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PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2018 8:20 pm 
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since they post this in the FACTS section:

Are music downloads from BuyKaraokeDownloads.com legal?
All the music downloads you purchase from BuyKaraokeDownloads.com are legal, so long as you comply with our Terms of Use, including the End User License Agreement & Usage Rules. We only sell music that has been legally licensed for sale to the general public for personal use.

Our production company buys bulk licenses thru multiple publishers for the songs we produce. These licenses allow distribution to our customers for personal use and for DJ/KJ's use. The venues that play the songs must have license agreement thru ASCAP or your countries like organization to publicly play or broadcast the songs.

does this mean if you buy them in "Good Faith" after reading their statement that we could use them at our shows. I mean if it's posted on the website it must be true!


i've never bought any but i have a guy that brings them in on disc and that's all he sings.

It's all good!

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2018 9:50 pm 
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Hmmm. Curious.
Similar to a cover band playing a bar. They seem to consider the KJ a personal user like a musician.
Kinda how I had originally thought karaoke worked. You own the material in original form, you use it.

Purple Frog Karaoke Cuz we all feel odd and love to "croak" :)

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 8:04 am 
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I think we all know that first off the laws are grey area at best. Second, under the interpretation of the courts in all of the SC lawsuits, which serves as president, this is at the least trademark infringement.

So bottom line is just because someone says their product is legal doesn't automatically make it legal or you less liable for breaking the law. The "the shady website said they were legal" arguement is not going to fly if you were actually caught. However, we also know that there is about a 1% chance you are going to be caught, so......

C Mc

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 10:19 am 
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And how many illegal sites would answer they are illegal? I see fully loaded hard drive sellers on eBay state those are legal too, guess if I go by that I'm buying in good faith???

Here is a quote from the owner of Pop Hits
It's been a while since I've done anything with BKD, but I did all the typical things that everyone has mentioned i.e. the WHOIS, etc. but if my memory serves me correctly Dale Druid does not exist. It's been so long since I've done this and can't really remember what I had for breakfast let alone something I was doing 10 years ago, but I also seem to recall that the person who owns BKD is actually in either the Pacific Northwest or possibly Canada. In any event, we did try to go after this puke a while ago but to no avail. This jerk took our tracks and replaced the splash screens with his own BKD logos. Nobody has pissed me off more than this person has and I can assure you that if I can find a way to get this pr..k I'll go after him in a heartbeat.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 11:22 am 
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mightywiz wrote:
since they post this in the FACTS section:

Are music downloads from BuyKaraokeDownloads.com legal?
All the music downloads you purchase from BuyKaraokeDownloads.com are legal, so long as you comply with our Terms of Use, including the End User License Agreement & Usage Rules. We only sell music that has been legally licensed for sale to the general public for personal use.

Our production company buys bulk licenses thru multiple publishers for the songs we produce. These licenses allow distribution to our customers for personal use and for DJ/KJ's use. The venues that play the songs must have license agreement thru ASCAP or your countries like organization to publicly play or broadcast the songs.

does this mean if you buy them in "Good Faith" after reading their statement that we could use them at our shows. I mean if it's posted on the website it must be true!


i've never bought any but i have a guy that brings them in on disc and that's all he sings.

The producers of Karaoke do not have any rights to allow public performance..
Those rights are handled by others, ASCAP etc. (In USA)
So I assume, that's why the disc/disk has printed "Not For Public Performance".

The "Trademark Issue" seems to be a "Red Herring" that the courts have not fully accepted.
Search around here, and you will find information about suits filled only in the courts that have found favor with the bogus trademark claim.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 11:46 am 
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mightywiz wrote:
since they post this in the FACTS section:
Are music downloads from BuyKaraokeDownloads.com legal?

All the music downloads you purchase from BuyKaraokeDownloads.com are legal, so long as you comply with our Terms of Use, including the End User License Agreement & Usage Rules. We only sell music that has been legally licensed for sale to the general public for personal use.

Our production company buys bulk licenses thru multiple publishers for the songs we produce. These licenses allow distribution to our customers for personal use and for DJ/KJ's use. The venues that play the songs must have license agreement thru ASCAP or your countries like organization to publicly play or broadcast the songs.

I posted something like this 2 years ago.
Brian A wrote:
Here's the site for bkd: http://www.buykaraokedownloads.com/
Note: Their TOS fine print reads “We only sell music that has been legally licensed for sale to the general public for personal use”.

I checked their TOS today. The second paragraph start with “BuyKaraokeDownloads.com reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to change, add or remove portions of this Terms of Use, at any time.”

My quote from 2 years ago and mightywiz’s no longer appear in their tos. It was replaced with this (not quoted verbatim due to length):

“No content may be reproduced, recorded, retransmitted, broadcast, publicly displayed,or transmitted in any way to any other computer, website or other medium or for any commercial purpose, without BuyKaraokeDownloads.com's prior express written consent.

BuyKaraokeDownloads.com expressly disclaims all responsibility and liability for uses by you of any Content obtained on or in connection with the Site”.

My interpretation (imho): ‘buy and play it at your own risk’. That said, I agree with TopherM re: his post “However, we also know that there is about a 1% chance you are going to be caught, so......”.

From their website: “BuyKaraokeDownloads.com is a .com company trade name and is owned and operated by a numbered Manitoba Corporation located in Canada”.
USA Sales: P.O. Box 371926, Las Vegas, Nevada 89137

To be fortunate enough to derive an income from a source as fulfilling as karaoke music has got to be as close to heaven as we can get here on earth!

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 12:38 pm 
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Correction: .00001% chance

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 1:01 pm 
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jdmeister wrote:
Correction: .00001% chance
Getting a little "loosey-goosey" with the numbers aren't ya?

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 26, 2018 3:34 am 
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I will admit, I use them, in a pinch, if all other avenues are exhausted. It's all old, out of print st5uff, anyway.


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