Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

Falling In Reverse
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Author:  GK Productions [ Tue Sep 22, 2020 6:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Falling In Reverse

I was totally unware of this band until a friend introduced me to them today FALLING IN REVERSE.... I was also asked if i could get some of there stuff on karaoke. I requested 2 songs from this band..Carry On and Popular Monster at KV. If you havent heard of them ..give them a listen on you tube.... Hope you all will join me in bring some of their music to karaoke.

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Author:  DannyG2006 [ Wed Sep 23, 2020 3:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Falling In Reverse

Sorry gk but it is pure dribble and crap. You may like it but it is just worthless noise to me and I hope it never gets requested because it would have to already be available for download from you tube before I would get it. No way on earth I would pay for crap like that or create it myself which would require paying for the background music.

Author:  GK Productions [ Wed Sep 23, 2020 7:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Falling In Reverse

The song..... Popular Monster....by Falling In Reverse has been released at SBI Karaoke.... just for you information

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Author:  GK Productions [ Wed Sep 23, 2020 7:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Falling In Reverse

DannyG2006 wrote:
Sorry gk but it is pure dribble and crap. You may like it but it is just worthless noise to me and I hope it never gets requested because it would have to already be available for download from you tube before I would get it. No way on earth I would pay for crap like that or create it myself which would require paying for the background music.

I dont buy or request songs just because I like them.....as I said it has been requested by singers at my show.....as stated SBI Karaoke has released one of their songs so im happy with that;
My personal feelings is that a KJ should never let their own like or dislike of a group or singer or genre be the reason for not buying a song / songs...it should be about what the singers want...nothing else..IMO..If it brings singers in the front door..thats what counts. I dont want this post to become a debate over likes and dislike.....its about the Group ...FALLING IN REVERSE
While Im not A Huge Fan by no means..I do like a few of their songs

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Author:  Lonman [ Wed Sep 23, 2020 12:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Falling In Reverse

GK Productions wrote:
I dont buy or request songs just because I like them.....as I said it has been requested by singers at my show.....as stated SBI Karaoke has released one of their songs so im happy with that;
My personal feelings is that a KJ should never let their own like or dislike of a group or singer or genre be the reason for not buying a song / songs...it should be about what the singers want...nothing else..IMO..If it brings singers in the front door..thats what counts. I dont want this post to become a debate over likes and dislike.....its about the Group ...FALLING IN REVERSE
Yep, I never let my personal tastes get in the way of purchases, but have yet to hear of this band nor ever had a request for them either. If the 'singers want it', then I will start voting and purchasing. I don't vote on songs to be made before they are requested.

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