chrisavis wrote:
Just because I have not quit my day job and tried to replace my income with karaoke doesn’t automatically make this a hobby nor should it imply that I don’t ever want to be profitable.
This is a perfect example of you twisting what I say to fit your tirade; I've never said you don't "want" to be profitable, I said you "have no incentive" to make it profitable. And even you have stated that you just might change your mind and sell off your extra disc sets "at a hefty profit" is that not correct? If karaoke was your mainstay, you'd be focused on expanding and increasing your income.
chrisavis wrote:
Also, just because I made an off the cuff comment about having had "more expensive hobbies in my lifetime" doesn't mean that I consider what I am doing here a hobby either.
I'm not a mind reader.... I can only take what you type here as your truth. Now, if you want to be able to reserve the right to make a statement one day -- then when it comes back to bite you -- simply claim it was "off the cuff" then I'll have to reconsider how much credence I should give your statements in the first place. Wouldn't you agree that's only fair?
chrisavis wrote:
I get the distinct impression that you are a little perturbed that I have a day job that allows me the freedom to execute my plans on my schedule. I don’t understand why it bothers you so much that I am supplementing my income with karaoke now with a long term goal of using it as my sole source of income in the future. I believe all of us would like to be able to ease into a new profession on our own terms and I just happen to be in that position. Why do you want to fault me for that?
Not perturbed at all. It's actually good that you have a day job that allows you to make these purchases and ease into it slowly. Heaven knows your life would drastically change if you suddenly had to pay all your living expenses off your karaoke income alone.
chrisavis wrote:
You have demonstrated over and over that you will happily make assumptions or simply ignore stated information, even when factual, and then make proclamations based upon little or no concrete information. To prove these points…..
You asked me in another thread how long it would take to get my investment back. I spoke in general terms about what I am doing now and what I am working on for the future. Anyone who reads that should realize that some of what I am doing is no small task and requires a certain level of dedication. I am quite serious about what I am trying to accomplish. That response alone demonstrates that this is much more than a hobby and that I fully intend to be profitable some day.
Dress up your narrative here with as much flowery flag-waving as you want because when it gets right down to it, you've never answered the original question put to you - "general terms" is not an answer, it's a deflection. It's almost as though you might be a little embarrassed at how much time it will actually take for you to recoup your current investment. So I'll ask you again point blank and see if you have the cajones to provide an answer; Based on your investment to date, at the current rate of pay, how long will it take to recoup your investment in your karaoke business?
I don't want to know how many dollars you've invested or even how much you make, I'm asking for a time frame -- is this too difficult for you to answer?
chrisavis wrote:
Also contrary to your statements of me not wanting to be profitable, I have stated several times in these very forums that I would someday like to have karaoke as my sole source of income. For that to happen, one MUST be profitable.
Again, I never said that and you're simply repeating your action of sticking words in my mouth. (and "someday" I want to be a lottery winner too - I'm investing in the tickets now -- right.)
chrisavis wrote:
Given that you have no clue as to exactly what I get paid for my karaoke shows, what side gigs I have lined up, what side jobs I have performed and have lined up, what my expansion plans are or what has even transpired in just the last couple of days, it is impossible for you to state that I have no desire to ever be profitable. In fact, that is exactly opposite of what I have said I would like to do with karaoke. You aren't even making an assumption since what you are stating is contrary to what I have stated my plans are. You are simply contradicting to contradict.
More drivel. Why are you so focused on something that YOU said, not me? It must be your unending desire to paint me as some evil villain out to do nothing but argue with any moving object so you're now inventing the arguments?
chrisavis wrote:
c. staley wrote:
I personally would love to see him get multiple systems going..... and then we'll see how long he'll last. That's a whole new ballgame rife with headaches he cannot right now, even fathom.
You are implying that I simply can’t cut it. That I am incapable of doing what other people on these forums, other hosting companies in my region, and any number of pirates around the United States seem to be doing just fine.
Not at all, I'm implying that you have no idea of the pitfalls that are before you. They are not as visible as you might think. War stories from KJ's with more experience are certainly lessons to be learned from the easy way, but they don't apply to your situation. And even though you believe you "know the ropes" when it comes to this business, it'll take a few years of experience in the water before you can swim and not just the theory of swimming as told to you by others.
chrisavis wrote:
I sense that you would like to see me fail.
I am only responsible for what I SAY and not what YOU understand. I don't believe I've ever alluded to that at all so please don't paint yourself as though you are now some kind of victim here, you're not.
chrisavis wrote:
Personally, I would like to buy a truck big enough for seven rigs that I can park on my property (no zoning restrictions to fight in my neighborhood) and then legally put them all into operation just to demonstrate to you that I can run a multi-rig operation efficiently and profitably. But I don’t owe you anything and I am not going to base my business model on proving you wrong.
You don't owe me anything, you got that right. BTW, the truck story that you got from WallOfSound or Thunder or InsaneKJ shows your willingness to jump on any convenient bandwagon or dogpile into something that really is none of your business - how "cheerleader" of you. And the truck wouldn't hold 7 systems, the most it would hold (packed tightly) was five. Any questions you'd like to ask me directly instead of the "gossip mill?"
chrisavis wrote:
I will continue to build my business, at my pace, with my goals and my aspirations in mind.
You may or may not be made aware of my progress as I see fit.
Good for you..... knock 'em dead and I wish you all the best in your endeavor.