I doubt if most singers or even venue owners/managers care if the music is legal or not. Espically the owners/managers, if the KJ gets busted for illegal music, they can claim ignorance to the fact the KJ used illegal music
Yes, twansenne, I'm sure you're right about that!
I am confident that most venue owners (and patrons for that matter) don't care at this point whether the music is legal or not. But don't they really need to? If we are trying to clean up the industry and make it a better place for those of us trying to keep karaoke alive, don't we owe it to ourselves to get involved and educate?
Yes, they can hire the pirate for $100 or less and give us the boot, but as we educate and cull the herd, they will have to conform or quit running karaoke. If they want it at that point, they will have to pay the going rate. And I don't believe 1) we get paid what we're worth for our talents and investments, and 2) we would raise the pay to play price so high that it keeps us from being hired.
I personally think it's time that everyone knows what is happening to the karaoke industry. The bar owners didn't like it when BMI started visiting them and charging them performance fees. But they were given a choice. If SC visits, it will cost them some legal fees at the least. We can do our part by at least making an attempt to let them know what's coming if they continue to act as they have (ignorant of the law). If they knew acting that way might affect their liquor license (ie their livelihood) they might choose to act differently. Actually it could affect them as refraining from engaging in illegal activity is a normal requirement of a liquor license.
So, instead of doing nothing (as it sounds most are doing) I think making the statement is a first step. I have created a brochure with an anti-piracy statement and will be happy to discuss with anyone and refer anyone that wonders what it means. Will I lose singers? Only those that have to have every song ever written and only sing the same ones over and over. Will I turn the venue owners off? Only the one that choose to ignore the law. Those that don't care probably know that what they are doing is illegal and choose to continue. I count myself alone in my area against several pirates. The owners don't care so I'm forced to play for cheap. That doesn't mean I don't continue to educate every chance I get.
If we choose to do nothing, does that not mean that we are a part of the problem instead of a part of the solution?