaoke bars have fallen wayside to poker tourneys.

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 Post subject: Re: Loaded hard drives
PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 7:05 pm 
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personally i didn't see any points you made, so why should i address them?

so you're a band person biyatchin' on a karaoke SITE?? BWAHAHAHAHAHAH

no i'm on here stealing cdg's,   BWAHAHAHAHAHAH

oh yea and also subbing on ss

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 Post subject: Re: Loaded hard drives
PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 12:15 am 
Knightshow :worship:

Poker isn't doing much around here.    I'm killing the poker.   :worship:  LMAO

See what a good equipment investment will do? :whistle:  :O

 Post subject: Re: Loaded hard drives
PostPosted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 5:17 pm 

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Its the same old story
does a huge selection of music for a DJ make a great DJ??
does a huge selection of karaoke music make a great KJ?
they still have to provide the service, give a great sound, have the right gear
etc etc

All bootleg music etc does is mess with the manufacturer and give them a hard time, it really doesnt interfere with the presenter or show host.

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 Post subject: Re: Loaded hard drives
PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 1:05 am 
To some extent that is true.  However we are dealing with bar owners that don't know their a** from 3rd base.     So they think the 50,000 song hack is a better value for their money.   Not knowing they have a Wal-mart sound system.    So there will actually be negative money return on their hack KJ investment.   Because it will sound so bad that the only ones there will be drunks and bad singers.   Sooner or later they will not make enough money for it to be worth their while.    Enter the quality KJ with a smaller selection that sounds wonderful.

Another dead hack.  Cut another notch in my $600 Microphone case.

 Post subject: Re: Loaded hard drives
PostPosted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 7:11 am 
A local, long-established KJ, has a new laptop, and a song book that is, all of a sudden, over 500 pages.  His assistant tried to make my wife and I believe that he always had that many songs, but couldn't carry them around.  So, with the laptop all is now possible!

While he's now claiming to have 30000 songs, my opinion is that of the 30,000 tracks, he has about 15000 unique tracks, at most!  Oddly enough, he has been losing a lot of jobs of late, primarily because he doesn't have much of a "following" anymore.

He in fact, is working at the place I just got my first offer from and wanted the other night that was offered to me.  Actually, the owner is thinking of letting him go altogether.  This is a case where a loaded drive has accomplished nothing for the KJ and has not hurt the competition.  

The only ones hurt might be the manufacturers, but again, he did already have a large collection of disks and I doubt he would have purchased many more in the near future.

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