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 Post subject: Re: CB Underground...
PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 3:03 pm 
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timberlea wrote:
So why should SC or any other business make a big announcement? So the perpetrators can hide what they are doing? Yeah, that's real smart.

Because they would want to drive the pirates underground in order to "help the industry " remember?

To help the legitimate kj stay in business and get more, better paying jobs..... so they in turn, could buy more music.

That's why.

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 Post subject: Re: CB Underground...
PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 5:10 am 
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Lonman wrote:
No they didn't have KIAA (Karaoke Industry Alliance of America) back then, it was SPIN (Stop Piracy Internationally Now) - their were a couple more organizations formed tryingt to kill piracy and illegal copying - this was all around 1998 when it was really first tried to be dealt with and that was just with CD copies, computer wasnt' really an issue at that point, that came a few years later. But the many of the SC Spotlights had copy warnings, $1000 rewards to those with info on successful conviction of pirates, no copying even to hard drives. CB had the same kind of warnings in theirs.
So their stance has always been don't copy. They could never have put any kind of disclaimer that their would be future audits because they didn't know they were going to do them. They decided MUCH later down the road (what 3 years ago) that they would finally allow people to copy their stuff to computer WITH a proper audit - making in an 'authorized' copy instead of an illegal copy. And the unauthorized copies have always been stamped on every disc from day one. Investigations they have been looking for illegal copies for quite a while now.

Again, the point that was being discussed is their practice of suing first and asking questions later and with little or no proof and without first providing notice of inquiry or, with VALID proof, notice to cease and desist. I did not know of SPIN either. I would not have known they were even doing anything close to what they are doing had I not scratched my head over not seeing anything new (as far as product) and reading some stuff in a forum, which is all second hand news by the way.

The points being discussed had to do with the motives behind the lawsuits based on how they are executing them, not their past stand on how they felt about copies. If I remember correctly, they also state that the discs were not for public performance, but we used them every week for shows. I must now admit that I HAVE removed the tags from mattresses as well. I feel strongly they have zero rights to claim whether the songs are used in public performance as those rights are handled elsewhere. I also feel strongly they have very limited rights with regard to copying as those rights would fall to the original artists unless SC was granted rights to the audio and lyrics. So far, from what I've heard, I am pretty darned close. I am all but certain they have zero grounds to come back "after the fact" and demand audits. An employer can not demand a non compete after an employee is hired and, in general, no one can demand a nondisclosure after information has changed hands.

My point in all of this is with respect to the over all perception that SC is on a witch hunt and they are using the courts as their dipping tank. Yes, they may get a witch or two along the way, but they are also getting a lot of others and they don't seem to care which witch is which.

I really never wanted to get into this. I just wanted to keep up with what's going on in the karaoke world. To find THIS being what's going on is sickening and it all but makes me want to get out. All I wanted in the first place was a decent place to go sing a song or two on the weekends and ended up being the one to provide it. It sure isn't worth all this and it's not even close..

I'm done talking about this bull {add the ending yourself}.

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 Post subject: Re: CB Underground...
PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 8:20 am 
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Well you had mentioned that they had NEVER mentioned anything in the past about audits or the such - they couldn't, they didn't allow it, they now do WITH an audit. Their past on fighting piracy stems back alot further - at least 1998 - including adding warnings in their disc cases. That was where I was commenting on. They're not creating anything new because of not wanting to continue losing money the second they put a product out for sale and suing those people that have never bought a disc in their life - the primary cause of them not making any more new music and the primary reason they are suing.

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 Post subject: Re: CB Underground...
PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 8:48 am 
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Just know I am not frustrated with you Lonman, or anyone else that thinks what they are doing is justified aside from the people executing this wonderful plan. I also hate that it came down anywhere close to this for what was Sound Choice. I could never find a way to justify those 100,000 song discs and I am glad they are getting to some of those sources. I just can't in anyway shape or form find any justification to what they are actually doing versus what would have been just and right. I started looking at the GEM but I don't need to be told what they think is right or wrong, especially when I don't see them doing what is right today. But its their product and they can try to assign whatever strings they want to it. I've been praying for the day the Digitrax concept developed but I can't be a part of contributing to something that the current SC and CB business model is involved in. Maybe if things change for the better.. If I'm still in things..

Anyway, just wanted to throw up the pineapple flag..

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 Post subject: Re: CB Underground...
PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 8:56 am 
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Lonman wrote:
They're not creating anything new because of not wanting to continue losing money the second they put a product out for sale and suing those people that have never bought a disc in their life - the primary cause of them not making any more new music and the primary reason they are suing.

How, pray tell, do you think that using something like "the cloud" is going to prevent it?

Remember, we work in a "sensory business" (visual and auditory) ANYTHING that comes through a computer's video card OR sound card can be captured. ANYTHING.

There is nothing to prevent someone (with nothing better to do) from capturing the audio off the cloud and creating their own version of cd+g or even mp3+g file from it.

Would they have to do everything? Nope. Just the latest, most popular songs.

It wouldn't matter if the cloud was $199/month or $9.99 month, I would venture to say that it's still going to happen. Free is always cheaper than "cheap." If you believe that it's not true and that user's buy from iTunes because it's cheap, then I don't see that any of the bit torrent sites have dried up and blown away from what I understand. Like cd+g's making the service MORE expensive for the pros will only drive and fuel the pirates to steal more. Reducing it's cost is still not going to help because of the lawsuit threat of the logo. It would be far better for a pirate to re-encode the hits with no logos or "trade dress" (what a joke that is), than it would be buy the service.

It's simply an exercise in frustration I do believe. Even though Kurt Slep calls "enforcement a sales tool."

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 Post subject: Re: CB Underground...
PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 9:17 am 
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I never said a word about the cloud.
But unless the Cloud streams come with some kind of encoding that can be shown on screen to trace it back to the subscriber - that would let whomever know who to got to first if anything that might pop up on a torrent site, I agree, anything on a computer can be captured and saved.

LIKE Lonman on Facebook - Lonman Productions Karaoke & my main site via my profile!

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 Post subject: Re: CB Underground...
PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 9:27 am 
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Lonman wrote:
I never said a word about the cloud.
But unless the Cloud streams come with some kind of encoding that can be shown on screen to trace it back to the subscriber - that would let whomever know who to got to first if anything that might pop up on a torrent site, I agree, anything on a computer can be captured and saved.

The cloud streams don't matter... if it comes through it can be captured and simply re-encoded.... no trace, no logo, no trade dress and the even the audio can be converted to a sound that is muddled and only cleared up on live playback... There are dozens of ways around the problem.

You didn't have to mention the cloud, but you've all but wiped out discs as a method of distribution - what's left? Not another "gem series" either... Is Australia the only avenue left?

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