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Author:  GK Productions [ Tue Oct 01, 2019 1:31 pm ]
Post subject:  FROZEN 2

Frozen 2 will hit the big screen Nov 22. A new song from the show "INTO THE UNKNOWN". ..was also released..and has been requested on KV. Hopeful it will be just as good as the Orgin..we will have to wait and see
**UPDATE**… more songs from this show have been requested
All of you KJ with kids..what do you think of this show???

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Author:  GK Productions [ Wed Oct 30, 2019 10:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FROZEN 2

FROZEN 2 soundtrack will be released on Nov 15th...The 7 new songs from this show have been requested on Karaoke Version

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Author:  Paradigm Karaoke [ Thu Oct 31, 2019 1:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: FROZEN 2

how are songs being requested that have not even been released?
the movie doesn't even hit until the end of November.
i have 4 young kids ... 3 love the original, but what can we think of a show nobody has seen?

Author:  GK Productions [ Thu Oct 31, 2019 10:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FROZEN 2

In the front of my book I post soon coming albums and song tracks...3 or 4 weeks ahead of time...and there are sample that OUT.......THE POP AND COUNTRY ARE A GIVEN..AS I GET MONTHLY NEW RELEASES OF BOTH. Frozen 2...4 song were request by other singers...2 of them by me.
I have already been asked if I was getting songs from Mrs Doubfire the musical...no song list has been released yet but yes I have already gotten requests.
Broadway has always been a big thing around here....2 high schools....2 college...community theatre..ect.
I have also had requests for the musicalS:
The Wedding Singer...which is being done by central high
Dreamland..by South High
A Gentlemans Guide To Love And Murder by SCT

As far as my requests on KV the last month I have been pushing for new stuff from GreenDay..and Alter Bridge.


**btw...Yes, I know Green Day is on the No Fly List..but I made the request anyway**

Author:  Paradigm Karaoke [ Fri Nov 01, 2019 1:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: FROZEN 2

i get the Broadway requests, you do more in the LGBT community than many others and that is a BIG part of it.
my question was how and why are people requesting songs that they have not heard?

Author:  DannyG2006 [ Fri Nov 01, 2019 6:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: FROZEN 2

Paradigm Karaoke wrote:
i get the Broadway requests, you do more in the LGBT community than many others and that is a BIG part of it.
my question was how and why are people requesting songs that they have not heard?

I have to echo Paradigm's question by adding how does one know any song is worth requesting if they've never heard the song before? That's like me stating that I know that Journey is coming out with a new album yet I haven't heard anything from it and don't have a clue as to what songs are on it and requesting them.

Author:  GK Productions [ Fri Nov 01, 2019 9:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FROZEN 2

Paradigm Karaoke wrote:
i get the Broadway requests, you do more in the LGBT community than many others and that is a BIG part of it.
my question was how and why are people requesting songs that they have not heard?

Some requests are made just by the show title and seeing a track list...never hearing the song..I do get it .....but it does happen...im sure...but like I said if it gets requested...Ill see if I can Find it....or request it on KV..SBI ...ect
I understand that Broadway may not be someones thing..I do get it..but the fact remains..I do get alot of request for Broadway
I pride myself by keeping up on the charts...also checking 2019 New Album Releases Wiki, You tube..and Broadway.com
** just for those WHO DO NOT KNOW...the classic movie Back to the Future ...is also becoming a broadway musical..it is currently in the works

Website : http://www.backtothefuturemusical.com

New Musicals COMING SOON !!!!!!!!!!!

- Diana – Longacre Theatre (P: Mar. 2, O: Mar. 31)
- Flying Over Sunset – Vivian Beaumont Theatre (P: Mar. 12, O: Apr. 16)
- Girl From the North Country – Belasco Theatre (P: Feb. 7, O: Mar. 5)
- Jagged Little Pill – Broadhurst Theatre (P: Nov. 3, O: Dec. 5)
- Moulin Rouge! – Al Hirschfeld Theatre (P: Jun. 28, O: Jul. 25)
- Mrs. Doubtfire – Stephen Sondheim Theatre (P: Mar. 9, O: Apr. 5)
- SIX: The Musical – Brooks Atkinson Theatre (P: Feb. 13, O: Mar. 12)

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Author:  GK Productions [ Tue Nov 12, 2019 2:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FROZEN 2

FROZEN 2 opens Friday Nov 22 in theatres....YES!!!!!

Author:  GK Productions [ Fri Nov 22, 2019 3:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: FROZEN 2

Lost In The Woods from Frozen 2 has been released by KV

Author:  GK Productions [ Fri Nov 22, 2019 3:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: FROZEN 2

Also... for you information ...Disney will be releasing a Karaoke CDG ..out Dec 20th!!!!!!

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Author:  GK Productions [ Tue Dec 03, 2019 3:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: FROZEN 2

I personally like to buy the Disney Karaoke CDGs instead of the download due to the fact they add pics from the movie and it makes the show more interesting visually for the aud....if you dont have any tvs for you aud to see..this would not be an issue...downloads would work

Author:  GK Productions [ Fri Dec 20, 2019 11:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FROZEN 2

I have to say I love it when I hear people complain on here about showtunes and or Broadway...suggestions...but turn right around and buy them. :lol: :rotflmao:

Author:  Paradigm Karaoke [ Sat Dec 21, 2019 4:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: FROZEN 2

GK Productions wrote:
I personally like to buy the Disney Karaoke CDGs instead of the download due to the fact they add pics from the movie and it makes the show more interesting visually for the aud....if you dont have any tvs for you aud to see..this would not be an issue...downloads would work

those are on all the downloads i have bought....

Author:  GK Productions [ Sun Jan 12, 2020 1:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: FROZEN 2

for all you frozen 2 fans out there this movie musical will be released on dvd Feb 2020

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