Crystal @ Tue Nov 07, 2006 9:10 pm wrote:
YAH and I wanna know when you're all gonna come up to Alberta to see me!! All you texans won't be out of place... Alberta's chock-full of cowboys/girls!
Canada eh? (pun intended). How do you folks live up there? Isn't it cold like living at the North Pole? Heck I thought the Texas Panhandle was cold...brrrr. Ever go through there during an ice storm? Pretty desolate, lonely country too with the wind whipping across. Feels like you are at the North Pole. Sometimes it's hard to imagine there is anything north of Amarillo. Even with storm chasing all over the place the Panhandle still kind of feels that way to me. Maybe there's one of those portals like in that movie Doom that connected Earth to Mars, but this one connects the Panhandle to the North Pole? That would explain the cowboys / cowgirls up in Alberta too. Hmmm....go figure.