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UpTo 4 SC/CB certified Kj's in my little part of the world
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Author:  kjathena [ Fri Apr 20, 2012 6:18 pm ]
Post subject:  UpTo 4 SC/CB certified Kj's in my little part of the world

I am doing the happy dance....we have hit our minimum goal of 4 SC/CB certified KJ's 5 ODB and 4 non SC/CB/Stellar using host to fill the need in our little part of the world :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper:

Author:  karaokegod73 [ Fri Apr 20, 2012 11:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: UpTo 4 SC/CB certified Kj's in my little part of the wor

Goal set by whom and for what reason?

Author:  Smoothedge69 [ Fri Apr 20, 2012 11:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: UpTo 4 SC/CB certified Kj's in my little part of the wor

karaokegod73 wrote:
Goal set by whom and for what reason?

Some here want to turn this industry into a certified only club, where to get work you would HAVE to be certified by at least two of the big three brands.

Author:  c. staley [ Sat Apr 21, 2012 2:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: UpTo 4 SC/CB certified Kj's in my little part of the wor

I don't understand why you'd want more.... I'd want less. I'd love to be the only provider in my area. I certainly don't want the market further diluted... what's the advantage if all the pirates are made "legal?"

None. The only one that wins is SC because the other KJ's will still slash throats....

If you're happy with that many competitors, then let me be the first to wish you to get 50 more certified KJ's in your city....

Author:  Paradigm Karaoke [ Sat Apr 21, 2012 3:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: UpTo 4 SC/CB certified Kj's in my little part of the wor

There unfortunately is no benefit to being certified, after this long (almost 18 months) i didn't even get the perks that the cert charge is supposed to be giving certified hosts let alone fewer pirates, more money or more gigs.
let there be more certified hosts, they get nothing more than i have, another day to fight against the pirates that will never be sued..

Author:  chrisavis [ Sat Apr 21, 2012 6:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: UpTo 4 SC/CB certified Kj's in my little part of the wor

Athena - Grats on having another certified host in the area!

</pom poms>


Author:  rickgood [ Sat Apr 21, 2012 8:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: UpTo 4 SC/CB certified Kj's in my little part of the wor


So if everybody in the market is "certified", where is the unique selling proposition to approach venues with? They just took away your advantage, why would you celebrate that?

Currently in your market:
Quality Karaoke Tracks = even
Threat of Lawsuit for Venue = even
Size of Karaoke Library = even
Years in Business = even
Singer Following = Subjective

Oops, have to compete on price now, down go the rates. Someone is not thinking clearly here, in my opinion.

Author:  kjathena [ Sat Apr 21, 2012 11:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: UpTo 4 SC/CB certified Kj's in my little part of the wor

the goal was set by our "little informal group" as the minimum number of hosts needed to keep our little area pirate free. Without enough "legit" hosts to fill the need a vacuum would be formed and draw in MORE illegal hosts. As far as the list posted

Currently in your market:

Quality Karaoke Tracks = even
REALITY not even close..... although 2 of the hosts do have the same SC and CB libraries

Threat of Lawsuit for Venue = even

Size of Karaoke Library = even
REALITY We still have Much larger libraries than anybody around and some host have much smaller libraries than others.

Years in Business = even
REALITY nope vary from 2 years in the biz to our 18+ years

Singer Following = Subjective
REALITY true we all run shows differently and fit differently in venues and with crowds...IE some run KJ/DJ shows for younger crowds and we run more of a Bommer Karaoke only show

It would probably surprise you all that we all speak regularly....point each other in the direction of rooms that would be a good fit....and are willing to help each other as well.

Oh and our prices have gone UP NOT DOWN now that we are not fighting against each other and are now working with each other. None of us feel the desperation and nobody is being greedy...even with 2 multi-ops

One of our NON-SC/CB/Stellar hosts is even wavering on becoming certified to increase his marketability. I welcome a level playing field without track thieves because I am confidant in my abilities. After over 18 years in this biz I have seem them come and I have seen them go. Some here think I am not a good business person because of some of my business practices however I have always helped others as well as myself and of that I am PROUD

Paradigm as shout out to you....I am sorry that you have not seen the improvements in your area that we have seen here and I do hope that that changes very soon for you.


Author:  karaokegod73 [ Sat Apr 21, 2012 11:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: UpTo 4 SC/CB certified Kj's in my little part of the wor

Just remember not all non-certified are "track thieves". They may not like some of the hurdles and conditions of certification imposed by a certain company.

Author:  kjathena [ Sat Apr 21, 2012 12:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: UpTo 4 SC/CB certified Kj's in my little part of the wor

yes I realize that and that is why in our informal little group the non-certified must be either disc based or not use any SC/CB/or Stellar music to be considered "Legit". We have had no problems with anybody as of this point.

Author:  karaokegod73 [ Sat Apr 21, 2012 12:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: UpTo 4 SC/CB certified Kj's in my little part of the wor

Great love how you view media shifters as all thieves and criminals. This is incorrect.

Author:  kjathena [ Sat Apr 21, 2012 12:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: UpTo 4 SC/CB certified Kj's in my little part of the wor

NO.... I don't view them as thieves and criminals at all. The way the law is written they are Technical Infringers, if they do not wish to be certified AND wish to be in our "informal little group" then they need to follow the rules....Really funny thing is THEY have no problem with it AND are the ones who came up with using none of the manu's in questions tracks as the option they were comfortable with (much like some here who boycott brands) But you see it as branding them as criminals and thieves....Guess its all in the mind of the interpreter


Author:  Smoothedge69 [ Sat Apr 21, 2012 1:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: UpTo 4 SC/CB certified Kj's in my little part of the wor

kjathena wrote:
NO.... I don't view them as thieves and criminals at all. The way the law is written they are Technical Infringers, if they do not wish to be certified AND wish to be in our "informal little group" then they need to follow the rules....Really funny thing is THEY have no problem with it AND are the ones who came up with using none of the manu's in questions tracks as the option they were comfortable with (much like some here who boycott brands) But you see it as branding them as criminals and thieves....Guess its all in the mind of the interpreter


Dictating to people what brands to use is ridiculous. I don't plan on using SC because I don't like the way they do business, but I have every intention of using CB through the KJMP system. So I wouldn't be "allowed" in your group because of that?? That's absurd.

Author:  kjathena [ Sat Apr 21, 2012 1:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: UpTo 4 SC/CB certified Kj's in my little part of the wor

no Smoothedge69...you would be allowed in our group if you were in our area because if you purchased the media pro and used it as your CB content (Media-pro comes with certification to my understanding) same as the CB SD card libraries do. At this time we do not have any in our group that are certified by only SC or CB or Stellar (purchase of the CAP) but if they get certified by any manu then they are "legit" with that manu and can legally use the product. The only people we do not allow are those who steal music.


Author:  c. staley [ Sat Apr 21, 2012 2:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: UpTo 4 SC/CB certified Kj's in my little part of the wor

kjathena wrote:
NO.... I don't view them as thieves and criminals at all. The way the law is written they are Technical Infringers, if they do not wish to be certified AND wish to be in our "informal little group" then they need to follow the rules....Really funny thing is THEY have no problem with it AND are the ones who came up with using none of the manu's in questions tracks as the option they were comfortable with (much like some here who boycott brands) But you see it as branding them as criminals and thieves....Guess its all in the mind of the interpreter


You need to define "technical infringer" because "the law" is NOT "written that way." And if your definition is "anyone who has not received permission to media shift" then no matter how "certified" you are, you're also in the group.

Author:  kjathena [ Sat Apr 21, 2012 2:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: UpTo 4 SC/CB certified Kj's in my little part of the wor

Ding*Ding*Ding...you are starting to get it Chip...I was included in the "technical infringer" group before I was audited and received permission to use my media-shifted files.

to make things very clear for everyone on the forums here are MY definitions

"technical infringer"= anyone who has media-shifted and is using the files without permission of the manufacturers

"Track Thief"= anyone who is using ANY form of media that does not own an original manufacturers disc in a 1 to 1 ratio

"Pirate"= see Track Theif

Author:  BruceFan4Life [ Sat Apr 21, 2012 3:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: UpTo 4 SC/CB certified Kj's in my little part of the wor

Groucho Marks: " I wouldn't want to be a member of any group that would allow me to enter"

Author:  c. staley [ Sat Apr 21, 2012 3:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: UpTo 4 SC/CB certified Kj's in my little part of the wor

kjathena wrote:
Ding*Ding*Ding...you are starting to get it Chip...I was included in the "technical infringer" group before I was audited and received permission to use my media-shifted files.

to make things very clear for everyone on the forums here are MY definitions

"technical infringer"= anyone who has media-shifted and is using the files without permission of the manufacturers

You are still in that group by your own definition.... so Ding*Ding*Ding...you still don't get it.

And your precious certification from SC doesn't count either... until you get permission from the publisher/third-party rights holder, to do so as well, you are still a "technical infringer." A covenant not to sue specifically points that out in case you missed it.

It's your definition, not mine.

Author:  kjathena [ Sat Apr 21, 2012 3:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: UpTo 4 SC/CB certified Kj's in my little part of the wor

not being a paranoid person I am not worried about a publisher/third-party rights holder coming after me. As I see it the worst case scenario is I would be served a cease and desist for those works only OR would go back to slinging disc's. As I have said MANY times it is up to every host to decide what liabilities they are willing to accept ( and be willing to pay the price for the decision they make ).....funny thing is you have said the same basic thing and advocated the boycott of products


Author:  c. staley [ Sat Apr 21, 2012 3:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: UpTo 4 SC/CB certified Kj's in my little part of the wor

kjathena wrote:
not being a paranoid person I am not worried about a publisher/third-party rights holder coming after me. As I see it the worst case scenario is I would be served a cease and desist for those works only OR would go back to slinging disc's.

Has nothing to do with paranoid or not.. it's simply that by your definition, you still fit in that group. I know you don't like it and think nothing will ever come of it as though you can freely speed in front of a donut shop because the cops are busy inside, but it's still a "technical infringement."

Like I said; It's YOUR definition and now you're the one who isn't subscribing to it. You don't have permission from the publishers and you've said in the past that you don't have permission from all karaoke manufacturers either.... that puts you in your "technical infringer" group.

You can't state a condition and then pretend that you somehow don't apply to it if you fit the same conditions and benchmarks YOU put in place.

That's called a "double-standard."

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