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Aggressive Pirates!!!
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Author:  screamersusa [ Sat Mar 10, 2018 11:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Aggressive Pirates!!!

Interesting development here in district 10.
Seems A pirate who sold a pirate system to an ignorant KJ who has since begun legalizing said system, barged into a club
with two large helpers and confiscated said, paid for system. Police reports filed by both the bar and KJ.
What is interesting is that this KJ now works for me on my system one night a week and I've been helping him
with his library purchases. I'm wondering just how far this pirate will go?
This area recently got notices from SC and two clubs have dropped karaoke completely so this pirate needs gigs.

We saw this in Florida in the early 2000's. A LARGE multi rigger used to send 3-4 guys to wait for you after your show
if one of "His" bars called you in. They made sure you didn't come back. Ironically it was SC who finally got him
not the law as they knew just how far to push without getting arrested.

Is anyone else running into this problem?

Author:  jdmeister [ Sun Mar 11, 2018 7:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Aggressive Pirates!!!

What's new?

Author:  Elementary Penguin [ Sun Mar 11, 2018 2:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Aggressive Pirates!!!

So we really are living in the wild wild west. Y'know, content of the system aside for a moment, there had to be hardware involved even if just an external drive (although it could have been more than that), and seizing any gear by force is felony theft on the part of the pirate seller. Disrupting the bar and bringing a show in progress to a stop is also a disruption of the peace, and probably counts as trespassing as well. I hope the seller pirate and his goons get arrested on all applicable criminal charges. Sounds like the buyer pirate has fully learned his lesson.

Author:  screamersusa [ Sun Mar 11, 2018 3:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Aggressive Pirates!!!

Buyer pirate didn't realize he was a pirate... seriously. He was in the process of collecting CB450's and other bang for the buck series I suggested as soon as he realized he was not going to get any licenses from the seller.
The seller/former boss?, waited till the show was over to take over the gear.
Unfortunately, while the Bar owner will prosecute (slap on the wrist), the KJ can only sue in civil court. Probably because the seller can simply claim some other dispute. It's a little different than a stranger stealing his gear. If he didn't get a receipt, he is screwed.
We'll see as I get more details in print. Not much of a loss anyway, the gear was crap.

Have there been any SC lawsuits in district 10???? Or is there some reason why there hasn't that might embolden pirates to feel invincible?

Author:  Warrenkel16 [ Sun Mar 11, 2018 4:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Aggressive Pirates!!!

jdmeister wrote:
What's new?

The situation is way out of hand,
ebay is infested, with pirates!
Fumigation, is sorely needed.

Author:  dvdgdry [ Mon Mar 12, 2018 6:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Aggressive Pirates!!!

screamersusa wrote:
Have there been any SC lawsuits in district 10????

Scroll down to June20 -June23 Colorado .... All in Denver area.

https://dockets.justia.com/search?parti ... mostrecent

Author:  mrmarog [ Mon Mar 12, 2018 11:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Aggressive Pirates!!!

There were 5 cases in Florida from early November 2017 to late December 2017.

Author:  screamersusa [ Mon Mar 12, 2018 1:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Aggressive Pirates!!!

Thanks dvdgdry and mrmarog.. Ill hunt down the outcome of those two if they are finished yet.

Author:  Elementary Penguin [ Mon Mar 12, 2018 6:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Aggressive Pirates!!!

screamersusa wrote:
Buyer pirate didn't realize he was a pirate... seriously. He was in the process of collecting CB450's and other bang for the buck series I suggested as soon as he realized he was not going to get any licenses from the seller.
I believe you! Unless a KJ follows internet forums like this one, they'll often have no idea they may be doing anything wrong. I visit my competitors shows and make friends with other local KJ's, and almost none of them have heard anything about the things we discuss here. They are full of misinformation -- one of my favorites was the local guy who'd heard somewhere and fully believed you had to be one to THREE compliant (one original disc for every 3 rigs) to be legal. He wouldn't believe me... until SC sued him.

These e-bay drive sellers I see often advertise a "license" is included, and if you don't know any better you just fall for it. I could type up any official looking piece of paper too if I wanted to.
screamersusa wrote:
If he didn't get a receipt, he is screwed.
We'll see as I get more details in print.
Sure, if he can't prove purchase or ownership, he'll have a real had time proving theft. The seller could claim he'd only lent out or rented out the system if theres nothing in writing. I'd still be curious to hear any future developments.

Author:  Swingcatpdx [ Tue Mar 13, 2018 8:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Aggressive Pirates!!!

No longer falls under category of PIRACY......but now of THEFT. Since value of the system would approximate that of a car....we could say GRAND THEFT KARAOKE....GTK!

Author:  screamersusa [ Tue Mar 13, 2018 3:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Aggressive Pirates!!!

Story verified!!!! Now that is ballsy! Lock and load time :)

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