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need backing track for Wonderful Toys by Jim Steinman
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Author:  joew182 [ Sat Sep 10, 2011 9:29 pm ]
Post subject:  need backing track for Wonderful Toys by Jim Steinman

I have tried to find the song as a backing track and have come up short. Same for trying to remove the vocals without destroying the music. So I am at a loss and need any assistance people might be able to get.

The song is Wonderful Toys (joker's Song) from Jim Steinman's unreleased Batman the Musical from 1990's. Here is the link to directly download the song with the vocals incase anyone has experience removing them (I have downloaded over 20 programs to no avail).

http://www.4shared.com/file/15260005/7d ... ssong.html

Any help is appreciated.


- Joseph

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