soulman71 @ Tue Sep 19, 2006 2:11 pm wrote:
I dowmloaded it last night but havent got to really use it yet. I'll try to play around with it a little more! I cant find where it has singer rotation or not. Dont know if you really need it or not though
Well, it ain't God's gift, but it will get you up and running really fast if all you wanna do is play KJ at home......
I suggest it if you have a need you want to satisfy quickly...and then wanna tweak on your sound system and not spend lots of time on software.....
For me, it has always been sound first, then software cause the mechanics of sound come easy to me whereas as all software has a learning cure that is sometimes as cryptic and involved as any great video I always reserved the software till I had hours of free time to dig deep into it once I got the mechanics down.
Karafun is just a simple and quick start that I recommend as a first hosting app.....Users will get used to it and then discover if it is missing something they need and maybe move on.
I am a firm believer in 'learn first to walk before you attemp to run'.