nic2800 @ Sun Nov 19, 2006 5:29 pm wrote:
I have had many shows that ran longer than the time hired for without asking for extra.
What is an extra hour in most cases?
Most times I would have to wait till the people left anyway to get my equipment out.
There are other times though when a show should end on time. So the people can clean up and get home.
It sounds like the owner was tired and you should have respected his wishes.
To answer your question I make $50 an hour if I go over time.
I did not know the reason he didn't want to pay me to stay over until after closing time and when he told me I didn't disagree or even mind. It just so happens the regulars paid me because they didn't want me to go. The bar is open until 3am if I'm there or not. If he would of told me I need to quit at a certain time, I would have. :D
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