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 Post subject: Re: Show Tempo
PostPosted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 10:13 am 
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Big Dog

I've sat back now for like what seems an eternity and read your posts and DUDE you've got some serious inferiority issues goin' on in your head man! LMAO

In my humble opinion, anyone who puffs his chest out as far as you do is gonna
"Explode" in the very near future. I would suggest removing all sharp objects from your living and working environments as you may cause serious harm to yourself and or the patrons of your shows.

You've got my vote as the "Official KS forum Bully" ....I've been on this forum for 2 years and have never seen anyone that even holds a candle to your ability to attempt to upstage, insult, badger, and bully other forum members.

Your about a smooth as a piece of 24 grit sand paper

Initially when you started in this forum your posts were informative and some were quite funny (i.e. the story about the "kitty in the furnace") now when I read your posts I get the image of a yellow jackets nest that has been disturbed and you are the "King Bee" and just wanna sting everything in sight.....Man you gotta relax...

The thing is "Nobody...and I mean...Nobody Cares How Successful You Are"
If your information is really good then we will use it. If we don't agree with it we won't use it. If you are successful ....good for you!! But that does not mean that what you do will work for everyone and in every part of the country or world.

Go back and read your posts over the past few months and you will see what I'm talkin' about. If you can't see it, then I suggest you seek professional help.

Time to take some DOGGY DOWNERS and back it off about 5 notches

woof woof

FlipSide Karaoke

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 Post subject: Re: Show Tempo
PostPosted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 10:58 am 
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 Post subject: Re: Show Tempo
PostPosted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 11:25 am 
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Flipper @ Sun Jul 23, 2006 10:13 am wrote:
The thing is "Nobody...and I mean...Nobody Cares How Successful You Are"
If your information is really good then we will use it. If we don't agree with it we won't use it. If you are successful ....good for you!! But that does not mean that what you do will work for everyone and in every part of the country or world.

Yes, if the information is what others may find as useful, that's their perogative.  This is a forum & what YOU may consider the perfect way may get objective opinions as well as why they don't feel it right.  Lots of debating, but when it comes down to it, no one way is right or wrong - just what works for you & your shows.
I give a ton of advice on equipment & argue on others choices.  If they take my advice, great, if not, great.  I'm not going to resort to name calling or putting anyone down just because they don't agree with me.  BD has even asked some advice and equipment questions from me in PM's, I pointed out how he get improve his sound quite a bit, does it mean he'll use it, no not if he feel he doesn't need to - that's his perogative.  There are several things he's said I don't agree with & wouldn't work at my shows, there are others that claim they now do some of the stuff he has offered - good for them as well.  Just like rotations, everyone has their way to do it, does it make it right or wrong - no!

LIKE Lonman on Facebook - Lonman Productions Karaoke & my main site via my profile!

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 Post subject: Re: Show Tempo
PostPosted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 4:26 pm 
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Usually regarding disagreeing, despite how enthusiastic, or adamant a person appears to be when expressing their opinion/feelings, as long as they don't resort to attacking me personally, or resorting to ad hominem argument, I see nothing wrong with emphatic or spirited presentations. To me that's usually fine. A person telling me they "know" doesn't convince me they do. However that goes without saying, (or at least it should). I've seen Bigdog give suggestions, I've also noticed that more than not when someone else suggests something that makes sense to him, he's not obstinate. He doesn't appear to become bellicose (again IMO) when someone disagree's with something he's stated.. I personally, have found Bigdog to be a fun and informative addition to the room, and at least in the sense of discussions *I've* had with Bigdog, I've found him to be reasonable, and actually agreeable. I try to address actual topic related matter though, not presentation of topic matter, personally, what seems to annoy many for some reason, I get a kick out've, I see humor intended in some of Bigdogs presentation, yet I also see him emphatic regarding "Bar's need paying customers to survive". Similarly, as Lonman stated, what somebody does with their life, or does not do in real, even in fiction actually has no affect on who I am as a person, or how successful I am, or how successful I'm not. I don't believe ANYONE here would expect me to believe 100% of what they state as absolute fact. If Bigdog tell's me he's the God of Karaoke, Why should that bother me ? Especially when I believe there's humor in alot of what he states, only thing missing might be emoticoms. Alot of the presentation I read, I find pretty clever... (but that's just me)... I've also learned from some of what he's stated, and we've had some interesting discussions when we haven't seen things "eye to eye", yet there've never been attacks.. Not sure why, I see things differently perhaps than some on this issue I suppose.....  Nothing wrong with feeling passionately about something. If I disagree, I try to address the topic, and present my own feelings and opinions which might differ, or even concur with some subtle differences. It doesn't make my point if the discussion ends up on a tangent that inevitably leads to "I'm rubber you're glue" LOL ..

I try not to be overly stubborn.  These rooms are only fun for me as long as there exist folks that are smarter and know more in certain areas... If I can't learn from being in these places.. It's just not fun for me. I also see humor where I believe humor is intended. Some of us just have a very different way of presenting our point... Not all is meant to be taken quite so seriously.  What it get's down to, is *I* need to decide who's God... A person on the internet telling me they are God, seldom believes they are, or expects me to take them totally seriously.. We all have different ways of presenting ourselves...Bigdog has his way too

This is all just MY opinion.

So in the end singers must decide how they want to have their entertainment served.    For me, I pick modern karaoke.    I like living in the future.    The only way we know about dinasours is to find their bones.

I see this prefaced with "to me" and "Singer's must decide".  I just don't see why this got into personal digs.

One other thing.  Assuming a few of us want to use this forum to present OUR feelings, or even "vent" at times... Be ourselves OUTSIDE of a business sense, state feelings that don't belong in a business contract.. Bytch about something that wasn't handled correctly at the bar last night, etc, How smart is it really on the internet to divulge very personal info where one of our bosses can be mailed contents from here ?  This HAS happened in other internet settings. Bosses have been contacted, as have spouses. Does this, or should this matter ?  I suppose it depends, obviously the intent is malicious when this happens. Realistically, someone who doesn't like us in here can in fact retaliate if crafty enough in real life. This happens ALOT on the internet. People at times have in fact mailed IM's and room contents to spouses in America Online rooms, assuming they hate another member..A neighbor of mine recently had his boss called at Pratt and Whitney, reason, chatroom contents.. This person :gay bashed: him to his boss... (Obviously the boss was smarter than to fall for such stupidity).. I can think of many reasons I'd not divulge the name of my boss, company I work for, or anything of great value to me in such a venue (where the whole world can read us).  

Phone number of spouse, real name of children etc, name and address of employer.. Let's be realistic, If anonymity isn't a real concern, why shouldn't we all be here under our real name, with our actual address and phone numbers posted in our profile ? Some choose to keep this very concise, and business-like,  other's choose to let their hair down, and offer opinions they really aren't in a place to express in a business setting as a subcontractor working within a larger venue... A type of road-rage exists in internet bboards such as this... People can, and have become victims to those that hate them.  Why set yourself up ?

Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".

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 Post subject: Re: Show Tempo
PostPosted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 11:27 pm 
And your last post will cost me how much, Steven? :whistle:

 Post subject: Re: Show Tempo
PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 12:10 am 
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Just add it to the tab.

Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".

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 Post subject: Re: Show Tempo
PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 12:33 am 
Let's see.   I'm a liar, I have mental issues, I'm an arse, Good ol' boy, bully, 24 grip sandpaper, Had derogitory references made about the size of my anatomically correct parts, accused of making statements, that I proved I never said.   A high strung King Bee, on doggie medication, bad at math, small and insecure.   :shock:   Anybody else want to post?  :wave:    I'll be at the suicide pit, mulling over my options. :whistle:

 Post subject: Re: Show Tempo
PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 1:43 am 
OK, so now everybody knows all of my good points and strongest features.   I tried to keep a low profile.      Be careful what you say on here.... Some people can't keep a secret.  :shock:  :O

So now, does anybody want to learn about karaoke?  :yes:  :D

 Post subject: Re: Show Tempo
PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 2:16 am 
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Ol' Big Dog just dont come off SOUNDIN'  like da' "BIG DOG". What he SOUNDS like is a small annoying ANKLE-BITER!! Yappy, obnoxious, irritatating and most importantly

Maybe what ol' "BIG DOG" REALLY needs is to come out and start TRYING to play with THE BIG BOYS!!


"You know that I sing the Blues and I do not suffer fools. When I'm on that silver mic, it's gonna cut ya, just like a knife"-The SWINGCAT

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 Post subject: Re: Show Tempo
PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 3:35 am 
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SwingcatKurt @ 24th July 2006, 6:16 pm wrote:
Ol' Big Dog just dont come off SOUNDIN'  like da' "BIG DOG". What he SOUNDS like is a small annoying ANKLE-BITER!! Yappy, obnoxious, irritatating and most importantly

Maybe what ol' "BIG DOG" REALLY needs is to come out and start TRYING to play with THE BIG BOYS!!


He can bite  LOL

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I can neither confirm nor deny ever having or knowing anything about nothing.... mrscott
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 Post subject: Re: Show Tempo
PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 6:30 pm 
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Now as to all this discussion about "ADVANCED MATHEMATICS" and cashflow equations....

Now Mr. Big Dog has indicated that over the course of several years of being paid IN CASH..........meaning no checks, no pay stubs, no IRS form 1099's, no declared income.........hmmmmmmmmmmm........it just keeps getting more interesting......

Now Mr. Big Dog clearly regards himself as being rather clever and glib........

But he's made a HUGE HUGE MISTAKE!!

He's now DECLARED OPENLY IN A PUBLIC FORUM, that ANYONE CAN DOWNLOAD AND PRINT COPIES  FROM........stated the amount of UNREPORTED TAXABLE income he's accrued over the years.

Now in this modern COMPUTERIZED age that we live in .........any GOVERNMENT entity that was concerned with UNREPORTED REVENUE can easily trace any computer's IP and locate the NAME ADDRESS SSN of pretty much anyone who's posted on a website like KS.  In particular the Internal Revenue Service would be MOST INTERESTED I'm sure to inquire about unreported entertainment revenue. Additionally I'm sure they'd be interested in learning about the particular EMPLOYER that's paying it's "Employees" by UNREPORTED CASH. Its called an AUDIT. Not to mention any state, city and county agencies who havent been benefiting from such a LUCRATIVE REVENUE STREAM!

So it's MR. BIG DOG whose proud enough to publicly declare his CASH KARAOKE REVENUES.

HMMMMMMMM.............Just an observation.........................

"You know that I sing the Blues and I do not suffer fools. When I'm on that silver mic, it's gonna cut ya, just like a knife"-The SWINGCAT

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 Post subject: Re: Show Tempo
PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 9:04 pm 
I pay my taxes.    Never said other wise.   :wave:    Thanks for looking out for me, good to know you have my back.   :no:

Remember, I'm a liar and everyone on here can verify that.    LMAO

 Post subject: Re: Show Tempo
PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 9:20 pm 
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Got some more Math:

70 singers per night x AT LEAST 3 nights karaoke a week x 52 weeks per year x about 12 years= 131,040 singers!

Now these are just the rough numbers of my almost 12 year K.J. career. I've worked at least 5 nights a week between two places for about 4 of those years, so the number is probably closer to, let's say, 150,000. This is probably the bare minimum of songs I've played since I first started.

There are K.J.'s on this forum who have probably called up way more singers than that, and some who aren't quite there, but have had a good amount of experience.

The reason I'm posting this is because: If many of us have been successfully doing karaoke for this amount of time, why should we have to be told what is the "right" way, and what is the so-called antiquated "wrong" way. Since I've only worked two places my entire career, and dealt with that many singers and songs, using filler music between singers LOL, then I think I'm doing something right, and don't deserve to be classified as a K.J., like many on this forum, who is running a sub-par show because we don't use your exact system, Bigdog.

It's not WHAT you say Bigdog, it's the WAY you say it that can ruffle the feathers. I'd personally prefer that you'd to give an informative, helpful opinion, as opposed to the... Karaoke Commandments :worship:. Unless you're just DETERMINED to push people's buttons, why WOULDN'T you do something like that?

If you want more credibility and likability, then why burn the bridges and be such an enigma? If that's your thing, then fine.... but it'll probably only lead to more animosity, IMHO.

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 Post subject: Re: Show Tempo
PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 9:25 pm 
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Well at least hes HONEST ABOUT BEING DISHONEST!! I suppose theres some VIRTUE in THAT!!!! LMAO  LMAO  LMAO

"You know that I sing the Blues and I do not suffer fools. When I'm on that silver mic, it's gonna cut ya, just like a knife"-The SWINGCAT

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 Post subject: Re: Show Tempo
PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 9:50 pm 
Way too many experts on here.    I've been so humbled.  :O

Didn't say it was all about my way.

Do you worry about the non singers?   Do you care if they stay long?

It is very seldom that I have nights with singers out numbering the nons.    

The singers are entertaining themselves with the songs they pick to sing.   Some may sing songs that the majority of the crowd wants to here, but most of the time they sing the songs they want to hear.   They could care less about the rest of the crowd.  They figure it's their turn and they will do what they want.    Guess What, they are absolutely right.    My pay is based on how busy the bar is, period.   This includes every person.   So my main concern is for the happiness of the entire cash register.    Because my money comes directly out of it.   If there isn't much money in the register, when the time comes to pay me, it's more noticeable.     If it's overflowing, it doesn't bother them as much.    It's simple economics.     Even I can understand it.    LMAO

 Post subject: Re: Show Tempo
PostPosted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 12:14 am 
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Ahhh.............But you DID SAY IT WAS ABOUT YOUR WAY!! Your way or the HIGHWAY. All about YOUR SUPERIORITY. ALL ABOUT YOUR WAY BEING THE BEST and any others being INFERIOR. Sorry PAL...........your WAY PAST the point of BACKPEDDLING!!   Now that you've managed to pisss off just about everyone on here with your belittling and arrogant attitude................now your making noises about how its not about you??????????? Whats this you're trying to now ask for FORGIVENESS and ACCEPTANCE????? Well first what you need to do is a DIRECT AND CLEAR APOLOGY to EACH AND EVERY INDIVIDUAL that you've DISSED HERE(basically every one thats  been in this thread). As to myself you dont need to say anything to me as I simply dont CARE what you happen to think about your style, skill or expereince. When you go trying to push buttons..........well you can push peoples buttons here, but in return your going to get YOUR BUTTONS STOMPED ON BY ME. Im SIMPLY NOT IMPRESSED with someone who fancies themselves superior to anyone around them........that claims to KNOW IT ALL, that has NO ROOM for others or thier SUCCESSFUL ways.  I havent the time or patience for the EGO.


Step one:
You say "Lonman I apologise to you"

Step two:
You say "Big Mike I apologize to you"

Step three:
You say "Flipper I apologize to you"

Step four:
Repeat above steps for each and EVERY individual here that you've gone out of your way to offend.

You do that then I'll have some RESPECT for you. If not then we know you're simply as you are and are not worth any effort.

So BE A MAN now and show the respect that you OWE the people here. If you're capable of BEING A MAN OF RESPECT.

This is a DIRECT CALL-OUT. Are you up to the CHALLENGE? Prove yourself then!

"You know that I sing the Blues and I do not suffer fools. When I'm on that silver mic, it's gonna cut ya, just like a knife"-The SWINGCAT

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 Post subject: Re: Show Tempo
PostPosted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 7:19 am 
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Bigdog @ Sun Jul 23, 2006 6:17 am wrote:
I'll do some more of the math for you, big guy.

$9,000 x 5 = $45,000/year
$45,000 x 14 years = $630,000  Did I mention CASH?    :O

I'm still doing the equations for the other systems.   I'm going to guess it could be another $600,000 or so.   Don't quote me, it gets people with big mouths in trouble.

One entire year to pay for my music.

One and a half nights, a year to buy my equipment (one system).

I had 3 systems going.   I can't remember how long each worked, but I'm still looking.

3 full size vans, plus much more misc. stuff.

I'm just curious - I assumed because you kept stating you received cash from your
venues you weren't claiming it, but now you say you pay taxes. How do you claim it if they aren't issuing at least a 1099 to you? I would think this would put up a red flag to the IRS if you were claiming you made 45,000 and there was no employer sending in a 1096 for you. If your not claiming the money, how do you hide 45,000 dollars without putting it in your bank account?
I am very confused by your statement.

[shadow=pink][glow=deepskyblue]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
[updown]~*~ MONKEY BUSINESS KARAOKE~*~ [/shadow][/updown][/glow]

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 Post subject: Re: Show Tempo
PostPosted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 8:07 am 
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He's self employed, no one to issue him documents.  If the IRS is worried, they can always audit him.

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 Post subject: Re: Show Tempo
PostPosted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 9:00 am 
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I didn't think he ever stated he was issued a 1099.  This is addressed in a previous thread (somewhat) about a week ago. With a 1099 you'd be quite visible. At least for the cash job.  The day job I believe was different.

Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".

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 Post subject: Re: Show Tempo
PostPosted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 10:58 am 
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Bigdog @ Mon Jul 24, 2006 9:04 pm wrote:
I pay my taxes.    Never said other wise.   :wave:    Thanks for looking out for me, good to know you have my back.   :no:

Remember, I'm a liar and everyone on here can verify that.    LMAO

But you did make this quote so you implied you didn't or made it sound like it anyway!

Bigdog wrote:
Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 12:32 am  
Re: Contracts with Bars/nightclubs  


If you get paid "cash" (follow me here) no 1099s, no checks no one knows, why would you want a paper trail?

[shadow=deepskyblue]I'm impressed, I've never met such a small mind inside such a big head before.[/shadow]

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