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 Post subject: Show Tempo
PostPosted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 3:48 pm 
When karaoke first came out, right after the dinasours died.    Singers had to walk up on a stage and grab the cheap corded microphone and squint at the 9" TV monitor and sing (scream to be heard) with no effects, into a crappy sounding system.    Since they were too cheap to have two machines every KJ had to kill time between each disc loading.   This was accomplished by blabbing about some meaningless stuff for a minute to a minute and a half.   Very tempo/mood killing chatter.

Then they did buy another machine.    In between the singers, these ancient KJs used it to play filler music or as it's known in show business, as traveling music.  To get from one part of the show or performer to the next.  So it appeard to be seamless entertainment.    To keep the crowd from getting disinterested and throwing tomatos and various other rotten vegetables...   Are you still fooled by these shenanigans.

This is really old fashioned.    

In todays modern world, karaoke singers can use state of the art cordless microphones, sing from any seat in the house and sing in there normal voice into a professional sound system.    Complete with vocal effects and a trained professional, operating the controls to insure every performance is the best that it can be.   The next singer already has the mike so they are ready to go the second the last song ends.  The music is played back-to-back, so the show tempo is constantly high.   NO tempo killing filler added, like the competition.   So in the end singers must decide how they want to have their entertainment served.    For me, I pick modern karaoke.    I like living in the future.    The only way we know about dinasours is to find their bones.

 Post subject: Re: Show Tempo
PostPosted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 4:05 pm 
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Okay, I'll bite...   No offense meant; I'm just suffering from heat and humidity exhaustion...

First of all, you can only speak for yourself and while I am not a fan of filler music, I think it's a personal preference, not the difference between a professional KJ or not.

Addidtionally, if I remember correctly, you're not PC based; perhaps someone who is PC based would consider you a dinosaur...  BTW, I'm not PC based either...

I've been curious since you've been on the board, particularly with your strong opinions....  Where you are located, what about your gigs (what nights, what bars and for how long) and perhaps your website...  I'm sure a professional KJ would want to have that information plastered all over the place, particularly in a forum dedicated to karaoke!

Susie :)

You do it in the shower,
you do it in the car,
Ccome do it with us,
and be a star!!!!

Karaoke with Full House Entertainment

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 Post subject: Re: Show Tempo
PostPosted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 4:13 pm 
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He's been asked that before & all he could provide was a 6 year old calendar with no locations.  Only thing he said was on the right coast & doesn't need a website.

[shadow=deepskyblue]I'm impressed, I've never met such a small mind inside such a big head before.[/shadow]

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 Post subject: Re: Show Tempo
PostPosted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 4:27 pm 
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Thanks,  I didn't see where that question had been asked of him/her before.

Bigdog,  Will you be specific?  If not, why?

Susie :)

You do it in the shower,
you do it in the car,
Ccome do it with us,
and be a star!!!!

Karaoke with Full House Entertainment

[scroll]Just because I have a short attention span doesn't mean...... :confused: [/scroll]

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 Post subject: Re: Show Tempo
PostPosted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 5:27 pm 
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The only way we know about dinasours is to find their bones.

Perhaps that was a start many years ago,  but once we learned to identify dinosaurs, and learned that the bone structure in the ankle area is a means of identifying them, we learned that dinosaurs still exist today.  They have all along...

Any idea's what species has evolved very little (if at all) from the Dinosaur period ?
In terms of it's anatomical structure, perhaps not size. Closest living animal today that is a dinosaur.

Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".

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 Post subject: Re: Show Tempo
PostPosted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 6:32 pm 
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LIKE Lonman on Facebook - Lonman Productions Karaoke & my main site via my profile!

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 Post subject: Re: Show Tempo
PostPosted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 6:39 pm 
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...maybe a coelacanth?

...maybe Champ?

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 Post subject: Re: Show Tempo
PostPosted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 7:39 pm 
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Singers had to walk up on a stage and grab the cheap corded microphone

karaoke singers can use state of the art cordless microphones,

A wireless 58 and a corded 58; which one sound better? The wireless 58 cost more because of the transmitter and the receiver. It does not make it sound better?

I will go for the corded mic.

I can neither confirm nor deny ever having or knowing anything about nothing.... mrscott

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 Post subject: Re: Show Tempo
PostPosted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 8:53 pm 
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Are Birds Really Dinosaurs?
Ask your average paleontologist who is familiar with the phylogeny of vertebrates and they will probably tell you that yes, birds (avians) are dinosaurs. Using proper terminology, birds are avian dinosaurs; other dinosaurs are non-avian dinosaurs, and (strange as it may sound) birds are technically considered reptiles. Overly technical? Just semantics? Perhaps, but still good science. In fact, the evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of birds being the descendants of a maniraptoran dinosaur.
Paleontologists mostly use cladistics, which classifies birds as dinosaurs, but some biologists of the older generation do not.

(I would've thought shark, alligator/crocodile as well, even a turtle...)  I believe (not positive) that science has more evidence linking birds directly to dinosaurs than any other animal type however.  Perhaps Jian would know this... Depending on a source, I've read birds technically are dinosaurs and a few sources say they are direct descendants (which is new to me,  I never thought there was any question that they WERE dinosaurs.  I remember when I owned a few birds and was reading about them, I found it strange that I was holding a dinosaur) hehe

A study about a year old.. It was believed prior that the pulmonary system of dinosaurs was close to alligators/crocs.... However latest studies (2005)

"The pulmonary system of meat-eating dinosaurs such as T. rex in fact shares many structural similarities with that of modern birds, which, from an engineering point of view, may possess the most efficient respiratory system of any living vertebrate inhabiting the land or sky," said Claessens, who received a Ph.D. from Harvard in organismic and evolutionary biology last month and will join the faculty at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Mass., this fall.

In birds, this special anatomical configuration increases the gas exchange potential within the lungs, boosting metabolism and creating warm-bloodedness. The researchers are quick to point out, however, that the new study doesn't clearly peg predatory dinosaurs as habitually warm-blooded animals. The creatures probably had a more complex strategy, falling somewhere between what scientists define as cold- and warm-blooded. It appears that these animals had the pulmonary machinery for enhanced gas exchange, O'Connor explained, which would have pushed them closer to being warm-blooded creatures.

Previous research that pointed to a more crocodilian-like pulmonary system was based on a study of two dinosaur skeletons encased in rock. O'Connor and Claessens have expanded on that research by studying a broader collection of dinosaur skeletal remains, and are the first to integrate both anatomical and functional studies of modern birds as models of how the ancient creatures' air sacs were structured.

Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".

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 Post subject: Re: Show Tempo
PostPosted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 12:02 am 
First of all, even if I were to sing 10 songs every night, which I don't but.....With all of the time people waste between singers with the traveling music, which probably equals up to a minute between each song.     Over 4 hours that equals 1 hour.    So in 3 hours, I can still play as many songs as the traveling music players, play in 4 ... Sounds like a bargin for the singers and the bar owner.   A winless, winless situation.

Who is giving the bar owner more value for their money????   Who plays more songs per night?  Who has more singers kept happy?    Where would you rather sing, somewhere that has a KJ sucking up your singing time, because they have to wait for the next singer to climb up on the stage or someplace that plays karaoke music back-to-back?    

Who's singing next?   I don't know, but we'll find out in a few minutes, after I call out this name and we see who comes up.   And the winner is....

I don't work... I never did a show in my pityful right coast life.  

But I slept on the dirt floor of a Holiday Cave last night.    Those pine needles really inspired me, I just upgraded my system.    Now, my music is carved on flat stones.    Sing into my new hollow tree limbs.   While they climb to the top of that big hill, so everyone can see and hear them, I beat on a nice hollow log in between each screamer, to kill time.    Takes a little while, but it's worth it to scream into such a good seasoned hardwood tree limb.     It has excellent tonal qualities.    I can get 6 singers in, if they don't dehydrate on the climb.    The words are written on papyrus.   You can read hieroglyphics, can't you?    It's not too small.    Use this piece of magnifying glass.    Oh just fake it.    No one will care.      It's all about me anyway.   You don't count.    This new upgrade cost me a pretty sea shell collection.    $50,000 clams.    Just so I can show off to all of my non existant bar cave owners.    Don't spill that free water and berry juice on my song scrolls.   Don't waste all of the wax tablet request forms.    Wait, I'll sharpen that stylus for you.    Keep the beads in you loin cloth cutie, I don't take bribes.    You'll climb the mountain when it's your turn.   No line jumping.   Sure the rock skipped, but no one even noticed.  Your screaming didn't scare them away.    No the crowd left to go to the sacrifice pit.   If you hurry you can still make it.

Web site?   I hate spiders.     I carved my number in the tree trunk over there.   It's also on the big rock by the river.    I plan on hanging a sign around the saber tooth tigers neck, if I can get him to slow down.    Smoke signal classes are going to be worth it.   Never can advertise enough.   The future is so wonderful.

 Post subject: Re: Show Tempo
PostPosted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 12:41 am 
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Big Dog talks the talk----------------so far we havent SEEN ANY EVIDENCE that he actually WALKS THE WALK. He's quick to criticize and quick to dis other peoples format and how they run thier shows. But when it comes to KJ's Ill stick with Lonman, Knight show, Timberlea, Big Mike, Flipper and Mr. October. These are PROVEN PERFORMERS with DEMONSRATED PROFESSIONALISM who understand that different people do it different ways and all have measurable proven success. When I start SEEING BIG DOG's website, some photos of his venue, comments from people who have been to his show maybe a couple of magazine articles on his show and a concrete POSITIVE attitude.............well then I'll start buying his Schtick.
Til then his TALK IS CHEAP.  Lets see him BACK IT UP.

"You know that I sing the Blues and I do not suffer fools. When I'm on that silver mic, it's gonna cut ya, just like a knife"-The SWINGCAT

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 Post subject: Re: Show Tempo
PostPosted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 1:02 am 
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Brian,........... remember

I can neither confirm nor deny ever having or knowing anything about nothing.... mrscott

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 Post subject: Re: Show Tempo
PostPosted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 1:18 am 
I'm only repeating things I learned on another karaoke site.     I'm a Loo--oser and I'm not what I appear to be.   I couldn't make money doing karaoke if my life depended on it.    Can't sing a note even off key.

I got so smart in 14 years of killing crowds with crappy karaoke.   Singing all night long, screwing up the way everybody sounds.   There's nothing to it.  Anyone can do it.   The evidence is all over this site.    

As far as singing on my off nights, I would do that if all of the competitions stuff wasn't so crappy.   I can sound bad in my livingroom, I don't need or want to do it in public.

It's not just about the singers.  It's about being hired to make money for the bar.   Entertaining both the singers and the nonsingers.   The non drinking singers are not footing all of the bill.   The majority of your pay comes from the non singers.    If you can't keep them in the bar, who pays for you?    

Only a moron would make the statement that they don't care about the non singers and want them to leave the bar.     You better figure out pretty fast that they butter your bread.    The singers and non singers are equal in this equation.

:asleep:    I'm having a nightmare about people not caring about the amount of non singers in the bar. :shock:

 Post subject: Re: Show Tempo
PostPosted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 1:42 am 
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But at least all of the mentioned above aren't too wussy to display & actually SHOW where they play & display contact info.  You show none of that!  Which goes to show you either have nothing & talk big & you are too afraid of showing what you actually have!  Quit barking so loud & do a little proving!

[shadow=deepskyblue]I'm impressed, I've never met such a small mind inside such a big head before.[/shadow]

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 Post subject: Re: Show Tempo
PostPosted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 2:02 am 
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To be honest with you, I personally think a good flow to the show is not necessarily a "fast" flow. Prefer to say "Let's give a round of applause for so & so", immediately call up the next singer, turn up some upbeat in-between music, and possibly B.S. and kid around with the crowd while the singer's on their way too the stage.... all in 30 seconds or less. As a singer I wouldn't want to feel like I'm having to be rushed to the stage like I'm on some "vocal factory line".

Even though everyone wants a fun show with a fast rotation, it's seems kinda crazy that you could possibly have a "tempo killer" because you play "filler music" for a few seconds. I don't feel guilty playing "Brick House" between singers if I have the song "Crazy" followed by "The Dance". LOL

Technology is nice, but I'll take an "old fashioned", fun, quality show over a "state of the art", ultra fast paced show that has no feel or personality to it, when the robot K.J. can barely say one world 'cause they're on a 3 second time limit between songs.

I'll rename my show Jurassic Karaoke, if those are the new standards!

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 Post subject: Re: Show Tempo
PostPosted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 2:17 am 
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Steven Kaplan @ Thu Jul 20, 2006 11:53 pm wrote:

Are Birds Really Dinosaurs?
Ask your average paleontologist who is familiar with the phylogeny of vertebrates and they will probably tell you that yes, birds (avians) are dinosaurs. Using proper terminology, birds are avian dinosaurs; other dinosaurs are non-avian dinosaurs, and (strange as it may sound) birds are technically considered reptiles. Overly technical? Just semantics? Perhaps, but still good science. In fact, the evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of birds being the descendants of a maniraptoran dinosaur.
Paleontologists mostly use cladistics, which classifies birds as dinosaurs, but some biologists of the older generation do not.

(I would've thought shark, alligator/crocodile as well, even a turtle...)  I believe (not positive) that science has more evidence linking birds directly to dinosaurs than any other animal type however.  Perhaps Jian would know this... Depending on a source, I've read birds technically are dinosaurs and a few sources say they are direct descendants (which is new to me,  I never thought there was any question that they WERE dinosaurs.  I remember when I owned a few birds and was reading about them, I found it strange that I was holding a dinosaur) hehe

A study about a year old.. It was believed prior that the pulmonary system of dinosaurs was close to alligators/crocs.... However latest studies (2005)

"The pulmonary system of meat-eating dinosaurs such as T. rex in fact shares many structural similarities with that of modern birds, which, from an engineering point of view, may possess the most efficient respiratory system of any living vertebrate inhabiting the land or sky," said Claessens, who received a Ph.D. from Harvard in organismic and evolutionary biology last month and will join the faculty at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Mass., this fall.

In birds, this special anatomical configuration increases the gas exchange potential within the lungs, boosting metabolism and creating warm-bloodedness. The researchers are quick to point out, however, that the new study doesn't clearly peg predatory dinosaurs as habitually warm-blooded animals. The creatures probably had a more complex strategy, falling somewhere between what scientists define as cold- and warm-blooded. It appears that these animals had the pulmonary machinery for enhanced gas exchange, O'Connor explained, which would have pushed them closer to being warm-blooded creatures.

Previous research that pointed to a more crocodilian-like pulmonary system was based on a study of two dinosaur skeletons encased in rock. O'Connor and Claessens have expanded on that research by studying a broader collection of dinosaur skeletal remains, and are the first to integrate both anatomical and functional studies of modern birds as models of how the ancient creatures' air sacs were structured.
I think that the jury is stil out on this one Kappy, although I tend to agree mostly with what you posted here.

I stand by my guesses of ...maybe a coelacanth? or

...maybe Champ? Science has not proven to me yet that Champ and Nessy do not exist.

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 Post subject: Re: Show Tempo
PostPosted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 2:45 am 
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I would've thought shark, alligator/crocodile as well, even a turtle...)  I believe (not positive) that science has more evidence linking birds directly to dinosaurs than any other animal type however.  Perhaps Jian would know this... Depending on a source, I've read birds technically are dinosaurs and a few sources say they are direct descendants (which is new to me,  I never thought there was any question that they WERE dinosaurs.  I remember when I owned a few birds and was reading about them, I found it strange that I was holding a dinosaur) hehe

A new science is form:  Karaokelogy. Now Steven you may want to officially define this new science.

I can neither confirm nor deny ever having or knowing anything about nothing.... mrscott

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 Post subject: Re: Show Tempo
PostPosted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 6:04 am 
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Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".

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 Post subject: Re: Show Tempo
PostPosted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 7:16 am 
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Anyway, back to the topic of show tempo.

At my shows I average 16 songs per hour (give or take, if something like PBDBL comes up, obviously fewer) or 72 songs for my 4.5 hour show.  That is with singers singing on the stage and includes giving them time to get up from their seat and walk there.

After the singer finishes, I announce their name and ask for applause for them, then call the names of the next 4-5 singers in line so they can start to get ready and by then the next singer is in place ready to go.  I do all of that over a techno/house track to keep the music going and give the show a seamless feel.

I run Sax and Dotty's show presenter, and I could just hammer one song after the next without a break since the software does have an autorun feature, but then my job would be reduced to mic passer-outer (since I have cordless mics and could have them in the hands of the next singer) and singing virtuoso to break up the monotony because my customers' singing either A) sucks, B) is too slow or C) is too fast.  

But then when do my singers get to have the glory, applause and recognition for singing?  After all, that's all us karaoke junkies want when we sing--our three and a half minutes in the spotlight and a little applause at the end!  

Of course, I've probably got it all wrong since my show caters to the SINGERS at the venue...

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 Post subject: Re: Show Tempo
PostPosted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 7:19 am 
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Bigdog @ Fri Jul 21, 2006 3:18 am wrote:
I'm only repeating things I learned on another karaoke site.
While this may be true, it's okay.

Bigdog @ Fri Jul 21, 2006 3:18 am wrote:
I'm a Loo--oser and I'm not what I appear to be.   I couldn't make money doing karaoke if my life depended on it.    Can't sing a note even off key.
I would never call you a loser and it's karaoke, doesn't matter if you can sing on key or not.

Bigdog @ Fri Jul 21, 2006 3:18 am wrote:
I got so smart in 14 years of killing crowds with crappy karaoke.   Singing all night long, screwing up the way everybody sounds.   There's nothing to it.  Anyone can do it.   The evidence is all over this site.
Wow!  I have found just the opposite.  There are many KJ's opinions I respect and would love to go to their shows.  There are even more singers I would love to go out and karaoke with!   

Bigdog @ Fri Jul 21, 2006 3:18 am wrote:
As far as singing on my off nights, I would do that if all of the competitions stuff wasn't so crappy.   I can sound bad in my livingroom, I don't need or want to do it in public.

Bigdog @ Fri Jul 21, 2006 3:18 am wrote:
It's not just about the singers.  It's about being hired to make money for the bar.   Entertaining both the singers and the nonsingers.   The non drinking singers are not footing all of the bill.   The majority of your pay comes from the non singers.    If you can't keep them in the bar, who pays for you?
 Again, I'll ask, what bar are you keeping them in?   

Bigdog @ Fri Jul 21, 2006 3:18 am wrote:
Only a moron would make the statement that they don't care about the non singers and want them to leave the bar.     You better figure out pretty fast that they butter your bread.    The singers and non singers are equal in this equation.

:asleep:    I'm having a nightmare about people not caring about the amount of non singers in the bar. :shock:
I don't recall reading anthing close to this.  What thread was this statement made?  


Dancing around the question does not answer it...    Why are you not promoting your business in a forum dedicated to the business?  

All of us hold strong ideas about what a karaoke show should be, most of us don't denigrade the way other people do their shows.  

I respect other people's ideas and suggestions, KJ's or not, about the ideal karaoke show.  I also understand that for as many different styles of karaoke show there are, there will always be a singer that just loves it.   If, as you claim, you are a KJ, I am also interested in your shows and experience in real life.  I can ask any other KJ "Where do you play",  "How long at that club?", "How long have you been a KJ?" and get concrete answers from any other KJ on this site which helps me to understand their position...

Not a dancer,
Susie :)

You do it in the shower,
you do it in the car,
Ccome do it with us,
and be a star!!!!

Karaoke with Full House Entertainment

[scroll]Just because I have a short attention span doesn't mean...... :confused: [/scroll]

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