Keith02 @ Mon Sep 04, 2006 1:55 am wrote:
Ideally you patch players and mics into the mixer....then patch mixer with two TRS 1/4"patch cables to Delta44...Then patch out of Delta 44 with two more TRS cables to your monitor system....You can use passive monitors with a monitor amp or active monitors, or full PA....If using monitor, mute them while recording and wear headphones, playback thru monitors for final mixdown....The delta will allow you to record two tracks at one time-the vocals, and the background music. While using Delta 44 this way, disable onboard sound in device manager.
If you want to use onboard sound and computer speakers as monitors, then go into device manager and disable onboard sound while recording, then disable Delta 44 while playing back.
Guess I'll get some cables tomorrow and give the setup a shot. I'm a bit confused though. What can I use for a monitor? Can I just plug the headphones into the output of the Delta 44? Seems like I'd only be monitoring 1 track if I did this - right?
Seems we're kind of approaching this 2 different ways. You mention I can plug in cdg player and mic to mixer then through D44 and save as 2 separate tracks, but I was wanting to just record the vocal track. I want to get the backing track by just ripping it from a cdg and then opening / saving it in my multi-track program. That way the backing track is a digital copy - best quality. Guess I could do it your way and then delete the backing track, and import the digital backing, but I guess I still have to have some type of monitor, and I need 4 cables. I was hoping to just get by with 1 cable - basically the one for the mic from the mixer to the soundcard and just listening to headphones. But right now, I don't know how I can do that. Perhaps you have some idea?
Somehow I have to have it hooked up so I can hear both backing and vocals as I sing and recording vocal track while listening through headphones. Can D44 and onboard sound be enabled at the same time? Thoughts?
I realize this may sound like more trouble to you, but I think it would be the best way to record. Does what I'm saying make sense?