Hi from a Newbie who took the bait

(Oops, I know, that's known of use as an "offer")
I admit to being a guest who enjoyed lurking... just listening to good tunes...
laughing my but* off at the incredible humor in this forum... and in general just having a good time without making any comittments (oooops again! -- I mean "comments" -- do have a problem with them long C-words.)
You see I liked lurking 'cause ya'll are so talented and I'm truly afraid I may not measure up, but hey here I am now in print...
Anyhow,,,,,, ya tempted me yesterday with this post Mr. Bigdog -- ya almost got me to type in a username and paasword and agree to terms of use and all that stuff...
but it was that pedigree story that actually finally got me -- couldn't resist commenting on that one - so FUNNY!!!
So, this is actually my 2nd post not my first -- but I still feel like a guest turned Newbie -- does it count?