FYI The Web Guru deleted the said calender, not I sir. Must have thought I was advertising.
Some use common sense practices, most don't have a clue. Most are using doctored together livingroom stuff or other sub par equipment.
There are hundreds of KJs around here. If I was the only one .........Oh too sweet.
I'll offer advice to any newbie. Some of the info that has been thrown at the newbies is really stupid. Lacks complete details, inadequate information, and I think most is misleading. Yeah you have $200 to upgrade your livingroom crap, huh? You have a machine and some discs, get a $50 mike and good luck. You'll still have $150 for gas, to get to Kelly's gig to undercut her. Is that what you want? Is that what we should be doing? Is that what the newbies want to hear? Is that what they deserve? Can we afford to keep doing this to ourselves?
I don't want to create more underqualified wannabes, that drag down the quality of the shows and drag down our pay. Sounds like most don't care if the newbies get started with an advantage leaning toward being on the successful side.
So what is the big suggestion to eliminate this problem. And it is our problem.
I got it. We can be more friendly to them. Shake their hand as they get misinformed.