It's not just karaoke that's suffering from astounding amounts of piracy.
App Piracy: When 99 Cents is Just Too MuchFrom the article:
"Yet TechCrunch, for example, reported recently about the company GAMEized, and their experience rolling out FingerKicks, a game app they developed.
The game costs 99 cents and in a few days after release counted more than 17,000 players registered on the Apple Game Center. Unfortunately for the developers at GAMEized, only a fraction of those were players who purchased the app legally. As of a July 12 post about the issue on the GAMEized blog, not quite 1,200 legitimate copies had been sold, and nearly 16,000 pirated copies were being played – a piracy rate of more than 90 percent."
These are
HARD numbers.
I repeat again:
- Pirates are criminals who cause vast amounts of hardship to ordinary people.
- Pirates need to go to prison.