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Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 5:04 pm |
Joined: Wed Dec 01, 2004 1:13 pm Posts: 627 Location: TN Been Liked: 1 time
I don't think anyone has called you a liar. It was more of a proctocology reference.
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Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 5:06 pm |
Joined: Sun Jan 11, 2004 10:43 am Posts: 594 Location: Seattle, WA Been Liked: 0 time
Bigdog @ Fri Jul 21, 2006 4:52 pm wrote: I'm shocked...  I have never been called a liar by so many holier than though people.  :( Except it's you that is displaying that 'Holier Than Thou' attitude but then too afraid to back up your claims. Remember this statement " Quote: And you would have to be as good as me "
I don't recall anyone else making this kind of claim.
_________________ [shadow=deepskyblue]I'm impressed, I've never met such a small mind inside such a big head before.[/shadow]
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Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 5:08 pm |
It's oK.... :hug: That's why I'm the Bigdog, I have big shoulders. Powerful arms too, from carrying all of that money.  :wave: :D
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Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 5:15 pm |
Joined: Sun Jan 11, 2004 10:43 am Posts: 594 Location: Seattle, WA Been Liked: 0 time
Yep, no holier than thou attitude there. Big egos for big dogs but no way to back up your claims. Very believeable you are... 
_________________ [shadow=deepskyblue]I'm impressed, I've never met such a small mind inside such a big head before.[/shadow]
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Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 5:38 pm |
Who are you to pass your judgement on my credibility. If we were related or you personally knew me and knew that the things I am saying are not true, is one thing. But you know nothing..... so how reliable is your accusation?
Aren't you the guy that admitted that he couldn't make a decent living in your area doing karaoke? Makes one wonder about someones abilities. Two ears and one mouth should be the answer to your problem. :yes:
Sticks and stones may break your bones, but making money from great karaoke is the best. 
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Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 5:50 pm |
Joined: Sun Jan 11, 2004 10:43 am Posts: 594 Location: Seattle, WA Been Liked: 0 time
Yep I did say I couldn't make a living doing club work anymore, I make my money in the private shows.
I'm just a forum poster that jumps in when people think their (@$%&#!) don't stink. You haven't proven anything you post, you state you are the best with the claims "as good as me". Yet nothing you post you have actually backed up...what are you afraid of? Someone from here actually coming to your show to back up your claims or to call BS? That's what i'm getting from your lack of willingness to promote your shows here. Either that, or you really don't have any shows to begin with & want to make everybody think you are better than you really are.
_________________ [shadow=deepskyblue]I'm impressed, I've never met such a small mind inside such a big head before.[/shadow]
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Full House Entertainment
Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 5:57 pm |
Joined: Tue May 25, 2004 9:09 am Posts: 608 Location: Moore, OK Been Liked: 0 time
Bigdog @ Fri Jul 21, 2006 7:38 pm wrote: Who are you to pass your judgement on my credibility. If we were related or you personally knew me and knew that the things I am saying are not true, is one thing. But you know nothing..... so how reliable is your accusation? Aren't you the guy that admitted that he couldn't make a decent living in your area doing karaoke? Makes one wonder about someones abilities. Two ears and one mouth should be the answer to your problem. :yes: Sticks and stones may break your bones, but making money from great karaoke is the best.  I too question your credibility...
I could just use my caller I.D. but your grandiose claims are really starting to be fun! If you are such a great KJ with a longstanding show you wouldn't have a problem posting the bar's name, address and phone number; in fact you'd post where you are doing karaoke 5 nights a week and wouldn't contradict yourself regarding your large wallet and not having the money for other systems...
Still not dancing,
_________________ You do it in the shower, you do it in the car, Ccome do it with us, and be a star!!!!
Karaoke with Full House Entertainment
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Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 6:22 pm |
That only makes you an authority on how not to make a living, doing what I do.
Remember what I said before. Never take advice from people that aren't doing and achieving the level of success that you want to achieve. They can't tell you how to do, what they can't or haven't. Nothing personal, just facts.
The money is coming in, but it still has to go back out. $100,000 divorce fixed that. To have a $100,000 divorce, one needs to have $100,000 to give up.
Since I am not as successful as the rest, I must wait and eat rice cakes.
Good point... If I built systems like almost everyone else on here, I could do it with the paperboys money. Sorry kid, no girl scout cookies this week, I'm building a high end karaoke system. Where would I post all of this gig information? And Why? Planning a vacation to some good karaoke destinations? See a real system? I had a calender on here that was quickly deleted. No one believed anything on it, so what's the point in wasting my time on glass house dwellers. I'm going to the suicide pit. That's where the fun is. Oh... other wise known as the bar with no non singers allowed and where every singing KJ will be put to death.
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Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 6:39 pm |
Joined: Sun Jan 11, 2004 10:43 am Posts: 594 Location: Seattle, WA Been Liked: 0 time
Bigdog @ Fri Jul 21, 2006 6:22 pm wrote: Good point... If I built systems like almost everyone else on here, I could do it with the paperboys money. Sorry kid, no girl scout cookies this week, I'm building a high end karaoke system. Where would I post all of this gig information? And Why? Planning a vacation to some good karaoke destinations? See a real system? I had a calender on here that was quickly deleted. No one believed anything on it, so what's the point in wasting my time on glass house dwellers. I'm going to the suicide pit. That's where the fun is. Oh... other wise known as the bar with no non singers allowed and where every singing KJ will be put to death.
Well from what you described your system, it doesn't sound all that spectacular. $600 mics, but bottom of the line Alesis effects. You are running a sub/satellite Yamaha system off of 1 amp & someone also pointed out that the way you have it hooked up is giving no real benefit because they aren't crossed over properly.
Yes as a matter of fact I am planning a trip, it just may be to see what 'the best'  is all about. The calendar you had up proved nothing but that you were once working 6 years ago still had no locations & come to think of it, it didn't really prove anything that it was even your shows.
You can't do anything but belittle everyone here that doesn't agree with you & claim everyone isn't as good, yet you STILL are unwilling (AFRAID) to back up your own claims with a location - I say you are blowing smoke. Back up your own claims & you might be taken more seriously instead of trying to make yourself look bigger than everyone else. Big Dogs often bark louder than their bite!
_________________ [shadow=deepskyblue]I'm impressed, I've never met such a small mind inside such a big head before.[/shadow]
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Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 6:41 pm |
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Joined: Sat Jun 10, 2006 2:00 pm Posts: 186 Been Liked: 0 time
You know, I have read and read post from all of you. I am an absolute no-one when it comes to these forums. I have not been on here long enough to even get the just of all of this. But I think everyone is supposed to be able to speak their mind. We may not like what they say, but read it and all keep thier derogatory statements to themselves.
I guess I am getting the wrong impression here. I have seen many of you know each other. Lucky for you. It makes for some interesting chatter. I know no one. And when I first got on this site I thought it would bring some insight and some great experiences I could learn from. But I am seeing that for most of you, it is just childish behavior because you don't run a show the same as someone else.
Maybe it doesn't work for you to do the job the same way as Big Dog, but it doesn't make his way of doing things wrong either. If it's not broke don't fix it!!!!!!!!!!!
This forum and many others are just our own opinions.
And I am very strong about this, and this is my own opinion------
Some of us who don't know eachother, don't give our names and establishments for a reason. And it has nothing to do with anything but privacy. This internet, this site and anyother site is not capable of being 100% safe. I am a woman, and not that I don't trust each and everyone of you who have posted a reply, I still will always have doubts about who I give tooooooo much information too. Maybe that is why we don't post phone numbers.
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Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 6:50 pm |
Joined: Sun Jan 11, 2004 10:43 am Posts: 594 Location: Seattle, WA Been Liked: 0 time
kjsrbest @ Fri Jul 21, 2006 6:41 pm wrote: Maybe it doesn't work for you to do the job the same way as Big Dog, but it doesn't make his way of doing things wrong either. If it's not broke don't fix it!!!!!!!!!!!
Nobody said his way was wrong, but he pretty much states that his was is right...this is what gets people going. With outlandish claims that he is in fact the best karaoke & he posts reasons why kj's do stuff & how kj's should do things but can't even make a quick post telling people his location/shows. You are correct many on here do know many people, some actually do yearly group get togethers going to other cities & states & pick shows that are maybe above average or hosts that know what they are doing without sounding egotistical about themselves like many of his posts have displayed...especially lately.
Also personal information over these forums I agree isn't very smart, however a kj should be promoting somewhere & a karaoke forum is one of the better places to do that. Club info dates/times & location is not personal info, it's advertising a show, but again, he claims that he is so good that he don't need to advertise in any manner...yellow pages, internet web sites, here, etc. Again, i'm sorry no one is that good.
_________________ [shadow=deepskyblue]I'm impressed, I've never met such a small mind inside such a big head before.[/shadow]
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Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 7:08 pm |
I work 5 nights a week. I can't work more and I don't want to..... so tell me why I have to advertise anywhere for work, I can't do and don't need ... I fail to see the purpose. Just so I can prove to you, I can work. Everything I tell you is a lie according to you so .....I would get arrested for false advertising, liable and slander. Put your system in the Mini Cooper and come on down. For every job I get you, you give me half. Here's my pink slip, bring yours. I already have a steady Tuesday waiting, if you get here before then. Let me know, so I can call him and tell him, I can do it.
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Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 7:22 pm |
Joined: Sun Jan 11, 2004 10:43 am Posts: 594 Location: Seattle, WA Been Liked: 0 time
Bigdog @ Fri Jul 21, 2006 7:08 pm wrote: I work 5 nights a week. I can't work more and I don't want to..... so tell me why I have to advertise anywhere for work, I can't do and don't need ... I fail to see the purpose. Just so I can prove to you, I can work. Everything I tell you is a lie according to you so .....I would get arrested for false advertising, liable and slander. Put your system in the Mini Cooper and come on down. For every job I get you, you give me half. Here's my pink slip, bring yours. I already have a steady Tuesday waiting, if you get here before then. Let me know, so I can call him and tell him, I can do it.
WHo said you have to advertise for new business, you're so concerned with getting people into the bar, advertise the club you work at so more people can come on to your great show. Or is it that great & packed now that you don't need anymore new customers.
 , MiniCooper, I wouldn't drive one of those things. Anyway, so where would I be "coming on down" to? That seems to be the biggest side step from you.
_________________ [shadow=deepskyblue]I'm impressed, I've never met such a small mind inside such a big head before.[/shadow]
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Full House Entertainment
Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 7:25 pm |
Joined: Tue May 25, 2004 9:09 am Posts: 608 Location: Moore, OK Been Liked: 0 time
First of all, I don't know Bigdog anymore than you do and I rarely get into one of these discussions.. At first I was just tired of the this is how you do it, my way or you're wrong, my way or you're costing the bar money, my way or you are kicking non-singers out. That was AT FIRST, now it's interesting to see how many reasons he/she can give for not disclosing his/her location; I'm sure I'll now see another added to the list..
It seems to me that the name calling, etc. seems to be coming from one source at the moment. This is done all the while telling everyone that it's my way and only my way....
Frankly, I think a good business person would give out the information in a forum dedicated to their business. I'm not sure how giving out a company name and the location of your gigs is a privacy issue but I respect that you feel that way and that's fine with me.
My husband and I have travelled quite a bit and try to hit one or two karaoke shows wherever we go, it's not completely out of the question that we, or anyone on this forum, could be in Bigdog's area (after all, he's near a metro area) and would visit his show to see how it's done!
_________________ You do it in the shower, you do it in the car, Ccome do it with us, and be a star!!!!
Karaoke with Full House Entertainment
[scroll] Just because I have a short attention span doesn't mean......  [/scroll]
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Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 7:28 pm |
Karaoke heaven, where every KJ works steady, if they are any good. No I don't need any more non singers screwing up the fun.
I won't be able to sing every song if it gets any busier. Don't need singers when I'm around. :no: Word of mouth. Everyone knows where to go for good karaoke. Uncle Sam can't follow spoken words. 
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Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 7:32 pm |
This is the biggest night of the week, everybody is on this site.
How come nobody's working karaoke?
Anyone can get a Friday night karaoke gig. Even the worst ones can do that.
This is the night I chew bones. And Mondays.
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Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 7:54 pm |
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Joined: Sat Jun 10, 2006 2:00 pm Posts: 186 Been Liked: 0 time
I am on here tonight because I had a really bad day. Brother's house burned down, to the ground. Best friend from work just lost her hsuband at 42 years old, 2 children, little cjildren, anniversay yesterday. Was supposed to go out for dinner, he didn't feel weel lastnight and asked if they could go tonight instead. Within ten minutes of getting to work today, she had a phone call to get to the hospital quick and call family members, also call a priest/minister. He still wasn't feeling well this morning. But insisted she go to work, he would be fine. Guess she only was gone for a few minutes and on her 45 minute journey to work when he felt compelled to call 911. That isn't even the end of it. While I was on my way home from work, I got a call that another good friend was in a car accident. Nothing fatal. But I think I could top the list as to why I am on here tonight. I needed to just talk and listen to friends, to keep my mind off of things that right now I could not do on a phone. Brother lives out of state, girlfriend is at hospital, and friend is now home on something to kill the pain.
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Full House Entertainment
Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 8:24 pm |
Joined: Tue May 25, 2004 9:09 am Posts: 608 Location: Moore, OK Been Liked: 0 time
Bigdog @ Fri Jul 21, 2006 9:32 pm wrote: This is the biggest night of the week, everybody is on this site. How come nobody's working karaoke?  Anyone can get a Friday night karaoke gig. Even the worst ones can do that. This is the night I chew bones. And Mondays.
I would think that anyone can get a Saturday night gig then too....
We are home cuz one of our kj's was in the store this afternoon and hubby thought it would be nice to spend the night at home. The kj's were going to be partying there anyway so they agreed...
_________________ You do it in the shower, you do it in the car, Ccome do it with us, and be a star!!!!
Karaoke with Full House Entertainment
[scroll] Just because I have a short attention span doesn't mean......  [/scroll]
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Full House Entertainment
Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 8:25 pm |
Joined: Tue May 25, 2004 9:09 am Posts: 608 Location: Moore, OK Been Liked: 0 time
kjsrbest @ Fri Jul 21, 2006 9:54 pm wrote: I am on here tonight because I had a really bad day. <snip>. So sorry to hear about all the crap you and yours are going through.
Thinking good thoughts for you,
_________________ You do it in the shower, you do it in the car, Ccome do it with us, and be a star!!!!
Karaoke with Full House Entertainment
[scroll] Just because I have a short attention span doesn't mean......  [/scroll]
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Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 4:27 am |
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Joined: Tue Apr 11, 2006 12:56 pm Posts: 20 Been Liked: 0 time
I ditto you, kjsrbest. It is a matter of privacy. Bigdog's information sounds much too factual to be fiction. I'm with you Bigdog!
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