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 Post subject: audion snake = buzz
PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 2:14 pm 
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i recently (as in last saturday) added a 100' snake to my show.  this way i can sit in the back of the venue to monitor the sound, the singers and the drunks, plus i'm out of sight!  this means the show is all about the singer and not about the back of my head.  the problem is that i developed a hum/buzz in my speakers.  its coming from between the snake and the amp, probably due to the connectors i had to use.  the snake is a peavey 16/4.  the returns are XLR (i couldn't readily find a used snake with 1/4" returns).  once i used a ground lift adaptor on the amp power supply the hum/buzz all but went away.  i'm not happy with having my amp ungrounded.  anyone go tany other suggestions?

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 Post subject: Re: audion snake = buzz
PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 2:38 pm 
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Yeah, I have one. Post this in the "technical" forum.  LOL Just kidding.

I've never had a problem with buzz that wasn't related to neon lights, or a bad mike cable, but I'm sure someone here will know of a device that can help. I'm sure you've already thought about rerouting the cable, and disconnecting the individual connections one at time to see if it's just one bad cable in the snake, right?

Sorry. That's all I've got.

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 Post subject: Re: audion snake = buzz
PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 2:41 pm 
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'preciate it.  yeah i tried just about everything.  there are a couple of other configurations that i did not get to (the show must go on you know!)  i thought about putting this in the technical area, but last time i did that i got very little response to the question.  figgered some folks are like me...only have time to check the goofy pages! :drunk:

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 Post subject: Re: audion snake = buzz
PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 2:44 pm 
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Need all the partculars to give you any advice...Howeevr I have run a 50 foot snake for 3 or 4 years now with no problems.  Twice right under the WWV time standard towers near Fort Collins....So I'll just explain my setup....  

I run balanced mics back standard xlr back to a Mackie mixer. I changed 6 & 8 in the stage box to chassis mount male xlr's... Then female xlrs' on the mixer end. Thus I run balanced audio to JBL eons..In the stage box I paralleled 7 xlr with a chassis mount female 1/4 inch jack.  Then run a standard 1/4 " cable to the stage monitor...On mixer end replaced the xlr with a 1'4" male to plug into mon send out.  On 8 mixer end I converted to a RCA plug and run video to the stage monitor using an xlr to RCA converter on the stage box (the graphics dont need  a standard RG 49 video cable although 100 feet might be pushing it)..

Im not sure just how you have everything hooked up but here is a good hookup guide You have a ground loop somewhere.... Give a more detailed decription how you are hooked up.....

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 Post subject: Re: audion snake = buzz
PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 2:45 pm 
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Yeah, I understand. This is where the party's at. I guess it's kind of like advertising. Post it everywhere and maybe the right people will see it! LOL

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 Post subject: Re: audion snake = buzz
PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 2:50 pm 
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karyoker, that is one thing i thought of, but haven't checked.  i may have an unbalanced connector in there somewhere that i don't know about.  thanks for the advice!

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 Post subject: Re: audion snake = buzz
PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 2:55 pm 
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When you have unbalanced to balanced run 1 hot (pin2 0r 3 if xlr)  to he balanced input then the other side which is the ground side of the input transformer, run it back on the other hot wire and ground on say mixer end.  In that guide it gives a good detailed description how to do this...

A wrong ground hookup is what causes the ground loop (the signal is hooked to chassis ground instead of signal ground)

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 Post subject: Re: audion snake = buzz
PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 3:08 pm 
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no vocals @ Mon Jul 24, 2006 2:14 pm wrote:
i recently (as in last saturday) added a 100' snake to my show.  this way i can sit in the back of the venue to monitor the sound, the singers and the drunks, plus i'm out of sight!  this means the show is all about the singer and not about the back of my head.  the problem is that i developed a hum/buzz in my speakers.  its coming from between the snake and the amp, probably due to the connectors i had to use.  the snake is a peavey 16/4.  the returns are XLR (i couldn't readily find a used snake with 1/4" returns).  once i used a ground lift adaptor on the amp power supply the hum/buzz all but went away.  i'm not happy with having my amp ungrounded.  anyone go tany other suggestions?

Are you using balanced cable?  Are you positive the cables are good.  Just sounds like a bad ground somewhere in the loop.  If it's isolated with a ground lift, you can always get a hum eliminator from Ebtech which lifts the ground SAFELY!  http://www.ebtechaudio.com/new.html  The price on there is suggested retail, you can find them much cheaper through dealers.

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 Post subject: Re: audion snake = buzz
PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 3:24 pm 
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Last year one the systems I put in and hadnt seen for awhile developed a hum problem. and the JBL eons had to be run with groundless adapters.   The hookup was from an Aphex 204 (0utput) to the speakers. Somebody had replaced the cables with single conductor and was grounding into the shield. Fixed the original trs cables (2 conductor) and grounded the JBL's again...

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 Post subject: Re: audion snake = buzz
PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 3:58 pm 
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lonman, the cables are good.  i really think it's a balanced/unbalanced cable issue.  i just haven't had the time to check it all out.  
thanks for all the input, y'all!  i always know i can count on you!

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 Post subject: Re: audion snake = buzz
PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 9:13 pm 
Does the snake hook up to the TV also?  Via the coax.

I reedited this.

Does it hook to the TV with RCAs?

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