I am trying to track down 3 discontinued SC discs and am very politely calling the online sites to see if they positivly have them in stock BEFORE I order on line , give them my credit card #, the $ come out of the bank, them call and tell me they dont have it and wait forever for a refund. I just want to avoid all of that mess.
So I get to DooWop.com and ask if they have them in stock, they said no but they "probably" have some used ones in one of their 4 stores they wanted me to place the order over the net and THEN they would find them and send them out.
JUST what I was trying to avoid I asked if I could give them my # them check and give me a call back. Two different men told me that they couldnt do that. That the labor involved with researching if they had them...I stopped him right there and told him "whatever, if you dont want my $ than just say so and hung up.
Is that crazy or what !! Its actually kind of sad that they would turn away a customer because of sheer laziness. They might have been busy but I was willing to wait and give them time to research it and call me back.
Thanks for letting me vent !! I feel better now ! Something about typing out problems makes me feel better for some reason !!

Star Sounds Karaoke & Mobile Recording Studio
[scroll]You have to respect your audience. Without them, you're essentially standing alone, singing to yourself....KD Lang[/scroll][/shadow]