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Beer on stage legalities
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Author:  JayM8377 [ Tue Dec 14, 2010 5:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Beer on stage legalities

Forgive me for being ignorant, but that's why I'm here. I've been in the business for 5 years, and I always hear that, in addition to being a bad idea, it is against the law to have alcohol on stage when you sing, and it presents a legal issue.

Unfortunately, that's all I know. Anyone know the details behind these "laws?" Do such laws exist? If so, what are the specifics? I just want to know for my own knowledge, and I figure "It's illegal" gets better results than "because I don't want my stuff broken."

Author:  ripman8 [ Tue Dec 14, 2010 5:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Beer on stage legalities

News to me. I usually have a small table on stage for beers. No one is allowed to set them near my rack.

Author:  BigJer [ Tue Dec 14, 2010 9:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Beer on stage legalities

I use the table as well - mine's placed just off to the side and in front of my rig. Singers will put their drinks on the table almost automatically without you even having to ask unless they're going for some sort of rat pack vibe.

Author:  Lonman [ Wed Dec 15, 2010 2:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Beer on stage legalities

I don't allow smokes or drinks on stage period. Don't know about any law, I just don't want anything spilled or dropped into my equipment.

Author:  timberlea [ Wed Dec 15, 2010 4:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Beer on stage legalities

As for legalities, you'd have to check the state/province you're in as liquor is usually under their jurisdictions and it varies from place to place. You should probablyalso check with your municipality for any by-laws.

Personally, as per the rest. I say no to any liquids on stage, alcohol or not.

Author:  letitrip [ Wed Dec 15, 2010 12:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Beer on stage legalities

As timerlea said, it would probably be a state or local statute/ordinance that would cover such a thing. In my years of doing live sound reinforcement in multiple states, I've never run into that. The closest I've come is when working in a casino. I'm not sure if this is the same everywhere in the nation, but in the ones I've worked, it is a violation of gaming laws for employees to drink while on duty and when a band or production company is brought in as a private contractor, they are for that time considered employees and not allowed to drink either. Therefore no alcohol on stage or at the console, etc.

Author:  ggardein [ Wed Dec 15, 2010 12:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Beer on stage legalities

Like mentioned, that particular situation would be under a state provision, but many states allow for entertainers to be under 21, and they must not come in contact with alcohol. Also, many places are family friendly, with a separation of the bar from the rest of the establishment. I would assume in many states, a staging area used also by those under 21, would be prohibited from any alcohol usage(customers/entertainers drinking or temporarily safekeeping alcohol).

Author:  ripman8 [ Wed Dec 15, 2010 8:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Beer on stage legalities

In my state, must be no law. Since the beginning of time, live bands have been able to drink. I know some that bring their own. Most DJ's I know will have a few beers during a show. I've done shows dry, I've done them and had 3 or 4. Again, people singing at my show and others I've seen are allowed to bring their beer up.
I could see where one would make a no drinking rule. However, I think everyone would agree, karaoke and drinking go along like salt and pepper, butch cassidy and the sundance kid. Only show I've ever done alcohol free have been school based, teen parties and old folks parties.

Author:  Lonman [ Thu Dec 16, 2010 2:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Beer on stage legalities

WA state does have a law that states any entertainer - live bands, dj, karaoke, etc are not to drink while performing in a bar. Not that it's ever been enforced to my knowledge, but it is on the books I found out. So I guess that COULD theoretically apply to a karaoke singer as well.

Author:  JayM8377 [ Thu Dec 16, 2010 6:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Beer on stage legalities

Thanks for all the input guys. I'm here in NH so I guess I'll look into the state laws.

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