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Another Legal thing....
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Author:  Lisah [ Wed Mar 21, 2012 3:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Another Legal thing....

I bought a couple of SC discs on Ebay, same seller for both. One looks fine, in a hard case with a barcode that shines in the light, next to the center hole. The other was in a plastic envelope, proper inserts inside but definitely printed on inferior paper to what other SC's are. AND the disc is that light green color on the burned side.. no barcode either.

What course of action do I take?

Author:  Smoothedge69 [ Wed Mar 21, 2012 3:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Another Legal thing....

Lisah wrote:
I bought a couple of SC discs on Ebay, same seller for both. One looks fine, in a hard case with a barcode that shines in the light, next to the center hole. The other was in a plastic envelope, proper inserts inside but definitely printed on inferior paper to what other SC's are. AND the disc is that light green color on the burned side.. no barcode either.

What course of action do I take?

Now you know why won't buy from e-bay. People suck.

Author:  Lisah [ Wed Mar 21, 2012 3:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Another Legal thing....

This is the first time i've bought karaoke on ebay... was one I really wanted :( and the other from the same order looks original. Guess I'll contact the seller... and go from there... they'll probably tell me it's real though.

Author:  Lonman [ Wed Mar 21, 2012 3:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Another Legal thing....

Which discs were they. Some of the last discs released were burns from SC directly.
Alos who was the ebay seller, if they were bad, let us know so we don't get fooled either.
I have not once had a bad ebay experience.

Author:  Paradigm Karaoke [ Wed Mar 21, 2012 3:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Another Legal thing....

as far as i have seen, all the CB and SC discs coming out recently have been burns and printed instead of screened. this is how they are doing it now, SC using plastic pouches with paper label inserted, CB using blank cardboard sleeves with black pringing on white disc.
nothing to worry about, hard cases and screening is more expensive so not a bad move on their part as i see it.

Author:  Lisah [ Wed Mar 21, 2012 4:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Another Legal thing....

The one I'm concerned about is 8252, Headbanger's Hits Vol. 1... it's a spotlight series and yes, I have gotten the plastic envelopes before.. and this one looks like what I've gotten. But the disc looks totally different as far as there being no barcode (hologram type) on inside ring of silver (play side).. all my other sc's have this barcode. All my others are silver on the burned side.. this 8252 is light green/blue.
I don't want to put out the ebayer's name just yet. But I will let you know .. I guess I should contact the seller or sc?

Author:  Lisah [ Wed Mar 21, 2012 5:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Another Legal thing....

Ok, well... UPS just came and brought me another SC.. looks exactly the same way as the one I'm worried about. I think I'll wait and talk to SoundChoice about them when I have the audit.
This new one came from a different seller... it's 8674 Spotlight hits of led zeppelin Vol. 2. Everything right down to the paper is the same as the first one. So maybe they are both good.
The ebayer was a 'top seller' with great feedback. This new one is a google purchase brick & mortar store in L.A. area.

When I find out for sure I'll let you guys know, But it's looking like I might have jumped the gun here :oops:

Author:  JimHarrington [ Wed Mar 21, 2012 5:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Another Legal thing....

Lisah wrote:
Ok, well... UPS just came and brought me another SC.. looks exactly the same way as the one I'm worried about. I think I'll wait and talk to SoundChoice about them when I have the audit.
This new one came from a different seller... it's 8674 Spotlight hits of led zeppelin Vol. 2. Everything right down to the paper is the same as the first one. So maybe they are both good.
The ebayer was a 'top seller' with great feedback. This new one is a google purchase brick & mortar store in L.A. area.

When I find out for sure I'll let you guys know, But it's looking like I might have jumped the gun here :oops:

Lisah, if you'd like to email me a photo of the discs (jharrington at harringtonlawpc dot com), I can verify for you whether they are genuine or not, or at least tell you whether they need more scrutiny, in advance of your audit.

Author:  Lisah [ Wed Mar 21, 2012 6:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Another Legal thing....

Sent Mr. Harrington pics of the disc.. I'll post here what he says about it :)

Got some questions about the SC audit. Does anyone who's had an audit know: What will I need available for the audit?
Show computer
Karaoke Books
CD library

I won't have speakers for the computer, they won't need to hear the songs will they? LOL We will be doing Skype. Is there anything else I need to have available? I'll be doing this from my home, not from my bosses house (too crowded and busy there).

Author:  Lonman [ Wed Mar 21, 2012 7:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Another Legal thing....

I would say since those two discs have been out of print for some time, they are fake if they are being sold as new and don't have any original jewel cases or artwork as a new one would've had.
If they are any of the sellers currently selling both those discs, they do have 7 day return policy.

Author:  Lisah [ Wed Mar 21, 2012 7:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Another Legal thing....

That's a very good possibility. However, each one is from a completely different source and they look exactly the same. Right down to the etched numbers in the center of the discs. I had to use a magnifying glass to see the numbers. I am very concerned though, because my oldest SC discs have a hologram-type bar code & disc number in the center part of the burn.
Still waiting to see what Mr. H. says though... and if nothing else I'll find out during the audit.

Author:  Lisah [ Wed Mar 21, 2012 7:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Another Legal thing....

Not all SC came with jewel cases.. I have some directly from SC that came in plastic envelopes. These envelopes look the same.. and the artwork looks the same as the original inserts.. but the paper is less quality... not plain printer paper but not the thick stuff the originals have.

Author:  Lisah [ Wed Mar 21, 2012 9:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Another Legal thing....

Just noticed something about those discs.. "Compiled and Producted by FSC - Mediaplas...... United Kingdom"

Author:  Smoothedge69 [ Wed Mar 21, 2012 9:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Another Legal thing....

Lisah wrote:
Just noticed something about those discs.. "Compiled and Producted by FSC - Mediaplas...... United Kingdom"

Producted?? Interesting

Author:  Lisah [ Wed Mar 21, 2012 10:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Another Legal thing....

Yup. I think I may have heard something about UK and Soundchoice.. but I think it was that they can't sell to the US..? or was that Australia? Too much input for my brain to handle!

Author:  Lonman [ Thu Mar 22, 2012 1:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Another Legal thing....

Lisah wrote:
Not all SC came with jewel cases.. I have some directly from SC that came in plastic envelopes. These envelopes look the same.. and the artwork looks the same as the original inserts.. but the paper is less quality... not plain printer paper but not the thick stuff the originals have.

That is true however those particular discs have been out of print LONG before they (SC) started doing discs without them which is the indicator for me!

Author:  Lisah [ Thu Mar 22, 2012 2:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Another Legal thing....

Lonman wrote:
Lisah wrote:
Not all SC came with jewel cases.. I have some directly from SC that came in plastic envelopes. These envelopes look the same.. and the artwork looks the same as the original inserts.. but the paper is less quality... not plain printer paper but not the thick stuff the originals have.

That is true however those particular discs have been out of print LONG before they (SC) started doing discs without them which is the indicator for me!

Let me see if I understand what you are saying.. the discs were out of print long before SC started sending out discs in plastic envelopes?
I agree, and i could've sworn I had some.. but just now looking through my collection.. I don't have any. (my disc library is in stacks all over my dining room table... I'm trying very hard to keep it organized! But this has made me sort through it again & again!) So, you very easily could be correct and they are fake. In which case, I let it be known where and who I bought them from. Getting my money back probably won't happen because I don't want to send them back to be sold to someone else. Hopefully, Mr. Harrington will be able to give me a clear answer in the morning. I do dread it though... because all indications are that they are bootleg. :( But, I will look at the glass half full until then.... :)

Author:  PyleDriver [ Thu Mar 22, 2012 2:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Another Legal thing....

Lisa it sounds like its time to take a Valium and deal with it when you wake. You sound frazzled...:shock:


Author:  Lisah [ Thu Mar 22, 2012 2:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Another Legal thing....

PyleDriver wrote:
Lisa it sounds like its time to take a Valium and deal with it when you wake. You sound frazzled...:shock:


LOL Pass one over dude!!

Author:  Lone Wolf [ Thu Mar 22, 2012 8:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Another Legal thing....

If you can post the picture here for all to see.
It could be that others here have the same problem and don't know it.
I've bought lots of disc's off E-bay and so far I don't see anything wrong and have never had a problem except for the 2 media clogged discs sometimes they just won't play in my player.

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