sillime21 wrote:
Hello there,
What is the best promotional product you have seen in the last 3 months?
Thanks in advance
Hello, welcome to the forum if you have any questions, just ask, if you
could harness the brainpower in this forum you could rule the world!
If you look on the top right of any post you will see the date and year it
Was posted, I have actually posted twice to topics in error and had to
Grin and bear it, sheesh! This forum to me is like a land of lumbering
Giants, sometimes one may run amok and it's best to skitter out of the
Way but they are gentle giants with tons of knowledge and like your
Friendly local librarIan apt and able to assist you in your quest for
Knowledge, that being said and on a personai note I've found that by
not letting your feathers get ruffled and letting water run down your back,
You can kill 2 birds with one stone! (Pun intended!) Visiting this forum is
Like sailing on a ship at sea, sometimes smooth sailing, sometimes the
Boat gets rocked, thank goodness the skipper has a keen eye and a
Steady hand and a shout out to the courageous crew also! Welcome
Aboard! I've been wanting to reply to one of the older posts, thanks!
Sillime21, are you pranking us? Or just trying to live up to your name?
I Give you credit for having some moxy, now let's work on your savvy.
This post is so old, the logos have faded off the tee shirts and the
And the ink has run dry in the ballpoint pens! These promo. Ideas
Posted here are very sound and will get your message out there! A few
More you might want to try. your business card with a
lipop taped to
The back of it, don't laugh it works! Especially with the fairer sex! Also
You might look at your logo on some of them Japan fans... (pronounced
Jaypan down here in the hot and humid south), another big hit with the
Ladies. don't use pencils! If your kid takes them to school their teacher
Might think you're a karaoke nut! To be honest the best promotional
Product I've seen in the last 3 months is gonna be that BBQ GRILL with
A major beer logo embossed on it and I guess I'm partial to that promo.
Because l won it July 3rd...BOOYAH!!!!! anyways, welcome to the forum,
If you have any questions about almost anything karaoke you're in the
Right Place. lots of folks with a lot of knowhow to do the job Fer sure!