Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

CB Underground...
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Author:  doowhatchulike [ Fri Sep 21, 2012 3:51 pm ]
Post subject:  CB Underground...

Here is an Ebay listing posted on another thread:

http://www.ebay.com/itm/Chartbuster-Kar ... 4d051575d1

And here is a quote from it:

"All of these discs are 100% original PRESSED discs, left over from the liquidation of Chartbuster Karaoke. I have thousands more various discs which I will be selling in lots. "

Please correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't CB ordered to destroy all copies remaining after the close-of-business date? NOTE: the key words in the listing above are LEFT OVER...

Author:  mightywiz [ Fri Sep 21, 2012 4:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CB Underground...

amazing how many cd disc are coming out of seymour TN.

same guy with thousands of disc's......

Author:  doowhatchulike [ Fri Sep 21, 2012 5:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CB Underground...

There is more to it than that...most folks here know who "debistovall" (the entity listed as the seller) is...unless someone is impersonating her on Ebay, it is on of the prior "owners" of the CB brand...

Author:  Smoothedge69 [ Fri Sep 21, 2012 8:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CB Underground...

doowhatchulike wrote:
Here is an Ebay listing posted on another thread:

http://www.ebay.com/itm/Chartbuster-Kar ... 4d051575d1

And here is a quote from it:

"All of these discs are 100% original PRESSED discs, left over from the liquidation of Chartbuster Karaoke. I have thousands more various discs which I will be selling in lots. "

Please correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't CB ordered to destroy all copies remaining after the close-of-business date? NOTE: the key words in the listing above are LEFT OVER...
Does it surprise you to find out that the old owner of CB is a slimy business person??? Did you REALLY expect them to comply and destroy thousands of dollars worth of product??

Author:  dave [ Fri Sep 21, 2012 11:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CB Underground...

And do not forget that a current salesman for digitrax is also selling thousands of chartbuster disks on e-bay

Author:  Cueball [ Sat Sep 22, 2012 7:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: CB Underground...

doowhatchulike wrote:
....Please correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't CB ordered to destroy all copies remaining after the close-of-business date? NOTE: the key words in the listing above are LEFT OVER...

Does anyone know the answer to this? I don't remember that being posted about the CB discs left in stock after they went out of business. I do remember it being stated that they were going to have a "Fire Sale" to get rid of whatever was left in their stock.

Author:  Paradigm Karaoke [ Sat Sep 22, 2012 2:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CB Underground...

well, they did do everything by the letter of the law while IN business, so they must be following it now that they are OUT of business. :roll:

Author:  jdmeister [ Sat Sep 22, 2012 3:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CB Underground...

Perhaps Harrington can correct me, but, with the US legal system,
if I do not own the copyright, (of the product, music, lyrics etc.)
I have no standing in any US court regarding legality of any manufacturer (Licensed or not) and what they produce or license to others.

It seems even if I buy from a vendor, I still have no standing re: Legal? Not legal?

I understand in the UK, lawsuit loser pays for the barrister. True?

What say you Jimmy..

Author:  mightywiz [ Sat Sep 22, 2012 5:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CB Underground...

you have to remember they had a certain date they had to stop selling then destroy the material.....ok

so on the last day in the last few minutes, what's to stop them from closing out the entire library to a friend or family member for only a $1 sale....


and it's legal....

and if they sold everything on the last day, then there is nothing to destroy is there.

Author:  Cueball [ Sat Sep 22, 2012 6:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CB Underground...

doowhatchulike wrote:
....Please correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't CB ordered to destroy all copies remaining after the close-of-business date? NOTE: the key words in the listing above are LEFT OVER...
cueball wrote:
Does anyone know the answer to this? I don't remember that being posted about the CB discs left in stock after they went out of business. I do remember it being stated that they were going to have a "Fire Sale" to get rid of whatever was left in their stock.

mightywiz wrote:
you have to remember they had a certain date they had to stop selling then destroy the material.....ok

That still does not answer my question...

@mightwiz - Where did you see this written about CB having to destroy their remaining material? Was it in CB's site? Was it in DT's site? Or, was it just something that a K-Scene member posted after finding out that CB went out of business?

Author:  JimHarrington [ Sat Sep 22, 2012 6:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CB Underground...

jdmeister wrote:
Perhaps Harrington can correct me, but, with the US legal system,
if I do not own the copyright, (of the product, music, lyrics etc.)
I have no standing in any US court regarding legality of any manufacturer (Licensed or not) and what they produce or license to others.

You would have no standing to challenge the manufacturer's ability to produce anything or license it to others, and interfering with that kind of stuff can constitute tortious interference and expose you to a suit.

jdmeister wrote:
I understand in the UK, lawsuit loser pays for the barrister. True?

What say you Jimmy..

That is what is referred to in the legal system as the English Rule, and yes, it is true in almost all cases, not only the UK but most other Western democracies except the US.

As you might expect, the American Rule is that each party bears its own legal expenses unless there is a contract regarding fee-shifting or a specific statute provides for fee-shifting.

In my view, there are good justifications for both rules at times, and at other times, each rule produces some rank unfairness.

Author:  doowhatchulike [ Sat Sep 22, 2012 6:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CB Underground...

mightywiz wrote:
you have to remember they had a certain date they had to stop selling then destroy the material.....ok

so on the last day in the last few minutes, what's to stop them from closing out the entire library to a friend or family member for only a $1 sale....


and it's legal....

and if they sold everything on the last day, then there is nothing to destroy is there.

Except for the very terminology in the listing:

1) The posting person WAS an owner;

2) They said it was "left over" from the sale...

Author:  Cueball [ Sat Sep 22, 2012 8:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CB Underground...

doowhatchulike wrote:
mightywiz wrote:
you have to remember they had a certain date they had to stop selling then destroy the material.....ok

so on the last day in the last few minutes, what's to stop them from closing out the entire library to a friend or family member for only a $1 sale....


and it's legal....

and if they sold everything on the last day, then there is nothing to destroy is there.

Except for the very terminology in the listing:

1) The posting person WAS an owner;

2) They said it was "left over" from the sale...

And I will ask yet again... Where did you see it written that all material had to be destroyed by a certain date if it wasn't liquidated?

Author:  mightywiz [ Sun Sep 23, 2012 7:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: CB Underground...

cueball wrote:
doowhatchulike wrote:
mightywiz wrote:
you have to remember they had a certain date they had to stop selling then destroy the material.....ok

so on the last day in the last few minutes, what's to stop them from closing out the entire library to a friend or family member for only a $1 sale....


and it's legal....

and if they sold everything on the last day, then there is nothing to destroy is there.

Except for the very terminology in the listing:

1) The posting person WAS an owner;

2) They said it was "left over" from the sale...

And I will ask yet again... Where did you see it written that all material had to be destroyed by a certain date if it wasn't liquidated?

just repeating what i read in the forums.....

if someone else wrote it then that's what i'm remembering. doesn't mean it's fact.

Author:  Cueball [ Sun Sep 23, 2012 10:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: CB Underground...

mightywiz wrote:
just repeating what i read in the forums.....

if someone else wrote it then that's what i'm remembering. doesn't mean it's fact.

And that is exactly what I am trying to find out... With regard to the statement about CB having to have destroyed all material content by a certain date, it looked to me like you were making/presenting a statement of fact, when you were/might have just been referring to a speculative statement made by someone else in this forum.

Author:  mightywiz [ Sun Sep 23, 2012 12:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CB Underground...

cueball wrote:
mightywiz wrote:
just repeating what i read in the forums.....

if someone else wrote it then that's what i'm remembering. doesn't mean it's fact.

And that is exactly what I am trying to find out... With regard to the statement about CB having to have destroyed all material content by a certain date, it looked to me like you were making/presenting a statement of fact, when you were/might have just been referring to a speculative statement made by someone else in this forum.

i also read it in another forum on a different website, not just here.

so it's gotta be true right, i mean they wouldn't put it on the internet if it wasn't true!


Author:  rickgood [ Sun Sep 23, 2012 1:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CB Underground...

I have emails from Ace Karaoke dated 8-10-12 and 8-23-12 that plainly state "We bought all Chartbuster's remaining inventory" Guess the Stovals had a secret cache they forgot to mention.... probably in a spare room they just "forgot" about.

Author:  rickgood [ Sun Sep 23, 2012 2:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CB Underground...

I also have emails from Karaoke Warehouse that say 5-21-12 is the last day to order Chartbuster discs... and then one on 8-2-12 that says act fast, these are the last Chartbusters discs ever made.
So I'm not sure who's fooling who but they're seem to be thousands of new discs still available almost anywhere you look. Hmmmm, glad I didn't fall for it.

Author:  Cueball [ Sun Sep 23, 2012 4:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CB Underground...

rickgood wrote:
I have emails from Ace Karaoke dated 8-10-12 and 8-23-12 that plainly state "We bought all Chartbuster's remaining inventory" Guess the Stovals had a secret cache they forgot to mention.... probably in a spare room they just "forgot" about.

Yup... Ace Karaoke probably bought out (what they were told was) all the remaining available stock. That doesn't mean that CB couldn't have stock-piled some more for themselves.

rickgood wrote:
I also have emails from Karaoke Warehouse that say 5-21-12 is the last day to order Chartbuster discs... and then one on 8-2-12 that says act fast, these are the last Chartbusters discs ever made.
So I'm not sure who's fooling who but they're seem to be thousands of new discs still available almost anywhere you look. Hmmmm, glad I didn't fall for it.

And that could be true too. The last discs being made and the last discs available have two totally different meanings.

Author:  c. staley [ Sun Sep 23, 2012 4:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CB Underground...

I wonder how many of these thousands of discs they are selling still contain unlicensed music? Unless they are all licensed, and I'm guessing that all the ones they claimed were retroactively licensed from Universal probably are no longer since they breached the agreement, then I suppose it would be fair to logically surmise that they are still pirating music -- on pressed discs -- today.

So... my question is simply; Why isn't SC and Piracy Recovery going after THESE pirates? This is tantamount to selling a hard drive of unlicensed music... which technically could be called unfair business practices and they are loaded with trademarks which belong to PR..

Where are the "pirate police" now?

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