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Wanted: Pioneer Country Laserdiscs (PI0201 - PI0209)
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Author:  futuremoves [ Wed Aug 07, 2013 6:18 am ]
Post subject:  Wanted: Pioneer Country Laserdiscs (PI0201 - PI0209)


If anyone has the 9 Laserdisc Pioneer Country series and is interested in selling please let me know. If you don't have all 9 laserdiscs I may be interested in individual discs if no one else has a the whole series to sell.

Again, I believe the laserdiscs are PI0201 through PI0209. Each Laser disc contains 28 songs.

Thank you,

Author:  TroyVnd27 [ Wed Aug 07, 2013 1:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wanted: Pioneer Country Laserdiscs (PI0201 - PI0209)

I have them. I have hundreds and hundreds of them. And, they're all converted to WMV format.

I would be willing to sell them, but I'm most interested in trading for the higher volumes (40 & above). And, I cannot make any guarantee that they will actually work because the ones I sell are actually intended for those KJs who intend to use the WMV files - not the actual disks.

Author:  futuremoves [ Wed Aug 07, 2013 3:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wanted: Pioneer Country Laserdiscs (PI0201 - PI0209)

I appreciate the offer but I want the actual laserdiscs. My plan is to convert them myself with the intention a having the highest Qaulity copy of each song as possible. I have a Pioneer LD-S9 for composite capture and will try to accomplish bit perfect audio conversion. Again, my intention is to have a recording that is as good as the original laserdisc.

I have the pioneer video laserdisc set 1-57 that I'm actually learning to try and convert now bit many of the discs are in fairly poor condition so of someone has that set a ail able at a fair price I may be interested in those also.

Author:  futuremoves [ Wed Aug 07, 2013 3:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wanted: Pioneer Country Laserdiscs (PI0201 - PI0209)

I appreciate the offer but I want the actual laserdiscs. My plan is to convert them myself with the intention a having the highest Qaulity copy of each song as possible. I have a Pioneer LD-S9 for composite capture and will try to accomplish bit perfect audio conversion. Again, my intention is to have a recording that is as good as the original laserdisc.

I have the pioneer video laserdisc set 1-57 that I'm actually trying to learn to convert now. Many of the discs are in fairly poor condition so if someone has that set available, at a fair price, I may be interested in those also.

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