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Has it been a year since your audit?
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Author:  hiteck [ Wed Feb 29, 2012 11:22 am ]
Post subject:  Has it been a year since your audit?

I seem to recall members on here going through their audits and getting there certification back in Oct. of 2010 and was curious if you were contacted from the manus you paid for certification.

Have you heard from the manus about your certificatin expiring?

Is there any additional fees to keep the certified status?

Were you required to go through the audit again?

If so, were there conditions that would have not required the audit?

Author:  hiteck [ Thu Mar 01, 2012 6:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Has it been a year since your audit?


Author:  JimHarrington [ Thu Mar 01, 2012 9:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Has it been a year since your audit?

I know it may seem like I'm on here all day, and I do check in several times a day, but sometimes I need to gather facts before posting.

Several people have asked how much it will cost to renew their SC certification, whether a re-audit is necessary after each year, and so forth. I have spoken with SC about their policy on that point, and they are going to post a clarification on their website.

The good news, for those of you who have been concerned about this, is that the audit fee is a one-time expenditure and the audit is essentially a one-time process.

Here is a statement of official policy:

Once you have completed the audit and become certified, maintaining your certification requires (1) that you continue to adhere to the Media-Shifting Policy, and (2) that you send us an updated song list and proof of ownership (disc photo and a copy of the receipt) promptly whenever you add more than 2% new songs. (For example, if you have 3,000 Sound Choice tracks, you would need to provide an update once you have added 60 new tracks, or about 4 discs' worth, to your system.) There is no fee, no audit requirement, and no time-based deadline for this update.

Of course, we may take steps to verify that your posted song list agrees with the tracks you are offering at your shows. If you are discovered to be operating with an out-of-date song list, we may suspend or cancel your certification and require a new audit to restore it.

I hope this settles the questions about "annual" fees, re-certification, etc.

Author:  johnny reverb [ Thu Mar 01, 2012 9:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Has it been a year since your audit?

If you audit someone with almost a thousand Sound Choice cdgs, having more non-double tracks than the entire Gem series contains.....why would you think this person would all of a sudden decide to start adding pirated tracks to his collection. He/she simply doesn't need to, or want to become a pirate. KJs like that, you should save everyone's time and money.......and simply put them on the "leave the he!! alone" list. Maybe they could sign something that promises to inform SC, if there collection changes hands.

Author:  hiteck [ Thu Mar 01, 2012 1:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Has it been a year since your audit?

HarringtonLaw wrote:
I know it may seem like I'm on here all day, and I do check in several times a day, but sometimes I need to gather facts before posting.

I knew that, and that's why I didn't re-direct my question to you. I knew enough time should have elapsed that some of the first KJ's to do an audit should be coming up on year one.

I appreciate you taking the time to find out the answers. As someone who isn't currently hosting, but considering it on a part time basis this is good news. If I only did a few shows a year $125 annually would be a bit expensive.

I've been invovled in quite a bit of business dealings where agreements and contracts have been involved and I'm not willing to just sign-up for something without getting the details and in writing.

Thanks again!

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