Keith02 @ Sat Sep 30, 2006 2:16 pm wrote:
Whoever kidnapped Charmin needs to bring her back.....We miss her.
Charmin, if you are being held captive in some underground dungeon or basement, please text message us.
You MISS me? :dancin: :hi5: :oh yeah: I LOVE to be missed......
told ya I was busy, but I'm all done with that now. Back to terrorize all you poor innocents here. :wave:
I mean...Phil probably has his feet propped up... all relaxed without a care in the world instead of glued to the screen like he probably usually is when she's online...
Well...... it's time for Phil to get back UP then, cause I'm back. And in the mood to play a bit. But there's hardly ANYone online. :(
Give her a break she's probably away for a dirty weekend!!!!
I was gonna try to deny that..... but Tony blew it. Dang, but he can't keep a secret very well!! Muahaha...
Charm's not been kidnapped--shes just SANDBAGGING US!!!!
Sandbagging? Huh? Charm doesn't use that term, whatdya mean?
Lemme look that up. >brb<
Well, here's what Wikipedia tells me:
**Sandbagging is a drag racing technique.
**Sandbagging is a poker play.
**In golf, a "sandbagger" would enter a tournament, claiming a higher golf handicap than real, to gain an advantage in the tournament.
**On Internet chess sites, sandbagging is the malevolent resignement of a chess game in order to add Elo points to a partner or to a second user account.
**In the sales environment, sandbagging is holding aside completed sales with the expectation of producing them at a specific time of the week or month when there might be extra incentive or higher commissions.
**In CB slang, "sandbagging" is listening in on others without talking or making one’s presence known, for entertainment or for collection of information on others.
-Haven't been drag racing. (not, you know,
legally anyhow... hahaha)
-Haven't been playing poker. (played some Pool at the bar friday night tho, at Spinning Wheel... shoulda been there Kurt, I made some hella long shots, impressed all them drunk men, I did) :D
-Haven't played any internet Chess. (I suck at Chess.... really)
-Haven't been golfing. (lord, I hate that sport anyhow... I'd rather be drag racing)
-Haven't been in the sales environment. (well, yeah, guess I have, but I was locked in a chair, strapped to the keyboard)
-Haven't been on the CB either. Oh, but I get it. I've been "listening in on others without talking or making my presence known" Gotcha. Yup, that's what I've been doing. I lurked a bit here and there, just didn't have time to play.
Sorry Keith, she's with me in Ohio, I finally got her on the plane.
Yes, you spilled the beans so I can't lie... I've been tied up in a small hut out in the woods behind Tony's house. ( I must say, I enjoyed the imprisonment too........) :whistle: