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Not renewing "Certification" now what? It's a sales strategy
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Author:  rickgood [ Sat Nov 05, 2011 6:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Not renewing "Certification" now what? It's a sales strategy

I've got a friend who is a "certified" legal KJ, according to a certain manufacturer. They have just sent him an invoice for renewal. He says he's not renewing with them at a rate of $199. Seems now they are saying the renewal fee can be used as a "credit".

He only plans to buy 4-5 discs a year from them and he says they initially said the fee would be $25-$50, but now saying $199. So if you are "required" to pay the "certification" fee of $199, but you can turn around and use it for a credit for discs. Then that makes it a pre-paid sale I believe. I might be wrong. But if he adds no more of their content, then he is not ever going to be out of compliance with their "1 to 1" requirement.

The question then would seem to be - will they come after him for not renewing? What are the repercussions of his anticipated actions? He also says if a manufacturer wants to "audit" him, they can do it at their expense, when he has time to do it. I think this will be the type of backlash that will occur. How will the 2 auditors handle this type of situation?

Author:  DannyG2006 [ Sun Nov 06, 2011 8:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Not renewing "Certification" now what? It's a sales stra

I'm not renewing my system's CB certification for the following reasons, unless the credit can go towards credits for KJ Media Pro, why would I bother. I only have 4 CB cdg's to begin with.
Had 3 when I audited. They have a record of sale of the fourth and that one was a hybrid disc. I'll just pull the three discs I had before because I can rebuy them off of the media pro drive, should they get requested, and take my chances with the newest one.
I highly doubt they would sue me over songs I bought off the Media Pro.

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