Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

Old school
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Author:  magnumjr [ Thu Apr 23, 2020 10:42 am ]
Post subject:  Old school

Hello. I'm new to the forum. Been a kj and performer for a good number of years, I enjoy the performance side a little more, but back in the day soundchoice and chartbuster did a great job of producing older country songs, i.e., 60's through 90's and so on. Is there a site that does any of this now? because there are a lot of great older country tunes that have never made it to karaoke. Or is the focus simply on newer music now. Thanks for any replies.

Author:  zeke [ Thu Jun 04, 2020 6:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Old school

there are a lot of great older country tunes that have never made it to karaoke

Name some songs and we'll go from there.

Author:  Lonman [ Fri Jun 05, 2020 10:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Old school

magnumjr wrote:
Hello. I'm new to the forum. Been a kj and performer for a good number of years, I enjoy the performance side a little more, but back in the day soundchoice and chartbuster did a great job of producing older country songs, i.e., 60's through 90's and so on. Is there a site that does any of this now? because there are a lot of great older country tunes that have never made it to karaoke. Or is the focus simply on newer music now. Thanks for any replies.
Typically the focus is what the manufacturer thinks will sell these days. If it's obscure, chances are it's not going to be made. That said, you can do an initial song search here https://db.openkj.org/, it provides direct links to the song (or site) for purchase. Karaoke Version do take requests that people actually vote on to be made. If there is enough interest, then they go for it.

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