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CB Certification
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Author:  Lisah [ Tue Mar 06, 2012 8:15 pm ]
Post subject:  CB Certification

Well, Got the Hd with 12,000 songs on it, plus 100 cd's, from Chartbuster today! The hard drive has a sticker on it that says, "Licensed to:... " and a gold seal on the sticker. Does anyone know, is this the 'Certificate'? I was hoping for something to show off :)

Author:  johnreynolds [ Tue Mar 06, 2012 8:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CB Certification

Hi Lisah. I believe it also should come with a paper of certification like what's shown on the cb website, besides the stickers on the drive.

I'm hopeful ChrisAvis will chime in since he knows pretty much everything about the manus and their certifications through his experience. :)

Btw, were there lots of songs (thousands) on your 12k drive that you will never use or have never heard of? I've considered buying that drive, but don't wanna get stuck with many thousands of old country hick songs that isn't right for my locations. And how current is the drive with songs? 2010? 2012? Thanks.

Author:  Lisah [ Tue Mar 06, 2012 8:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CB Certification

I haven't had the time to really scan through it, but they told me it was their entire library... up (including) to Feb 2012. I know there's country and pop. They sent me 100 discs also, from what I can tell so far.. without pulling everyone off the spindle, it's Country Karaoke Timeline Series.. and goes back to at least 1974. I probably have every single one of the songs already, on DK, SC, MM, or even CB..
I'm thinking i'll either see if I can set up another rig or maybe sell these... Dunno yet.
Ya, I'll be calling CB tomorrow.. I want a Certificate!! :lol:

Oh, and yes, there were over 12,000 songs on the drive.. about 14,300 :)

Author:  Lisah [ Tue Mar 06, 2012 9:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CB Certification

Talked to Chris.. he got a 8 1/2 by 11 certificate.. so they just didn't put mine in there I guess.. will call tomorrow :)

Author:  PyleDriver [ Thu Mar 08, 2012 1:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: CB Certification

I got the CB6000 November 14 and my certificate 2 weeks ago. I will add, they didn't have them then, and mentioned it Greg that they should have something.


Author:  Lisah [ Thu Mar 08, 2012 2:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: CB Certification

I talked to Greg on Tuesday afternoon. He sent me the digital certificate.. but it had my full name on it not the business name. I don't give out my full name.. had a stalker a couple years ago. So glad he did know my last name!! A real nut case.. called the office from his Mental Hospital asking me to come visit him! AND told the hospital staff that I was his fiance'! I've been married for 28 years! Anyway, Greg is going to have their graphics guy change the name on the digital certificate and have the paper copy sent. No promises made as to when it will be here, but I'll be reminding him if it takes too long! Greg seems like a good guy so I'm not too worried...and I'm sure he's busy!

Author:  chrisavis [ Thu Mar 08, 2012 6:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: CB Certification

You have to stay on top of Greg. He is easy enough to work with - when he responds - :) Be patient and diligent at the same time.


Author:  Lisah [ Thu Mar 08, 2012 6:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: CB Certification

I have his cell phone number memorized!! I'll send texts and voicemails.. spent money I hadn't planned on spending, I will not let it slide!! :lol: He's been answering my emails within minutes.. that's kinda impressive!!

Author:  Lisah [ Thu Mar 08, 2012 6:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: CB Certification

Ah HA!! :D

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